MischaS_'s Reviews > Warbreaker

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
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To all of those who kept recommending Sanderson's books to me. I should have listened to you sooner.

I decided that Warbreaker would be a great start to Sanderson after it was recommended to me by several people, and I liked that it could be considered a standalone even if it's getting a sequel which it really needs!

I had no idea what to expect from this, and I was pleasantly surprised. I won't say that I love everything about this book because that was not the case. But even being unhappy about certain things was so much fun that I did not care.

I do not have much to say about the story, so, I will only write a bit about the characters.

Vasher, definitely my favourite POV, I wish there was more of those. And honestly, part of the reason why I enjoyed that so much was Nightblood. The whole best "character" in the entire book! I could read the whole book from Nightblood's POV.

Siri is still a bit of an enigma for me. I love her then I dislike her then I'm unsure about her then I'm annoyed by her and then all above. She was introduced as a free-spirited girl, but that aspect was very soon lost. She was so obedient. I expected her to flip and scream at the next person who calls her "Vessel". Like, come on! How was she okay with that?
But then she got into the "scheming", and it was so much fun. I had fingers crossed for a showdown between her and Blushweaver.

Vivenna. It's very surprising at; first I thought that I would prefer her to Siri, but in the end, I just wanted her to keep quiet and get lost.
I have to say that sometimes when I turned the page and saw that the next POV was her's, I felt a bit sad, and I hoped for Vasher's instead. Denth and Tonk Fah were mostly the only reason why I could get through her chapters. This duo is so much fun, and I would not be angry to get more of these two! Denth and Tonk reminded me a bit about Mr Croup and Mr Vandemar, which made me so happy and wanting more of them.
Together with Nightblood, the best parts of the book. I wondered if they were meant to be only a comic aspect to the book or something to carry Vivenna's chapters, but I quickly decided against that and started listening to what Denth was saying and doing! (view spoiler)
It's also why I'm so annoyed with Vivenna; she was all about how she was prepared for Hallandren that they taught her everything but then she has a meltdown when she sees a Lifeless. What preparation.
She's constantly bragging about not judging people but judges everyone all the time. "Poor Jewels, she is a Drab." Then. "Poor, Stupid Jewels, she does not realise how poor she is that she's Drab."
"Poor Siri who loves colours she must be terrified in that horrible city. I must save her." "Siri is not ready for this! I'm I was so prepared for this." "I must be really careful in the city, but I will only dress in such a way that I do not compromise how I would dress at home, spending money left and right! But I will also judge "my friend" who's doing a better job to blend in, and I will subtly call him stupid."

Somewhere halfway through the book, I wished that those poor statues, which she could not stop badmouthing (how people dare to have a different customs in how to honour/remember something/someone that she does?!), to step down and slap her stupid. (view spoiler)

Wow, finally done. I really, really dislike Vivenna if you did not get the message.

Susebron is probably one of the purest characters I read about in a very long time. I kept wishing that he had a POV, but in the end, I was happy that he did not have a one because it was not really that important. Because even without one, it was really easy to get his view on the story, he was that much of an open book. (view spoiler)

And now, Lightsong. Another character who was up and down for me. He was hilarious! But sometimes it crossed the line and the funny aspect of his acting got lost, and it was very forceful and just asking for an eye roll.
But then I enjoyed when he got stuck in politics, so much fun. And the end? PERFECT.

So, the end? Yeah, it was a bit rushed. Suddenly so much happened a bit out of nowhere and I wanted a bit more time spend on it. I wanted more on those priests and Bluefinger.

I may be complaining a bit... a lot, but overall I really enjoyed this book. Even Vivenna's chapters which were horrible could be so much fun because of Denth and Tonk Fah. So, even if I was unhappy about something, other aspects could outweigh it very quickly.

And the important question now is which book from Sanderson I should read next? Or does any of you have a good reading order for his books?
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Reading Progress

December 16, 2019 – Shelved
December 19, 2019 – Started Reading
December 19, 2019 –
30.0% "Dear people of Goodreads, tell me, am I asking too much if I want Siri to smash the next person who calls her Vessel?"
December 20, 2019 –
55.0% "Vivenna is all about being good, not judgy, not spending money and to be prepared for the city. And yet she's neither of those things."
December 21, 2019 –
90.0% "Yeah, I'm still not convinced by Vivenna."
December 22, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Eeek i hope you'll love this if/when you pick it up 🤞🤞🤞

MischaS_ Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "Eeek i hope you'll love this if/when you pick it up 🤞🤞🤞"

I really did! 😍 Thank you for the recommendation.

Meagan I haven't read much of Sanderson's but the Mistborn trilogy was good. It has a more complicated magic system then this one. or maybe it just seems that way because the magic system is more action/combat based. But I also loved his novella "the Emperor's Soul". If you like sci-fi, his YA series starting with Skyward is really good!

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling I went from this to Mistborn Era1, the first book is called The Final Empire and it legit blew my mind...but then again I am a fairly sheltered fantasy reader 😅

I had the same issues with Vivena & Siri as you did but ultimately loved how the whole story came together in the end...you were smarter than me to pick up on the clues, I was very surprised by so many of the twists lol

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

So glad you discovered a new author to love!

message 6: by Sonja⁷ (new)

Sonja⁷ I feel like everyone loves Sanderson's books, I'm glad it was to your liking as well! I definitely need to pick up one of his books in 2020 😄

MischaS_ MeaganCM wrote: "I haven't read much of Sanderson's but the Mistborn trilogy was good. It has a more complicated magic system then this one. or maybe it just seems that way because the magic system is more action/c..."

"the magic system is more action/combat based" this actually sounds very intriguing. I'll definitely consider the Mistborn series than.

MischaS_ Dita wrote: "So glad you discovered a new author to love!"

Thank you so much! I'm excited as well. 😍

MischaS_ Sonja ✧・゚。★* wrote: "I feel like everyone loves Sanderson's books, I'm glad it was to your liking as well! I definitely need to pick up one of his books in 2020 😄"

Yup, everyone was so excited with Sanderson and I was always unsure if I should read it or not, so, I finally it was time to know for sure. 😍 Hope you'll like it as well.

MischaS_ Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "I went from this to Mistborn Era1, the first book is called The Final Empire and it legit blew my mind...but then again I am a fairly sheltered fantasy reader 😅

I had the same issues with Vivena &..."

You're second to recommend Mistborn series, so, maybe that might be a good option.

I'm glad I was not the only one who had an issue with the girls, unfortunately, I was unable to get over it with Vivenna.

haha, thank you, but I honestly saw only one thing coming and the other one I thought about as a joke. 😂
I was still so confused about whether to trust the priests or not. 😂 I was so confused by it.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Yep Sando messes with our minds & makes us question everything we think we know...I'm so looking forward to the day I'm as caught up as I can be to then return and reread my faves to see if I can see the breadcrumbs earlier 😅
Prob not lolz

MischaS_ Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "Yep Sando messes with our minds & makes us question everything we think we know...I'm so looking forward to the day I'm as caught up as I can be to then return and reread my faves to see if I can s..."

Hahha, true! But I adore books where I have no idea what's going on. 😍 So much fun.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling I gotta admit I love cracking things before the author reveals stuff to us...I rarely manage with Sando but whether that says more about me than him - I dunno 😉🤔😅
We'll have to see what you think if/when you decide to pick up another of his works 😈😇

message 14: by Sonja⁷ (new)

Sonja⁷ MischaS_ wrote: "Yup, everyone was so excited with Sanderson and I was always unsure if I should read it or not, so, finally it was time to know for sure. 😍 Hope you'll like it as well."

Thank you! I love reading fantasy books so I'm almost 100% sure that I'm going to love his books, too :')

MischaS_ Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "I gotta admit I love cracking things before the author reveals stuff to us...I rarely manage with Sando but whether that says more about me than him - I dunno 😉🤔😅
We'll have to see what you think i..."

I loved the moments where I'm like "Oh, how did I not see that coming" 😳

But yeah, I'm curious to see how I'll do with his other books.

MischaS_ Sonja ✧・゚。★* wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Yup, everyone was so excited with Sanderson and I was always unsure if I should read it or not, so, finally it was time to know for sure. 😍 Hope you'll like it as well."

Thank you..."

Oh, then it could be definitely for you, it's very fantasy. 😍

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling I hope you'll enjoy whatever you pick up next!
Happy reading for 2020 sweetie 🎉🤩📚

MischaS_ @Aoife, A very successful New Year full of fantastic books for you as well. 📚

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Thank you so much sweetie 🤗

MischaS_ And thank to you for finally pushing me to read my first Sanderson.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Pushing is a strong word, I gushed incessantly about my enjoyment of Sandos books and you came to your own conclusions 😉

Do you think you'll be picking any other books of his up?

MischaS_ Hahha, at least 10 other people told me to read his books, and you finally did it, so be proud. 😂

Definitely, I already got the Mistborn series books.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Oh i am proud, lolz, just don't want the responsibilities 😎

I am so excited to hear your thoughts about Mistborn, have you the 6 published so far + novella or "just" the first 3? 😅

MischaS_ Just three 😂 I had to take pity on our post lady.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Ah you went for physical 👍📚
The first 3 are bigger than Era2...i think 😊

MischaS_ Yup, called it Christmas Bookish Santa Clause... okay, it was actually Bookish Baby Jesus since that what we have here 😂.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Bookish festive spoiling is the best 🤩📚😍🎉

MischaS_ Isn't it? But honestly, anything is a good reason to spoil yourself with books.

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling I've been repeatedly called an enabler & shoulder demon and own that with my belief that we should always spoil ourselves because we only live once & life is short so treat yo'self 👍📚😇

MischaS_ "enabler & shoulder demon" that's a badge of honour when it comes to books. 😍

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling People say that till they get to the checkout 😅

MischaS_ bookstores should start offering mortgages for books. 😂

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling As someone with a mortgage I wouldn't wish that monthly payment on anyone 🤑😅

Feel free to dm with any and all spoiler thoughts & theories when you pick up Mistborn if you need an outlet. I'd love to relive the reading experience...to read that first book for the first time again would be awesome. I think it was my favourite read last year - it was a close run thing as I truly loved so many books in 2019 but I think The Final Empire just pips it 😊

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Fantabulous review MischaS!!😉💖💋👍

MischaS_ Kat wrote: "Fantabulous review MischaS!!😉💖💋👍"

Thank you! 😍

Viburnum (hiatus) Glad to see you enjoyed this, Mischa! Sanderson really can do no wrong, huh :D I've read The Emperor's Soul and the first book of Mistborn, and I think I've found my new favourite author 😊😁 Thinking of bumping this one up my tbr list, actually!

MischaS_ Vibur wrote: "Glad to see you enjoyed this, Mischa! Sanderson really can do no wrong, huh :D I've read The Emperor's Soul and the first book of Mistborn, and I think I've found my new favourite author 😊😁 Thinkin..."

Thank you! I totally did. I kept hearing people saying "Sanderson is Awesome!" and I was afraid that I would be disappointed but no such a thing happened.
The Emperor's Soul and Misborn are totally on my to read list!

Viburnum (hiatus) @Mischa saaame, but having read a couple of his novels now, I'm absolutely blown away by the breadth of his imagination! I love the way how he draws all the plot threads together at the end. I mean, how is it possible for somebody's brain to contain all that creativity?? At this rate, I have a feeling that he'll soon become my favourite author 😁 and yes, definitely read The Emperor's Soul and Mistborn!

MischaS_ Vibur wrote: "@Mischa saaame, but having read a couple of his novels now, I'm absolutely blown away by the breadth of his imagination! I love the way how he draws all the plot threads together at the end. I mean..."

Totally... like I did not see this coming at all! His creativity is mindblowing...

Haha, which one do you recommend I read first?

Viburnum (hiatus) @Mischa I know right?! I mean, I try guessing what the plot twists would be, but none of my guesses have been correct so far :( I love how he leaves clues here and there, but the ending is still always so full of surprises, but at the same time, it all makes perfect sense, and it's like, hooow did I not see all that coming?!

Hmm, I'd definitely recommend The Emperor's Soul!! It's short and sweet, and it won't take up too much of your time at all! It's only 100 pages long, but the characterisation, plotting and worldbuilding are on point.

MischaS_ Vibur wrote: "@Mischa I know right?! I mean, I try guessing what the plot twists would be, but none of my guesses have been correct so far :( I love how he leaves clues here and there, but the ending is still al..."

Same... like, you see nothing and when all is revealed you look back and it'S all there! 😂

Oh, great to know, especially since it's that short.

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