Will Byrnes's Reviews > Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth

Blowout by Rachel Maddow
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I like driving a pickup and heating my house as much as the next person, and the through line between energy and economic growth and development is as clear to me as an electric streetlight piercing the black night. But the political impact of the industry that brings us those things is also worth recognizing as a key ingredient in the global chaos and democratic downturn we’re now living through.
Rachel Maddow is the top news personality at MSNBC, host of The Rachel Maddow Show for the last eleven years. One of the smartest people to be found on your television, or screen of choice, she relies on research, facts, and informed guests to present her viewers with as high-end an hour of political news coverage as you can find anywhere, all while being upbeat, friendly, funny, and warm. Watching her show it might not be totally obvious, because she is so nice, but she is a first class hard-edged, incisive intellectual, a Rhodes scholar with a triumph of a book already to her credit, Drift, on our national tendency to war. One other gift Maddow possesses is a talent for story-telling. Watch her A-block (the opening 20 minute segment of her show) some night, any night, for a taste. In Blowout, Maddow looks at the centrality of oil (by which we mean oil and gas) to our history and to the events of the world today.
Rachel Maddow didn't set out to write a book. But a nagging question led her there: Why did Russia interfere in America's 2016 presidential election, and why attack the United States in such a cunning way? Although the MSNBC host regularly devotes ample airtime to the topic of Russia on The Rachel Maddow Show, her digging led her to a thesis she thought was too long for TV.
- from the NPR interview
Rachel - image from Hooch.net

From her depiction of Vladimir Putin’s visit to NYC to celebrate the opening of the first Lukoil gas station in the USA, to the story of alarming means being used in an early attempt at fracking, from a look at how third-world dictators live large on oil revenues, while their people suffer, from the history of oil to the history of Putin, from the big personalities to the local damage, she takes you right there and walks you through the events like a docent leading a group through the Met, a very slippery, oily Met. Watch that glimmery puddle!

On our right is a family tree that echoes the shape of a gusher, noting the beginning of oil drilling in 1859, see where Rockefeller and Standard Oil gets into the game, and everything spreads out from there until the canvas is almost entirely covered in iridescent black goo.

John D. Rockefeller - image from Curious Historian

This one over here is quite surprising. There is a story to the mushrooms. You think fracking for natural gas is a nasty, brute force extraction method, generating vast collateral damage? You would be right of course, but in the 60s and 70s an even scarier method of loosening up the gas trapped in underground shale and sandstone was tested, three times, Nukes! Yes, that’s right. As a part of Project Plowshare, three Hiroshima-level nuclear bombs were detonated in the continental USA. Thankfully, and unsurprisingly, the resulting gas carried a level of radioactivity that was considered unmarketable, so the project was abandoned. Guess it had a very short half-life.

Moving on, look over here. We have an excellent painting that shows how the oil/gas companies control academic research as well as government regulatory agencies. Notice how the energy company board overlaps the board of the local university, the one sponsoring the researcher who is looking into the possible causes for the steroidal increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma, an increase that occurred only after the introduction of fracking technology. You might recognize the large claw-like form in the painting, and the academic in that claw being squeezed. Definitely not OK.

On your left you will see a more modern image, a dynamic sculpture, showing the recent story of fracking, very angular, as the straight vertical lines veer suddenly horizontal, but are accompanied by vast volumes of a goo called slickwater being forced into the ground. If you look back up to the top, you will see a geyser of very crude crude being forced up out of the ground. The artist has included, as part of the exhibition, a special platform around the work. Go ahead, step up. That bouncing and rumbling you feel beneath you is meant to mimic the actual experience of residents in heavily fracked locations.

Putin with his parents in 1985, before being sent to Germany as a KGB officer - image from wikimedia

These lovely gilded tryptichs up ahead tell the story of Vladimir Putin, his rise from KGB operative in Germany to possible anti-Christ. Each panel shows a step along his path, growing from unknown KGB agent to mayor of St Petersburg, to the accumulation of a group of loyalists called the siloviki (which would be a great brand name for one of the few products Russia still produces, vodka), to aligning with, then back-stabbing Boris Yeltsin, as the USSR descended from failed social experiment to full on gangster-state kleptocracy. We see in this one to your right how Pootee murders or jails not only political opponents, but anyone foolish enough to own a successful business he wants to steal. Doesn’t the blood red go so dramatically against the gold?
Russia's shaky economy, hampered by a reliance on oil and gas, helps explain the country's weakness, and "some of Russia's weakness explains why they attacked us in the way they did," Maddow argues. She says Vladimir Putin exploited Russia's lucrative oil industry to support his vision of making Russia a superpower again. "When you've got one resource that's pulling in such a big revenue stream, you tend to end up with very rich elites who will do anything to hold onto power who stopped doing the other things that governments should otherwise be doing to serve the needs of the people," she said in an interview with All Things Considered. - from NPR
Aubrey McClendon
- image from Business Insider

In the next room we have a few portraits of energy bigwigs, Aubrey McClendon, a genius at picking land to hold for resource development, promoter of shale and gas drilling in the USA and iconic Oklahoma City booster. Liked to use company money for his personal needs and had issues with price-fixing collusion. Got kicked out of his own company. Robert S. Kerr, founder of Kerr McGee, and a remarkably corrupt politician. Harold Hamm, a self-made billionaire who never saw an environmental regulation he did not hate, or a tax he was willing to accept. The big one at the end of the hall, the screaming T-Rex is, of course Rex Tillerson, still spreading carnage across the planet and not yet trapped in that tar-pit with the “DJT” inscription barely visible on it. As you can see in the painting, the artist was aware that T-Rex hunted in packs. No one is safe when these toothy critters were looking for a meal. The bones you see in the background are the remains of scientists who dared to describe the impact carbon-based energy usage has had on the planet, and residents who opposed the local leader siphoning off all the oil royalties for themselves.

Harold Hamm - image from AP via Politico

Up ahead the mural you see may remind you of Picasso’s Guernica, but this one is called The Resource Curse. It shows how a poor country discovers oil, the pastoral fields being flooded with black, the local leader growing at one end of the mural from a small bully to an inflated grotesque crushing his people alongside an even larger T-rex, the people fleeing and screaming in despair.

Teodorin Nguema Obiang Mangue, son of the Equatorial Guinea president, living large on the oil revenues siphoned from the country – image, one of many showing his impressive array of insanely expensive vehicles, from Ghafla!

Not all the reporting in the book is horrifying or depressing. Here is one that shows a ring of Russians holding hands, dressed like Americans, living in America. Russian spies, sent here to infiltrate the western enemy, sleeper cells, waiting for the day they would be summoned into action. It was the only part of the book that was laugh-out-loud funny. You’ll see why when you read it.

Ten members of the Russian spy program – the inspiration for the TV series The Americans - maybe you recognize a former neighbor here? – image from ABC.Net.AU

The next room is kept nicely refrigerated. The ice sculpture in the middle of the room shows an oceanic drilling rig, with dark lines standing in for the inability of the rigs to keep from leaking, and the parts scattered on the icy ocean surface standing in for the advanced safety rig elements that were not used in these early drilling attempts.

The Discoverer - grounded in Unalaska, AK, unable to handle Arctic winds – not reassuring – image from Pew Trust

As our tour comes to an end, you can leave those parkas in the bin by the door, and be sure to load up with paper towels from the table ahead. It would appear that the billions invested by the energy business in advancing the technology of extraction has in no way been matched by investment in researching clean-up tech. You hold in your hands the state of the art in oil spill clean-up. Pause briefly to smile.

Before you read Blowout, you should stock up on your blood pressure medication, maybe schedule some extra time for mindfulness, meditation, or whatever works to keep you from completely losing your mind to absolute rage.

Recently a religious friend wondered whether the current president might be the anti-Christ promised in the epistles of John, (and in Islamic lore as well). I suppose Trump would serve as well as any, but on further thought, it seemed to me that, as Trump was very much a puppet of Putin, and thus deserved a demotion, and as Putin was not only running Trump, but has his tentacles around many political and non-political people of importance around the planet, it was Pootee who deserved the title more. On reading Maddow’s book, I am having third thoughts.

If Putin is the source of most of the evil in the world (well, certainly a lot of it, anyway) who or what is it that is moving Putin? As you will see in Blowout, much of the mischief Putin has engaged in regarding the USA elections stems from a desire to remove the sanctions imposed after Pootee hacked off the Crimean piece of Ukraine to be absorbed into the Russian Borg. Limitations on the fluidity of the oligarch funds in the West were problematic, particularly as Pootee was the biggest oligarch of them all. But even worse was the limitation placed on western investment in Russia. On its own, and despite its spectacular glut of natural petro/gas resources, Russia is just this side of a failed state, unable to keep up with advances in technology that are now widespread in the West. Russia NEEEEDS the western investment of contemporary extraction technology to retrieve the resources with which it has been blessed, having placed all his national development chips on oil and gas. It is only the nerve of western leaders like Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Joe Biden, with the bi-partisan support of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and other western nations, that saw to it that sanctions were imposed. This kept Pootee from being able to fully exploit Russia’s carbon-based fuel supplies. Not that he or his minions are gonna starve any time soon, but they cannot come close to realizing their ultimate avaricious or nationalistic fantasies without modern means of sucking every last drop out of the ground. And as energy resources have become a primary usable weapon (really, if he let loose the nukes, Russia, and much of the world, would be in cinders in an hour, so not really a practical weapon for immediate needs) in Russian geopolitics, (along with cyber-crime of diverse sorts) he would like to be as well-armed as possible.

==========In the summer of 2019 GR reduced the allowable review size by 25%, from 20,000 to 15,000 characters. In order to accommodate the text beyond that, I have moved it to the comments section directly below.

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Reading Progress

November 2, 2019 – Started Reading
November 2, 2019 – Shelved
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: american-history
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: books_of_the_year-2019
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: brain-candy
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: economics
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: history
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: nonfiction
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: politics
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: public-health
December 14, 2019 – Shelved as: trump
December 14, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Will (last edited Mar 19, 2020 02:23PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes ========================REVIEW CONTINUED

But what difference would it make if Western Energy industries were not cool with making deals with a completely corrupt kleptocratic dictator? Well, turns out it is not only business as usual for the likes of BP and Exxon, but actually their preferred way of doing business. The willingness of Western oil and gas companies to share advanced extraction technology with Russia, and nations with the same sort of amoral leadership, is what allows dictators across the planet to remain in power and enrich themselves at the expense of their people and at the expense of the welfare of the entire planet. If Pootee enables Trump, it is the energy extraction transnationals that enable creatures like Pootee. So, our winner, and new champion in the antichrist marathon is the Western oil and gas extraction goliaths. National leaders are merely stealing billions to stuff into their pockets. The energy companies are helping them do that, propping up corruption worldwide, and destroying the planet at the same time. Congratulations.

Maddow being Maddow (she is, after all, a goddess) she finds reason for optimism in that a US government willing to demand regulatory reform, willing to insist on transparency in foreign dealings, could make a very real, concrete difference globally.

Maddow’s has an ability to track through the alarming links between this and that, offering insight even to those of us who were largely aware of most of the material in the book. There are still plenty of surprises, and still plenty of reason to stock up on BP (blood pressure, not British Petroleum) meds. Maddow in a book is like a film version of Maddow on MSNBC. The same talent for story-telling, the same intelligence and perception, but on a much larger scale, IMAX even. It certainly does seem that the timing of this book’s release could not have been more propitious, given how much she writes about Russia, Ukraine, and the games being played by Putin and others to corrupt a country that is trying to end an era of terrible corruption, and subvert the USA into an era of heightened corruption and division. Scary relevant. If you are at all interested in global energy policy, Putin’s machinations in Ukraine and the USA, Arctic drilling, or the role of energy companies in nations across the world, you owe it to yourself to check out this book. It is fuel for your mind.
The meek may inherit the earth, but the bold could certainly screw it up in the interim.

Review posted – December 20, 2019

Publication date – October 1, 2019

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to the author’s personal, TRMS, and Twitter pages

-----MSNBC - Interview with Nicolle Wallace - really, you do not need more than this one
-----NPR - Rachel Maddow On How Russia's 'Resource Curse' Drove Putin To Election Interference

Items of Interest
----- US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations - Keeping Foreign Corruption Out of the United States: Four Case Histories - released in 2010
-----US Senate Foreign Relations Committee - The Petroleum and Poverty Paradox: Assessing U.S. and International Community Efforts to Fight the Resource Curse - 2008
-----Taylor Francis Online - Long-term impacts of unconventional drilling operations on human and animal health – by Michelle Bamburger and Robert Oswald
-----The Russian gas pipeline to Europe Nord Stream, opened in 2011
-----PEW Trust – March 2013 - Troubled Drilling Season Raises Question About Arctic Readiness
-----Insights -
Coping with Earthquakes Induced by Fluid Injection - Austin Holland et al 2015 paper that led the state to accede to the reality of fracking-induced seismicity
-----Carnegie Endowment for Peace - Russia’s Transition to Democracy and U.S.-Russia Relations: Unfinished Business - by Michael McFaul – September 30, 2003
----- He felt the earth move when scientists nuked western Colorado - by Chester Mcqueary - December 12, 1994
-----NY Times Magazine - This Is the Moment Rachel Maddow Has Been Waiting For - by Amanda Hess
-----Project Rulison - more on the use of nukes in fracking in the USA
-----The members of Pussy Riot were arrested after performing their song Putin Zassal, or, Putin Pissed Himself in Red Square – Check here for the lyrics

message 2: by Will (last edited Dec 19, 2019 09:02PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes reserved

message 3: by Hanneke (new)

Hanneke Great review, Will. You really are an expert in pondering upon the present alarming state of the world and its leaders. Well, may I nevertheless wish you Happy Holidays and a fine New Year. Hopefully, a nice impeachment year!

message 4: by Fionnuala (last edited Dec 23, 2019 01:00AM) (new)

Fionnuala Thanks for that very striking oil painting, Will. I need to start watching Rachel Maddow.

Will Byrnes Hanneke wrote: "Great review, Will. You really are an expert in pondering upon the present alarming state of the world and its leaders. Well, may I nevertheless wish you Happy Holidays and a fine New Year. Hopeful..."
Thanks, H. Vrolijk Kerstfeest und Een gelukkig nieuwjaar back at ya.
Sadly, the impeachment is likely to end with an acquittal in the Senate. The fix is already in. But hopefully life can be made uncomfortable for Senators who ignore what is right in front of their eyes.

Will Byrnes Fionnuala wrote: "Thanks for that very striking oil painting, Will. I need to start watching Rachel Maddox,"
Thank you Fionnuala. Rachel is the state of the art in political television.

message 7: by Hanneke (new)

Hanneke Well, yes, of course an impeachment is not in the stars, but we can enjoy, hopefully, a lot of embarrassment! Cheers, Will!

Adrienne Day Will - love and agree with your review. Maddow is an importance force and everything she mentions about Oklahoma is accurate. I have lived here since the 1990s. Enlightening, sound research with insightful connections. I would recommend this book for everyone to read.

Will Byrnes Thanks, Adrienne. Rachel is the best. I agree that everyone should read this book.

message 10: by Colleen (new) - added it

Colleen Browne Thank you for writing another brilliant review. Rachel is the best. Unfortunately, I do not have MSNBC now and I do so miss her show.

message 11: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Colleen. You can get a lot of her show online here.

message 12: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Dennis. Considering that I was a systems analyst and programmer for over two decades, maybe it seeped in a bit too much.


Does not compute.


When I run into a problem, I first check to see if I am plugged in. If that does not work I can usually take care of it by turning myself off, waiting a few minutes and then turning myself back on.

message 13: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Not rude at all, Bro.

message 14: by mwana (last edited Dec 23, 2019 09:58PM) (new) - added it

mwana Great review Will. You should also check out Masha Gessen

message 15: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Mari. I did read Gessen's book, but did not post a review.

message 16: by mwana (new) - added it

mwana Will wrote: "Thanks, Mari. I did read Gessen's book, but did not post a review."

Have you seen her NYer articles showing the similarities to Trump and Putin? She also did a small bit of it on Sam Bee https://youtu.be/rwQeKSlY56Q

message 17: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Have not seen the New Yorker bits, but did see the Sam Bee piece, which remains funny and terrifying.

message 18: by L.e. (new)

L.e. Thank you for your review. I love Rachel Maddow's unique, brilliant take on things but was afraid this book might be too dry and dense. You did a fabulous job of describing how Rachel inserts the funny, ironic MSNBC Rachel into the story. Although you sound way, way more intelligent than me, I really appreciated your humor in this dark subject.

message 19: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thank you, L.E. Not exactly LOL, for the most part, aside from the chapter on the Russian sleepers, but plenty of snickers scattered throughout.

message 20: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda Great review - am loving the book. I find it had to put down.

message 21: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Linda. It certainly is rage-inducing.

message 22: by Roger H. Ford (new)

Roger H. Ford Poetry

message 23: by Will (last edited Jan 10, 2020 09:20PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes There once was a man from Nantucket
Who said what incredible luck it
Was that we have Maddow
to shine light in shadows
A gusher of truth and a we’ve struck it!

message 24: by Chris (new) - added it

Chris Fabulous review!

message 25: by Will (last edited Jan 24, 2020 09:03PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Chris

message 26: by Rose (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rose Great review. I listen to the audio version and it was great hearing the compelling content in the author’s voice!

message 27: by Will (last edited Mar 20, 2020 09:09PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Rose. Rachel is a force of nature.

Bridget Marie Johnston I love this review. I just finished the book, and feel the need to let my mind digest it for a little while, because it is a lot to process. This is an excellent synopsis. You’ve really helped to tie everything together for me and cement it in my brain. Thank you for that!

message 29: by Will (last edited Jun 30, 2021 01:34AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Bridget. Maddow is a first-class analyst and writer. Her work should be read by everyone.

message 30: by Rae (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rae Rachel is an excellent story teller and Journalist, Blowout is well researched and impeccably written. Big oil is the most destructive and corrosive industry on the globe. Exposes the urgent need to clean up our act and get the clean renewable energy industry moving forward and get busy protecting democracy against greedy grifters. I suggest splurging on audible and listen to Rachel's grammy award winning narration.

Annie Oosterwyk Great book and great review! I love your gallery analogy- very creative!

Jimmy Rachel Maddow may be the greatest news commentator of all time.

message 33: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes She would get my vote

message 34: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Annie wrote: "Great book and great review! I love your gallery analogy- very creative!"
Sorry, Annie. This one slipped by when it was posted. Thanks for your kind regard,

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