MischaS_'s Reviews > So You've Been Publicly Shamed

So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson
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it was amazing
bookshelves: english, books-i-own, bookshelf-in-my-flat

Last October I read The Psychopath Test, I had no idea what to expect, and I was blown away. And Goodreads being the amazing place it is, I had people recommending me to read this one.

It sounded very interesting, so, I went and bought it straight away!

And let me tell, I maybe liked it even more than I did the Psychopath Test? It might be due to the fact that I already read Jon Ronson's book, and it made more sense this time around. It was easier to see how it all connected. Plus, I already knew it was not a fiction story. (Yeah, I had a bit of dumb moment with the Psychopath test.)

The story was great; I have to say that I generally stay away from Twitter because I always get angry there and/or disappointed with the world. So, I did not know any of those stories the book mentioned. It was all new to me. I'm honestly thinking about reading up more about some of them because it will be very interesting to compare the initials feelings which I had after reading about them in this book with those I'll have then.
I felt sorry for several people.
I wanted to ask what they were thinking.
One broke my heart.
Some "culprits" were not exactly sympathetic to me.
And I had a very hard time feeling anything toward them.
Then, they were those people who inspired me a bit. They looked the shame in the eyes and remained unbowed.

“As soon as the victim steps out of the pact by refusing to feel ashamed,” he said, “the whole thing crumbles.”

“I suppose that when shamings are delivered like remotely administered drone strikes nobody needs to think about how ferocious our collective power might be.”

I liked the complexity of the story. How those people were shamed. How they dealt with it. What's behind the "public shaming mentality". Also, how differently men and women are usually shamed, which I never really realised but thinking now about it, it's pretty terrifying truth. And I have to say that I enjoyed the little tidbits where Ronson explained how he identified with those who shamed them.

"I consider myself a social justice person. It was my people, abusing our power,[...]"

It was not a crucial part of the book. But it's still my favourite.

Anyway, the important question is which Ronson book I should read next?

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February 19, 2020 – Started Reading
February 24, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

So cool!

Scott I read this almost five years ago - I remember it being very interesting.

Lexie Lawless Aw yay! I'm glad you liked it! I'm not big on social media either so this kind of phenomenon just straight baffled me. It's like accidental but dangerously effective pyramid scheme bullying or something, creeped me out.

message 4: by Federico (new)

Federico DN Great review Mischa!

ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔ Fab review! Never heard of this book

MischaS_ G. wrote: "I really hope I get around to this one this year."

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! It was really great.

MischaS_ Dita wrote: "So cool!"

It is!

MischaS_ Scott wrote: "I read this almost five years ago - I remember it being very interesting."

It definitely was, made you think about how much you use social media... and how much power they have.

MischaS_ Lexie wrote: "Aw yay! I'm glad you liked it! I'm not big on social media either so this kind of phenomenon just straight baffled me. It's like accidental but dangerously effective pyramid scheme bullying or some..."

I definitely did! Thank you for the recommendation. I also do not use social media that much... mostly Goodreads and FB just for chatting, did not post there anything in 8 years. And yeah, while I can appreciate the power the social media have in doing a good thing. I also think that the power to destroy someone for posting a comment should not be there... or at least it should not be that easy.
However, this book blew my mind. Especially since all the cases were new to me.
The online world is definitely a scary place.

MischaS_ Federico wrote: "Great review Mischa!"

Thank you so much!

MischaS_ sue wrote: "Fab review! Never heard of this book"

Thank you so much! Yeah, me neither... just last year I bought a different book by Jon Ronson which lead me to read this book. I definitely recommend you checking a Ronson book, really interesting reading.

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Fantabulous review MischaS!👍💞💋😉

MischaS_ Kat wrote: "Fantabulous review MischaS!👍💞💋😉"

Thank you so much. 😍

message 14: by Igor (new)

Igor Veloso Its pretty amazing (and terrifying) how Twitter got so powerful, huh? Id say the key to it is thinking as an online ecochamber you shouldnt get too attached, avoiding the rabbit hole...yet...people are getting their lives destroyed by it and even policies are enacted because of it. Its crazy!

MischaS_ Igor wrote: "Its pretty amazing (and terrifying) how Twitter got so powerful, huh? Id say the key to it is thinking as an online ecochamber you shouldnt get too attached, avoiding the rabbit hole...yet...people..."

Yeah, I personally never got into Twitter. But it's so terrifying how much power it has. On one side, great when you need help or something. But on the other side, it can destroy someone in a blink of an eye. It's so crazy that there is power to do something so easily.
It reminds me of what my parents used to say about fire... that it's a good servant but a bad master. It definitely applies to social media as well.

message 16: by Tani (new)

Tani That's why going anonymous is the best thing ever.

MischaS_ Tani wrote: "That's why going anonymous is the best thing ever."

I totally agree... And privacy settings are so important.

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