Still's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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really liked it

Rarely have I enjoyed a speculative-fiction/horror novel as much as I have this one.
"Epic" hardly begins to describe it.

Basically an oral history of a worldwide war against the undead told by various characters who played pivotal roles in significant incidents.

If you're into this sort of thing you've probably already read this novel. If you're not intrigued about anything related to Zombies maybe you'd best skip this one.

For what it's worth the Goodreads page count is off. My page count of this novel is 420 pages.
Way too many pages than necessary.
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Reading Progress

September 2, 2019 – Shelved
September 2, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 26, 2019 – Started Reading
November 26, 2019 –
page 78
22.81% "Started this today on the train on the way down to Manhattan to visit my wife’s family & celebrate Thanksgiving. Zombies, turkey & dressing and in-laws ... what a perfect match."
November 27, 2019 –
page 140
November 28, 2019 –
page 209
61.11% "Remarkable. Nothing at all like the stupid but visually exciting Brad Pitt movie. Particularly moving at times. Especially when world leaders and their commanders decide on using the South African “Redekker Plan”. Chilling."
November 29, 2019 –
page 280
November 30, 2019 –
page 332
97.08% "Rarely have I enjoyed a speculative-fiction/horror as much as I have this one.
"Epic" hardly begins to describe it."
December 1, 2019 –
page 333
97.37% "Man ...come onnnnnn!
Great entry in the Horror genre but I'm getting tired of turning pages.
End this already!
Goodreads lists this as being 342 pages. This edition is 420 pages.
I'm on page 380."
December 2, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Philip If you get a chance, you should listen to the full audio version, where every character is voiced by a different famous (or semi-famous) actor - one of the better audio productions out there for one of the better books. Unfortunately, Brooks has yet to approach this level again in any of his later works.

If you're at all into "the zombie thing," you should also read The Girl with All the Gifts - also best in audio. These two are really the twin high points of the entire zombie genre.

Still Thanks for the heads-up, Philip

Paul Have read and enjoyed the book and now have a copy of the audio, which i am looking forward to listening to, at some point. Thanks for the recommendation Philip.

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