Matthew's Reviews > Great Expectations

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: classic, required-reading-high-school, borrowed

Note: this 2 stars is a 25 year ago high school required reading memory. I may do a reread of this some day so the two star is subject to change.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
May 19, 2019 – Shelved
May 19, 2019 – Shelved as: classic
May 19, 2019 – Shelved as: required-reading-high-school
May 19, 2019 – Shelved as: borrowed

Comments Showing 1-50 of 63 (63 new)

Tracey I went through a Charles Dickens stage, and I am still in love with this book. What didn't you like about it?

Matthew Tracey wrote: "I went through a Charles Dickens stage, and I am still in love with this book. What didn't you like about it?"

This is a high school rating - so, it is a 25 year ago placeholder (I should probably write a short disclaimer in the review about that)😁

So, I don't have specifics, I just remember it being one I did not care for back then. But, I have been working back through rereading some of my required high school reading, so some day this rating might change.

Tracey My daughter is doing the same. She said HS ruined some books for her, as they had to dissect them. She is rereading them and enjoying them more.

message 4: by ~☆~Autumn (new)

~☆~Autumn I like your current rating and "place holder". They love to torture us in high school.

Matthew Tracey wrote: "My daughter is doing the same. She said HS ruined some books for her, as they had to dissect them. She is rereading them and enjoying them more."

It seems only fair to give them a second chance! I have also reread some books that I loved and didn't like them quite as much any more.

For a book where my perspective changed, check out my review of Jane Eyre

Henry I had to read an abridged version as a freshman in high school and at that time would have given it negative stars. Four years later in college I read the unabridged version (on my own--not part of any course) and was amazed at how good it was. I have since read it twice more. Definistely 5 stars when you are not compelled to read a crappy abridgment by a crappy teacher. As an a aside the more comments I read about high school required reading experiences (as well as my own), the more I become convinced that the English literature requirement in high school should be replaced by napkin folding or anything that is not going to ruin great literature for a generation. P.S. this is not just based on experience from decades ago. I personally have met several current high school English teachers and they are basically dumb as a rock. I have tried to discuss books with them and their response is "I don't read books in my spare time--that's work."

Cynda Pieces of literature can be such opportunities for big learning curves, then being forced to do that curve at someone else's pace can be maddening. Glad we each get to choose our own pace now.

Matthew Henry wrote: "I had to read an abridged version as a freshman in high school and at that time would have given it negative stars. Four years later in college I read the unabridged version (on my own--not part of..."

Holy cow! Thanks for all that background!

You know what it reminds me of? When I read Animal Farm in high school, I couldn't put it down. And since it is not very long, I finished it in one day. Awesome, right? My teacher should be so proud that I got into it, right!?

Nope, I got in trouble for reading ahead of the assigned chapters . . .

message 9: by Dave (new) - added it

Dave Hi school 🏫 ruined Dickens

Matthew Cynda wrote: "Pieces of literature can be such opportunities for big learning curves, then being forced to do that curve at someone else's pace can be maddening. Glad we each get to choose our own pace now."

Exactly! I suppose it is tough because teaching books is part of the curriculum, but not everyone reads the same way . . .

Matthew Dave wrote: "Hi school 🏫 ruined Dickens"

Sadly, probably that way for lots of authors. I read A Tale of Two Cities recently and liked it okay - I never had to read it in high school, though.

BAM doesn’t answer to her real name I have no doubt this review will change. All of the books I’ve reread from school have had an increase in rating.

Ashley Jacobson I loved reading in high school (although struggled a lot of the time with being told exactly what to read when). I tried reading this on my own time and literally cried because it was just too challenging. Which is funny because I had read TOTC the year or two before, so it’s not like I’d never done Dickens. And I loved long, hard books I don’t know why it was too challenging, but it was. I gave up at the fine. A couple years later I read this for a college course (summer study abroad in London) and loved it. I absolutely fell in love with Dickens. So this now holds a special spot in my heart because of how it made me feel. It’s a powerful book!

message 14: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue K H I don't rate (or mark as read) anything I read in high school or prior. I used to only like horror and thriller books back then. I didn't like any book that was required reading. Loving them now.

message 15: by GW (new) - rated it 4 stars

GW I must give this one a re-staring. After reading the comments on this tread I feel I was unjust. The book has staying power and was memorable raising it above many classics I've read these last 25 years. (****)

Matthew BAM wrote: "I have no doubt this review will change. All of the books I’ve reread from school have had an increase in rating."

I am hopeful!😃

Matthew Ashley wrote: "I loved reading in high school (although struggled a lot of the time with being told exactly what to read when). I tried reading this on my own time and literally cried because it was just too chal..."

I am definitely hoping for the same experience! Glad it had such a dramatic change for you!

Matthew Sue wrote: "I don't rate (or mark as read) anything I read in high school or prior. I used to only like horror and thriller books back then. I didn't like any book that was required reading. Loving them now."

That's probably a good policy!👍 Luckily, I only have a few that I don't remember fondly.

Matthew Gary wrote: "I must give this one a re-staring. After reading the comments on this tread I feel I was unjust. The book has staying power and was memorable raising it above many classics I've read these last 25 ..."

How many stars did you give it previously?

message 20: by Audrey (new)

Audrey I’ve added a Try-Again shelf for some of my high school reads. (Some, like Brave New World, I know I’d still dislike.)

Matthew Audrey wrote: "I’ve added a Try-Again shelf for some of my high school reads. (Some, like Brave New World, I know I’d still dislike.)"

Oh! Brave New World is one of my favorites! (But, I will not shame you for not liking it!😉)

message 22: by Audrey (new)

Audrey I was forced to read it TWICE, and that was more than enough.

Matthew Audrey wrote: "I was forced to read it TWICE, and that was more than enough."

Ugh! Luckily it has only been once for me, so there may be one more try in it for me!

message 24: by Shainlock (new) - added it

Shainlock Ohhhh I totally get it. My ball and chain through school was Beowulf. And it was like 5 times. Off with their heads... get it away !!!

Matthew Shaina wrote: "Ohhhh I totally get it. My ball and chain through school was Beowulf. And it was like 5 times. Off with their heads... get it away !!!"

5 times! Holy cow!

Colleen I only liked the second part of the book - things made more sense.

Matthew Colleen wrote: "I only liked the second part of the book - things made more sense."

So, you are saying to skip the beginning?😉😃

Jason Pierce I hope you enjoy it when you get around to trying it again. I, too, didn't like it in high screwl, but now it's one of my favorite books. Good luck.

Matthew Jason wrote: "I hope you enjoy it when you get around to trying it again. I, too, didn't like it in high screwl, but now it's one of my favorite books. Good luck."

Thanks, Jason! I do have it queued up on Audible, but not sure when I will get to it. Working my way through Anna Karenina at the moment. I am hoping for the best when I get to it!

Jason Pierce Matthew wrote: Thanks, Jason! I do have it queued up on Audible, but not sure when I will get to it. Working my way through Anna Karenina at the moment. I am hoping for the best when I get to it!"

Do you have the version narrated by Gildart Jackson? I thought that was fantastic.

Matthew Jason wrote: "Do you have the version narrated by Gildart Jackson? I thought that was fantastic."

There are several options and that is one of them! I will keep that in mind! Thanks for the rec. 🙂

Matin  Pyron I read this book back in November, I quite enjoyed the plot twist.
I remember I gave it 5 stars!

message 33: by Leah (new) - added it

Leah I read this and gave it quite a high score.. i really enjoyed the story

Matthew Matin wrote: "I read this book back in November, I quite enjoyed the plot twist.
I remember I gave it 5 stars!"

Yeah - the more and more I see people talk about this one, the more I think adult me will like it better than teenage me did!

message 35: by Eileen (new)

Eileen I seem to recall my sister reading this in high school and not really liking it. Thankfully I was assigned David Copperfield in my class and I ended up really liking it. My third sister was assigned Tale of Two Cities and she said it was good. In any case, as an adult, I'm thinking I should give this and the other Dickens novels a real chance. Especially because I ended up liking Bleak House much more than I expected to. I will probably start with David Copperfield and see if I can remember any of it since I did like it in high school. One of my daughter's teachers said Dickens is his favorite classic novelist, so I decided I might give him a fair shake, lol.

Matthew Leah wrote: "I read this and gave it quite a high score.. i really enjoyed the story"

These words of encouragement are the reason I feel I really must give it another chance. Fingers crossed!

Eliza Please reread this!! Such a good book 🤗

message 38: by Audrey (new)

Audrey I had to read Tale of Two Cities in high school. I liked the plot fine, but it was so wordy, it drove me nuts. I think that issue would still bother my editor training today.

message 39: by Alondra (new) - added it

Alondra Miller 😩😖😫😫 Poor Dickens. Hehehhee.... no expectations of greatness here. If I gave ratings from high school; so many books would get the burn, you hear me!! Of course, in high school I loved Catcher in the Rye.....

message 40: by Alondra (new) - added it

Alondra Miller 🏃‍♀️🌫

Matthew Eileen wrote: "I seem to recall my sister reading this in high school and not really liking it. Thankfully I was assigned David Copperfield in my class and I ended up really liking it. My third sister was assigne..."

I have ended up enjoying other Dickens that I have read as an adult. Great Expectations was the only one I read when I was under 20. So, I want to give this and others (like David Copperfield) a chance.

Kelli I had to read this in 9th grade. I would not say this was a fun read but it definitely left an impression. Even after all these years the imagery and feelings this book produced has stuck with me. I typically avoid Thomas Hardy and I cautiously read Dickens when I feel I can handle it.

Matthew K. Elizabeth wrote: "Please reread this!! Such a good book 🤗"

Thank you for the encouragement, K. Elizabeth! :) I swear I will someday! :D

Matthew Audrey wrote: "I had to read Tale of Two Cities in high school. I liked the plot fine, but it was so wordy, it drove me nuts. I think that issue would still bother my editor training today."

I ended up enjoying A Tale of Two Cities, but it was quite a bit wordier than I felt it needed to be. So, I definitely agree with you on that! If I can get past the wordiness and enjoy the story, I will be satisfied even if it is a bit of a chore.

Matthew Alondra wrote: "😩😖😫😫 Poor Dickens. Hehehhee.... no expectations of greatness here. If I gave ratings from high school; so many books would get the burn, you hear me!! Of course, in high school I loved Catcher in t..."
Alondra wrote: "🏃‍♀️🌫"

HA! I like the little person running away!

You joke about "expectations of greatness" . . . I remember saying something like that several times in relation to this book. But . . . I'm a Dad . . . so, Dad jokes required! :)

message 46: by Alondra (new) - added it

Alondra Miller Matthew wrote: "You joke about "expectations of greatness" . . . I remember saying something like that several times in relation to this book. But . . . I'm a Dad . . . so, Dad jokes required! :).."

Yep. We parents pretty much make the same statements. I like those that have "potential" in them... LOL

Matthew Kelli wrote: "I had to read this in 9th grade. I would not say this was a fun read but it definitely left an impression. Even after all these years the imagery and feelings this book produced has stuck with me. ..."

I actually really like Thomas Hardy . . . I know, weird, right!?

message 48: by Mariette (new)

Mariette That's a one star for me. I HATED this book.

Matthew Mariette wrote: "That's a one star for me. I HATED this book."

Did you read it recently or is it a required reading memory for you, too?

Lorna Oh Matthew, I guess you really didn’t like this classic. I loved this book but yet I love Charles Dickens’ writing.

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