Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Dracula

Dracula by Bram Stoker
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bookshelves: horror

It´s just freaking rabies

Don´t make such a melodramatic show about it
But seriously, when one takes a vampire and a person infected with rabies and compares them, the similarities are stunning. Hates each liquid, not just holy water, can´t stand sunshine anymore, gets some mental issues, something with 40 days and death, I forgot the exact detail, just google it. Because of this still not done, urgently needed medical science experiments and studies, many people don´t

Appreciate and understand the far more sophisticated vampire
While a person infected with rabies has just become an animal with a death expiration date, the vampire has the willpower and magic to turn the virus into an engine of immortality. By still not understood biochemical and quantum mechanisms, the vampire creates a symbiosis with the rabies virus that exchanges ordinary, or, for best results, virgin human blood for superhuman strength, shapeshifting, intuitively perfect dressing style, and intolerance against werewolves. Sadly no alternative vegan option for blood is available until now. Because of the

The xenophobia of humans against vampires
They are forced to live hidden under us, most probably active in nightlife. Here, they are difficult to find, even in stereotypical outfits, because ridiculous human fashion trends like emo, poser skater/rapper, or hipster make it tricky to find out if someone is real or fake, deep in the flesh of your neck or dumb. Even in the original medieval Sir outfits, they are perfectly hidden and camouflaged in illegal, underground vampire live action role playing games, VLARPs, or any kinky paraphilia, blood drinking BDSM, stuff humans tend to be into. One could easily have more swallowed than one wished to be sucked out deep and long. Including one's soul. Bram Stoker couldn´t imagine

This sociocultural evolution of the first modern vampire descriptions he created
By far not as cool and stylish as modern vampires, the original Dracula has become such a massive mega trope like Frankenstein that his stereotype was transformed into a higher archetype for antagonistic magical creatures. A naive lawyer protagonist gets a bit suspicious about Count Dracula's behavior, but doesn´t really care that much at first because it´s not in his backyard and he seemingly hasn´t that much skin in the game. It escalates quickly then, the mentioned rabies symptoms are combined with a fetishization of religious acts, objects, and words, the biggest dangers for classic vampires. In contrast,

For the modern vampire the biggest fears
Are illegal, or secret military, underground vampire cloning, and experimentation facilities. A crazy scientist doesn´t need any fancy serum to Captain America the voluntary or involuntary human lab rat if the test subject is already naturally pimped and one just has to include some experimental nanotech and biotech (or the mentioned quantum/experimental physics to add some time travel, parallel universes, and uchronia to the blood sucking, Vampnazis, -Hippies, -Neoliberals (even more!) or stuff). Back to the original show, the

Dark comedy slapstick search for hints continues
Until the obvious facts are, self irony style, revealed. Some explicit violence, sexy vampire ladies and aspiring wannabes, and a sightseeing tour accelerate the plasma (overuse of word blood in this review) engine until Van Helsing enters the scene and thereby creates another trope titan, the grim antihero fighter against evil magic creatures. No matter if it´s the original novel inspired by old tales and history, modern Blade or sparkle sparkle little star variants, or what will come in the future. Vampires just freaking rock and suck at the same time hard and enthusiastically.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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January 4, 2019 – Shelved

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message 1: by Pedro (new)

Pedro A very interesting overview of the myth of the vampire. I must say that it is very rich in symbolism, in relation with the times it was written (the vampire allows himself wild sex, with no guilt: shock and envy for poor victorian Bram); and it is being used in modern times, as a metaphore for drug addiction. A very interesting opening of the myth!

Colin Baldwin Great take on this one in your review. Well done!

Mario the lone bookwolf Pedro wrote: "A very interesting overview of the myth of the vampire. I must say that it is very rich in symbolism, in relation with the times it was written (the vampire allows himself wild sex, with no guilt: ..."

Thanks, I´ll probably steal/ copy and paste that drug addiction metaphor idea and the question of what future vampires would have to do to shock anyone

Mario the lone bookwolf Colin wrote: "Great take on this one in your review. Well done!

Thank you!

Karina Your first line! Lol. Awesome review

Colin Baldwin Karina wrote: "Your first line! Lol. Awesome review"

Agree Karina. I did laugh out loud when I read that!

Mario the lone bookwolf Karina wrote: "Your first line! Lol. Awesome review"


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