Kemper's Reviews > The Winter of Frankie Machine

The Winter of Frankie Machine by Don Winslow
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bookshelves: crime-mystery, bad-guys-rule, 2020-reread
Read 2 times. Last read May 13, 2020 to May 15, 2020.

**Reread update. I'm pleased to report that Don Winslow has become much better known and respected since I originally wrote this review in 2010.**

“It’s a lot of work being me," Frank Machianno often thinks, and he’s got a point. Despite being in his early sixties, Frank is the slightly fussy owner of several small businesses that keep him hopping. Among them is the bait shop on San Diego’s Ocean Beach Pier where Frank is a local fixture, and he still makes time for the Gentlemen's Hour when several old timers gather to surf. Since his daughter just got into medical school it looks like Frank is going to be busy for the foreseeable future to pay those bills, and that's just fine with him.

But Frank isn’t just a hustling businessman. He once was known by the nickname Frankie Machine by the local branch of the Mafia that he worked for, and his name is still respected and feared. Even though he left that life behind years ago Frank reluctantly gets roped into doing a favor for the boss’s son. Things aren’t as advertised and both the mob and the feds are soon after him. Frankie Machine is going to have to confront old friends, old enemies, old grudges, and a new generation of mob wannabes to figure out who is gunning for him and why.

Don Winslow is one of the modern crime writers who started with a series, but then shifted into more character based stand-alone novels, kind of like what Dennis Lehane and George Pelecanos have done. Even though he’s very talented, it doesn’t seem like he’s getting the same amount of attention as Lehane and Pelecanos are getting for similar work, and that puzzles me because Winslow definately belongs to be mentioned among the best of the modern crime authors.

Winslow has used the San Diego surf culture as a setting several times now, but he’s really created something unique with Frankie Machine. Surfer, former Marine, Vietnam vet, Mafia hitman, father, bait salesman, businessman, opera fan and civic minded local hero seems like a lot to roll into one character, but Frank is a fascinating figure.

The novel also uses a lot of flashbacks to explain Frank’s complex history, his life as a gangster and his ultimate disillusionment with organized crime. Frank lived through a lot of ups and downs as a mob guy from the peak of 70’s era Vegas to the hard times of the ‘80s as the feds finally started tearing traditional organized crime apart. There’s plenty of realistic action, but the heart of the story is Frank’s thoughts of his past and the conclusions he draws about his life of violence.
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July 2, 2008 – Shelved
May 13, 2020 – Started Reading
May 15, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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James Thane I really enjoyed this book a lot too. But then I love everything that Don Winslow writes. He is going to be signing his new book Savagesat the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale on July 17, and I'm looking forward to seeing him again. He's always very interesting.

Kemper James wrote: "I really enjoyed this book a lot too. But then I love everything that Don Winslow writes. He is going to be signing his new book Savagesat the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale on July 17, ..."

I'm a big fan going back to his Neal Carey series and I love his stand-alones like this one. I'm jealous that you're getting to see him. Try to talk him into doing a tour stop in Kansas City, please.

James Thane Will do!

message 4: by Harry (new) - added it

Harry I can't remember, Kemper, but wasn't it you that referred me to Winslow? Great stuff and great review.

Algernon (Darth Anyan) I have too many series started and unfinished. A standalone book sounds good right now.

Kemper Harry wrote: "I can't remember, Kemper, but wasn't it you that referred me to Winslow? Great stuff and great review."

I think we've talked about him and I'm always singing the praises of Winslow so it's very possible. Thanks.

message 7: by Kemper (last edited Aug 13, 2013 08:21PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kemper Algernon wrote: "I have too many series started and unfinished. A standalone book sounds good right now."

This is a great if you're in the mood for a one-n-done crime story.

message 8: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike That final sentence was the clincher for me. Poaching this one for Mount TBR. Great review, Kemper.

Jason Allison Do you enjoy DW’s issues books (the Cartel, the Force) or his lighter work (Savages, Broken)?

Kemper Jason wrote: "Do you enjoy DW’s issues books (the Cartel, the Force) or his lighter work (Savages, Broken)?"

I don't know that I would call stuff like Savages or this one necessarily 'lighter' since there's still plenty of bloody violence in them.

If you're just talking about if I prefer when he gets more overtly political/social-issues oriented vs. the other stuff - I like them all although I I did start getting dragged down by the brutal 'real world' nature of The Border to The Cartel to The Force all in a row, and I was glad that a lot of his latest one Broken revisited the tone and style of his other works like this one or a Dawn Patrol.

David Putnam Very nice review

Kemper David wrote: "Very nice review"


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