Ginger's Reviews > I Am Legend

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2021, classics, horror, own

Is it a good idea to read a book about a deadly plague during a pandemic?!

This is so much different than the movie!!
"In fact, I much prefer the book to the movie." - said almost every book enthusiast out there.

I Am Legend has been on my list of books to read for years. I knew that I'd likely enjoy it since it's about vampires, but I was not prepared to like it as much as I did.

Robert Neville is living alone among a deadly pandemic. Everyone has died or turned into vampires.
Robert is the last of his kind hunting down vampires during the day, stocking up on essentials (likely toilet paper...ha!), and tries to ignore the screams and taunts of the monsters at night.

It's this day-to-day life existence that gets to you.

What Richard Matheson does so well in this book is showing the isolation of Robert Neville.

He battles depression. Alcoholism. Loneliness.
He tries to save a stray dog.
He just keeps on keeping on...

As a reader, you start to question too on why he keeps on living.
While reading this book, there where times that I thought he should just open up the door.
Just let them in and kill him.
I felt bad for Robert and didn't know if I could live in this type of existence either.

There's not a ton of action in this book but I was fine with that. It was more of a slow build up to that ending.

And the ending is fantastic in my opinion.

As I'm sitting here thinking about how the book ended last night, I love where Matheson takes this plot and character.

You crafty bastard you.
Bravo Matheson! Bravo!
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Reading Progress

July 20, 2018 – Shelved
July 20, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
October 8, 2020 – Shelved as: 2021
January 5, 2021 – Shelved as: classics
January 18, 2021 – Started Reading
January 18, 2021 –
14.0% "Why has it taken me this long to read this?! I’m loving this already."
January 20, 2021 –
January 21, 2021 –
January 23, 2021 – Finished Reading
December 31, 2021 – Shelved as: horror
December 2, 2022 – Shelved as: own

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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message 1: by Emelia (new)

Emelia I saw the movie but have not yet read the book. Books are always better than the movies imo. Just watching the movie I thought the same thing Ginger...I think I might have just let them in. Neville is a strong person/character to say the least. Don't know how he did it. I mean to live in fear and constantly having to look over your shoulder would drive me freaking insane !

Sade loved this part is that it's totally different from the movie so it feels like you're reading something new even if you've seen the movie which was great too.

Ginger Emelia wrote: "I saw the movie but have not yet read the book. Books are always better than the movies imo. Just watching the movie I thought the same thing Ginger...I think I might have just let them in. Neville..."

What’s so crazy about the movie vs the book is they are not even close to the same. Especially the end!!
The only thing they have in common is Robert being a lone survivor living in an apocalyptic world. Not even the dog part was the same!

It’s crazy how the movie industry changes so much!

Ginger Sade wrote: "loved this part is that it's totally different from the movie so it feels like you're reading something new even if you've seen the movie which was great too."

Exactly Sade!! I loved the book. You are right. They are so different that they’re not even in the same category. Maybe just “vampire” category. 🤓🤣😂

message 5: by Ginger (last edited Jan 23, 2021 04:09PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger Lisa wrote: "One of my favorite books! The movie was good, but there was no comparison to the book. Have you read "What Dreams May Come?" Matheson blew me away with that book! You and Terry should buddy up for ..."

I totally agree with you on the book vs movie. The movie was good but it didn't even go into how this all ends in the book.
Me guess is that (view spoiler)

I have not read that one yet and glad you liked it Lisa.
Adding it to the ever-growing list!!

message 6: by Emelia (new)

Emelia Ginger wrote: "Emelia wrote: "I saw the movie but have not yet read the book. Books are always better than the movies imo. Just watching the movie I thought the same thing Ginger...I think I might have just let t..."

You have got to be kidding ! ACK ! I hate it when the movie industry butchers a book ! It is.....vulgar !
Now I have to read it Ginger. SMH, I do not understand why they would change everything !
Will let you know when I start reading the Roberts ReaL story ! lol

Ginger Emelia wrote: "Will let you know when I start reading the Roberts ReaL story ! lol"

Hope you enjoy Emelia!

preoccupiedbybooks Great review Ginger! I'm glad our pandemic doesn't involve vampires ha ha

message 9: by Ginger (last edited Jan 24, 2021 01:51PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Great review Ginger! I'm glad our pandemic doesn't involve vampires ha ha"

So far far. 😬😉 hahaha!
Thank you so much my dear!

message 10: by Audrey (new)

Audrey There are several movies, but I think they all vary from the book.

message 11: by Ginger (last edited Jan 24, 2021 09:15PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger Audrey wrote: "There are several movies, but I think they all vary from the book."

Great to know Audrey and I’ll look for all of them. I’ve only seen the movie with Will Smith. Thank you!

Peter Topside I love this review! Great stuff, Rachelle!

Ginger Peter wrote: "I love this review! Great stuff, Rachelle!"

I'm not sure who Rachelle is but I'll take it. ;) LOL!
Thanks Peter!

message 14: by Mary Beth (new) - added it

Mary Beth Awesome review! 🌺 Glad you enjoyed it. I just read my first Matheson book for Halloween and now want to read more. I listened to Hell House.

Ginger Mary Beth wrote: "Awesome review! 🌺 Glad you enjoyed it. I just read my first Matheson book for Halloween and now want to read more. I listened to Hell House."

Thanks! I haven’t gotten to Hell House yet and hoped you liked it?
I’ve also need to get to more of his books!

message 16: by Mary Beth (new) - added it

Mary Beth I loved it. The audiobook is fantastic.

Ginger Mary Beth wrote: "I loved it. The audiobook is fantastic."

Awesome to hear!!

message 18: by Corey (new)

Corey Woodcock Excellent review!

Ginger Corey wrote: "Excellent review!"

Thanks Corey!!

message 20: by Mark (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mark The Charlton Heston movie is closer to the book and darker than the Will Smith vehicle

Ginger Mark wrote: "The Charlton Heston movie is closer to the book and darker than the Will Smith vehicle"

Nice! I'll check it out Mark and thanks for the info.

message 22: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Seremeti Awesome review!

Ginger Nicole wrote: "Awesome review!"

Thanks so much Nicole!

message 24: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Great review Ginger. Didn't see the film but I know my husband enjoyed it.

Ginger Teresa wrote: "Great review Ginger. Didn't see the film but I know my husband enjoyed it."

Thanks so much Teresa!

message 26: by Gary (new)

Gary K Bibliophile This has been on my TBR for a long time - I loved the movie - so glad to hear you liked the book better. Me - with my weird connections- of course thought of this story when the covid vaccine first came out. In fact … 🧟‍♂️Brains…. 🧟‍♂️Actually- I’m good - I’m pretty sure (99.99999999%) I will be ok - haha. When they filmed this they actually shut down big sections of NYC to shoot certain scenes… not just cgi - very cool !

message 27: by Ginger (last edited Nov 19, 2021 08:41AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger Gary wrote: "This has been on my TBR for a long time - I loved the movie - so glad to hear you liked the book better. Me - with my weird connections- of course thought of this story when the covid vaccine first..."

Very cool on the fact that they used more then CGI on this!

Yeah, I think you'll like this one Gary. It's much better in my opinion then the movie, especially the ending! You'll have to give it a try one day and let me know what you think.

message 28: by Wick (new)

Wick Welker I have always loved this book

message 29: by Ginger (last edited Jul 03, 2024 05:38PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger Wick wrote: "I have always loved this book"

That's great Wick and glad you loved this one!

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