Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
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bookshelves: horror

The very rare case of a slow moving, nevertheless suspenseful soft horror novel mainly using characterization and worsening foreshadowing to thrill the reader.

This one really stays in mind because of the end nobody would suspect and an accelerating thrill and feeling of discomfort I´ve hardly ever seen performed this way. It starts friendly, does a bit of creepy exposition, and gets more and more disturbing for the lead protagonist, culminating in a great wtf moment. Really, why can´t it always be such a (view spoiler)

The sexism is a bit exaggerated, even for the late 60s, but how it shows the oldfashioned thoughts and mindsets surrounding motherhood and feminity has the extra bonus of a bit of social cultural studies, although I suppose that Levin possibly integrates a bit of his own mindset here too. That´s of course highly subjective and I don´t know it, but it could be the explanation for the a bit over the top manly masculinity that is contrasted with and compensated by satanism and occultism but whatever, all the same 1st and 2nd millenium trash.

The today hilarious idea of a woman (view spoiler) could be today's black comedy material.(view spoiler) But a very well written one.

It must be creepy to read this as a woman in general and especially as a mother, because it subverts the idea of pregnancy by dealing with the fear about the health of the unborn child (view spoiler). I imagine it longer, with more bam, blood, and gore, escalating to the end and followed by a worthy second part, not the seemingly bad if one believes the ratings, such as I tend to do, jay, collective intelligence.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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June 18, 2018 – Shelved

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Constantine Very nice review, Mario. I'd love to get into this one soon.

message 2: by Mario the lone bookwolf (last edited Jul 01, 2020 12:02PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mario the lone bookwolf Constantine wrote: "Very nice review, Mario. I'd love to get into this one soon."

Thanks, it´s a short one, easy to consume in between longer reads.

message 3: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee I read this when I was twelve or make me want to re-read this :)

message 4: by Pat (new)

Pat I’ve never read this, but now I want to - even though I’m a woman and a mother (although I guess if I was a mother I would have to be woman, although...let’s not go there).

Mario the lone bookwolf Pat wrote: "I’ve never read this, but now I want to - even though I’m a woman and a mother (although I guess if I was a mother I would have to be woman, although...let’s not go there)."

One can´t go wrong with this one in contrast to the extremely disturbing, new extreme horror novels and films dealing with mother kid relationships.

Mario the lone bookwolf Jaidee wrote: "I read this when I was twelve or make me want to re-read this :)"

Great I could get you hooked, I am just entering my first, amazing re reading phase that might keep me going for years, it´s like coming home, meeting an old friend (just joking, I don´t have friends), going to a special place,...I´ve long time said I would not do it, but heck, how wrong have I been.

Karina another fantastic review, Mario! Excited and scared to read this.

Mario the lone bookwolf Karina wrote: "another fantastic review, Mario! Excited and scared to read this."

Thanks! I hope that it will be the anticipated terror.

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