Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~'s Reviews > I Am Legend

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
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bookshelves: 3-star, year-2018


Honestly, this is a tough book to review.

I did like the story, but one of the biggest bothers for me here was not fully understanding why the world has gone to shit & why everyone is now a vampire.

The book just drops you right in the middle of Robert Neville's situation, which is a day to day existence of killing vampires during the day & hiding in his house during the night.

I'm the kind of SF reader who likes a bit of depth to be given to the cause of disaster, and this story largely glosses over the "Why?"

But I'm coming at it from the angle of a reader who has exhausted the zombie/vampire/virus genre. For the time it was written, this probably struck readers in a much different way.

If you're basing your opinion of this book solely off your knowledge of the movie, I'd ahead and throw that idea out the window because this book is nothing like the Will Smith, good-guy-out-to-save-humanity, crying-over-his-dog, self-sacrificing version Hollywood has created.

This is much darker.

In fact, I imagine a group of important movie folks came to the conclusion that Matheson's story is "pretty nifty, but how about we throw out all the deep, scary conclusions about human nature & amp up the action x1000 & also we need a German Shepherd in there so Smith comes off as even more relatable & wholesome."

Robert Neville is not necessarily squeaky clean protagonist, and that realistic quality of his character is essential to the observations Matheson is making here. By the end, you aren't 100% sure what outcome you're rooting for & for me that is one of the most powerful aspects of how the story is told.

But again, I'm not sure I'm fully on board with the details of why & how Neville has managed to survive for years under these conditions.

Neville has brick- & rock-proofed his home against the vampires that are constantly trying to get in with a reliable supply of garlic. He sound proofs his house, has a gas generator that he keeps running by way of a nearby gas station, and an ungodly amount of alcohol, cigarettes, and wine in his home.

I guess a scenario where all of those things exist in Neville's possession isn't outlandish but the story itself wasn't long enough to explore any sort of break down of these proofs, and thus it felt a bit unrealistic to me.

Even so, Matheson does well in capturing the absolute lowest levels of human desperation, taking us down deep into the terrifying subconscious of a secluded man on the brink of losing his ability to be compassionate & remember what it means to be human.

The pro here is, if you're curious about this story, it's short & will only take a bit of time to consume. If you don't love it, no big loss. If you do, well now you know!

Unfortunately I didn't love it, but I appreciate the concepts here & I definitely enjoyed the last 1/4 a lot more than the first 3/4. Worth a read!

This review and other reviews of mine can be found on Book Nest!
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Reading Progress

March 2, 2018 – Started Reading
March 2, 2018 – Finished Reading
March 4, 2018 – Shelved
March 4, 2018 – Shelved as: 3-star
March 4, 2018 – Shelved as: year-2018

Comments Showing 1-46 of 46 (46 new)

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Terry Excellent review, Mary. I struggled with this one because I was one of those people that had no idea that the Will Smith movie version was so different than this original story. (view spoiler) I originally gave it a lower rating, but after I thought about the book separate from the the movie, and also embraced the bigger idea of the book (at least what I took from it), I changed it. I agree that it's worth the read.

message 2: by Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ (last edited Mar 04, 2018 06:39PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Terry wrote: "Excellent review, Mary. I struggled with this one because I was one of those people that had no idea that the Will Smith movie version was so different than this original story. [spoilers removed] ..."

Thank you so much Terry! I have seen the film a long time ago, but I actually ended up reading this book because I found out Richard Matheson doesn't really care for the Will Smith version & I wanted to know why! Totally agree like almost everything about this is different from the movie - I 100% get why you'd be disappointed if you were coming here with the intention of a more in depth look at the film!

message 3: by Kaylin (new) - added it

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Ooh, awesome review, Mary!

message 4: by Terry (last edited Mar 04, 2018 06:53PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Terry Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ wrote: "Terry wrote: "Excellent review, Mary. I struggled with this one because I was one of those people that had no idea that the Will Smith movie version was so different than this original story. [spoi..."

Ha, I did not know that about Matheson not liking that movie. I can see that considering the differences. Seemed to me they should have named the movie something different and just noted it was loosely based. Have you watched the other movie based on the book? It was made in the 70's (and boy does it look and feel like the 70's, lol) and was called The Omega Man. That movie was a little closer to the book, but still a little off.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thank you Kaylin! 🤗

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Oh yea Terry if I were Matheson I'd probably be super upset. I mean I like Will Smith but he almost always plays a really good guy in his movies so I would've had trouble with that casting even. I haven't seen the older film but I was interested in checking it out since I just finished this story! It's a shame tho because I think adapted faithfully this could be a heavy hitter!

Terry Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ wrote: "Oh yea Terry if I were Matheson I'd probably be super upset. I mean I like Will Smith but he almost always plays a really good guy in his movies so I would've had trouble with that casting even. I ..."

You are right about that, it would be good. If you do watch that older movie, be prepared. It's certainly not high on budget or production quality. Definitely fits in the B, cult movie category. It is different. Hope you enjoy if you watch it!

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Haha thank you very much! ☺️

Mizuki If you're basing your opinion of this book solely off your knowledge of the movie, I'd ahead and throw that idea out the window because this book is nothing like the Will Smith, good-guy-out-to-save-humanity, crying-over-his-dog, self-sacrificing version Hollywood has created.

That's right, but book's ending is much better.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Oh yes 100% agree Mizuki I think the whole story here is better than the film!

Mizuki Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ wrote: "Oh yes 100% agree Mizuki I think the whole story here is better than the film!"

I don't dislike the movie but the cheesy Hollywood style ending just kills what's good in it.

message 12: by Celeste (new)

Celeste Wonderful review, love! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it more, but at least it didn't suck.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Awh thank you Celeste! It definitely did not suck, thank goodness! In fact I think many people will like this much more than I did. 🤗

message 14: by Haïfa (new)

Haïfa Terrific review Mary!! I really didn’t like the movie but I think I would have preferred the book because the premise was not bad and the psychological aspect would have been a great bonus for me.

message 15: by Sade (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sade noooooo really?????? My heart, Mary lol.
Fab review..All the bacteria why the world went to shit talk went over my head when i read this book though *face palm*

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thank you my love! Haifa I'm not a HUGE fan of the film myself! Like it was alright but kind of predictable if that makes sense? This was definitely BETTER & so different from the film. If you're looking for something short and different you may wanna give it a go! 💕

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thank you so much Zoe! 😘

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Hahahah Sade! I'm sorry! *flails* thank you my sweet! Honestly, it's possible there was a brief mention of a virus evolving from bats? But if there was I missed the direct cause and effect observation. 😂

message 19: by jenn (new)

jenn all i kept seeing was "Neville".

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Jenn 😂😂😂

message 21: by ChopinFC (new)

ChopinFC Great honest review Mary :)

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thank you so much Rod! 🤗

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

The will Smith film didn't really explain why people changed either.

message 25: by Melanie (new)

Melanie Amazing review, beautiful. <3

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Ser Arthur I think in the film they weren't vampires either but I could be misremembering?

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thank you My beautiful angel! 😍😘

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

What I think is the greatest aspect here, is that it sheds light onto human loneliness, which barely any novel or movie tried to do. Next is, what it is to be "normal" in human society, which is a point you rarely don't hear often today.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ I’m so glad this was a little easier for you to parse out than it was for me Stratospherus! ☺️

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)


Jean Lindholm There are actually two other movies based on this book. One was called "The Last Man on Earth". Very low budget and kind of funny, if I remember correctly. The other was "Omega Man", I believe with Charlton Heston. It follows the book better. I'm the Will Smith version, there were so many differences that it should not have been called I Am Legend, but it was an awfully good story, and darn scary. Oh well, Peter Jackson wasn't all that accurate with the Ring movies, but we still love them.

Jean Lindholm I think nuclear war and all those dust storms caused the disease to spread worldwide. And Neville didn't catch the disease because he was bitten by a vampire bar earlier in his life that presumably immunized him. Just saying.

Jean Lindholm I mean, a vampire BAT, darn it!

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Jean Lindholm wrote: "There are actually two other movies based on this book. One was called "The Last Man on Earth". Very low budget and kind of funny, if I remember correctly. The other was "Omega Man", I believe with..."

Actually, of all three The Last Man on Earth is considered the closest to the source material. Omega Man deviates too much, in everything.

message 35: by Angela (new)

Angela S Hi Mary! This book is actually #3 of a series by Richard Matheson. The mivie with Will Smith is a remake of the 1973 film with Charleton Heston. Really good movie!

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Hey Angela! See I had no idea this book was part of a series until just now! I wonder if those books explain the lack of world building I was concerned about in my review 🤔 I did know about the Will Smith remake being the second attempt but I figured most people on here would be familiar with that one plus it’s the only one I’ve seen so it’s the only one I can compare to! 🤗

message 37: by Tracey (new) - added it

Tracey Angela, that is really helpful.

I also read this after seeing the movie.

I found the book bleak and fascinating.

I read it some time ago so my memory for details is thin. I also like a back story for everything. I don’t recall that being a sticking point.

I seem to remember that the why was no longer as relevant because he was isolated and surviving. But now I am curious enough to revisit the story.

Nice review.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Thanks Tracy! If I had known this wasn’t the first in a series I don’t think it would’ve been a sticking point for me either!

message 39: by Tracey (new) - added it

Tracey That’s why I love GR. I learn so much from everyone!

I was left with the feeling I experienced reading the book. The details, not so much. So I went and read a summary and remember why I felt so disheartened, despite it being fascinating.

Now we know it is a series. More to add to the list!

message 40: by Angela (new)

Angela S Ladies, glad I could share some insight. I’m an avidreader and my Mom loved horror movies when we were young and I am a HUGE Charleton Heston fan as well!

message 41: by Brittany (new)

Brittany I think you need to ravage this tome a little more critically because the things you don’t understand are clearly explained in the story, as well as the fact that he hasn’t been living like that for years, only a few months. But if you’re looking for “depth,” why haven’t you focused on the book’s social critique? Also hate to burst your bubbles but I Am Legend is Matheson’s first novel, not part of a series.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Brittany if you’d like to read my review again a little more critically, you’ll notice I said I wanted a bit more depth to the CAUSE of the pandemic. I caught the war/mosquito explanation, god forbid I want to know anything more about that. & Neville does survive for years, it’s 3 years later than he happens upon the woman while scavenging. & let’s see, perhaps I used my own review space to discuss what I WANTED to discuss because it’s MY review space? Since we’re giving out unsolicited advice, maybe spend your energy writing your own review instead of dropping by to be a condescending bitch in the review comments of someone you’ve never even interacted with.

message 43: by Travis (new)

Travis You tell them Mary.

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ I’m glad for you.

Alison Smith Did you actually read and finish the book ? all of your questions are answered within the book lol

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Lol you caught me Alison! I didn’t read the book I just thought it would be fun to post a review 🥰

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