Trish's Reviews > Devil's Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency

Devil's Bargain by Joshua Green
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bookshelves: skimmed, america, criticism, finance, government, history, journalism, biography, nonfiction, politics, social-science

Yuck. Steve Bannon has a twisted sense of the world. One wonders how he got from the Navy & Harvard to the raving, unshaven ideologue he is today, but one guesses it was because he discovered good looks, money, and brains weren't enough to make him happy. But one could use these things to blow up the world.

Steve Bannon at Harvard
Steve Bannon at Harvard

Joshua Green undoubtedly deserves at least four stars for being able to write and having the material no one else did. But I'd been following pretty closely this past year and really had a hard time spending another nanosecond thinking about this creep who can go to his grave without a single person to mourn him.

One thing that hadn't been entirely clear to me was the whole Fox News fight & subsequent ass-licking but I see it now through Green's careful, annotated timeline. I also hadn't been aware of the role of Bannon's Government Accountability Institute (GAI) in discrediting Hillary's candidacy. That was useful to understand. And, of course, the explicit statement by his colleagues and underlings, "Truth and veracity weren't his top priority. Narrative truth was his priority rather than factual truth."

I am going to have to call on other GReaders to tell me about the title of the Afterword: Kali Yuga. I sort of see Kali Yuga defined on Google as four stages of man's development & consciousness in Hinduism...please don't tell me Bannon is applying he even cares. It could be that Green himself is applying the prophecy, which states that in the longest, and darkest, stage of Kali Yuga is the expectation "A person is considered unsuccessful and unholy if he does not have money, and the society will accept hypocrisy as a virtue." But that is from a quick search and not from deep understanding. Anyone else figure this out?

What a twisted man.
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Reading Progress

December 10, 2017 – Shelved
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: skimmed
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: america
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: criticism
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: finance
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: government
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: history
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: journalism
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: biography
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: nonfiction
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: politics
December 10, 2017 – Shelved as: social-science

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Lori (new)

Lori I've a friend who says that Steve Bannon is Evil. It's like his version is the hit single and yours is the full album. Great review!

message 2: by Bruce (new)

Bruce Katz Thanks for reading it so I don't have to. Yes, it's important and historic, and it very well might presage a dark period in our history going forward, but at this point I just can't bring myself to read another "autopsy". Maybe in the spring. Excellent review, Trish.

Trish Yes, what a depressing way to spend a sunny Sunday in December. Just wanted to see if there was anything I'd missed in my own research. May he be buried deep, and his voice deeper. The one good thing is that he has no cohort. Everyone hates him.

message 4: by Bruce (new)

Bruce Katz Trish wrote: "Yes, what a depressing way to spend a sunny Sunday in December. Just wanted to see if there was anything I'd missed in my own research. May he be buried deep, and his voice deeper. The one good thi..."

Would that were so, but I fear Bannon does have his fans and acolytes. He'll be stumping for Moore in Alabama just before the election. Groan.

Trish Bruce wrote: " He'll be stumping for Moore in Alabama just before the election...."

D'you see Shelby says Alabama deserves better than Moore? That should help some.

message 6: by Bruce (new)

Bruce Katz Trish wrote: "Bruce wrote: " He'll be stumping for Moore in Alabama just before the election...."

D'you see Shelby says Alabama deserves better than Moore? That should help some."

I hope so, I surely do!

message 7: by Sue (new)

Sue I concur with others who thank you for reading this -- to save me from the task. But the difficult choice these days is whether to face head on or to seek escape. (Some reading provides such a nice escape.) Did the book deal with Bannon's relationship with his bankrollers, the Mercers?

Trish Sue wrote: "I concur with others who thank you for reading this -- to save me from the task. But the difficult choice these days is whether to face head on or to seek escape. (Some reading provides such a nice..."

It did. But there has been so much good reporting on this connection lately that what is in this book didn't seem particularly revelatory. But I just skimmed this book & picked out things that looked new to me. Just got curious again why anyone was listening to this guy. For a group of people so clearly focused on appearances, Bannon is a real wild card.

message 9: by Sue (new)

Sue Trish wrote: "Sue wrote: "I concur with others who thank you for reading this -- to save me from the task. But the difficult choice these days is whether to face head on or to seek escape. (Some reading provides..."

Indeed, it is puzzling. But made possible by the money.

message 10: by Trish (last edited Dec 11, 2017 09:53AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Trish Speaking of interesting interviews, Radio Atlantic this week discusses Mike Pence here in "The Manifest Destiny of Mike Pence." Always wondered how he could reconcile his ambition with his faith.

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