Miranda Reads's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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New week, New BookTube Video - all about the best (and worst) literary apocalypses to live through!
The Written Review


Humanity survived Zombie apacolypse.

Like after any great tragedy, the government wants a record.

Max Brooks is their oral historian.

Only, when he hands his documents, the bureaucracy whittles it down to the bare facts.

Humans, over every nation, dragged their bone weary bodies through this war.

They are now faced with the numbing task of rebuilding society.

They deserve to have their stories told. So, he publishes the true account of World War Z.

Told in a series of vignettes, we listen in on interviews as Brooks travels both the country and the world. And one thing is certain, life with zombies is a chilling tale.
The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts
The vignettes are absolutely riveting. There's a bit of the regular zombie murder mayhem but the story focuses on the human side of things. How the survivors, survived.

There's the blind man who fought off a hoard with no more than a blunt staff. Some people lost their minds - succumbing to tree belief that they have joined the dead. There's the unintentionally cannibalistic family - and so much more.
Most people don't believe something can happen until it already has.
Audiobook comments:
--Read by Max Brooks, Alan Alda, John Turturro, Rob Reiner, Mark Hamill, Alfred Molina, Simon Pegg, Henry Rollins and Martin Scorsese
--Highly recommended you listen to this novel - it's a quality production.
--Every voice is country-specific and the actors read very convincingly. It feels like I'm next to Max as he interviews the survivors.

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Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by AJ (new)

AJ Good narrators make all the difference was this an audio drama with effects?

Miranda Reads No dramatic effects (as in no doors slamming or cymbals clanging) but each "person" interviewed for this has a country-specific accent and convincingly reads their portion.

Ms. Smartarse Awesome review, and I second the listening to the audio-book. :)

Ellen Gail Great review Miranda! I don't do audiobooks often, but I may have to opt for that over the paperback this time.

message 5: by KAS (new)

KAS Glad this was a very well done audio listen, Miranda ;) Fantastic review!! 💚❤️💚

message 6: by Tom (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tom Lewis So glad you liked this!! Great review!

Miranda Reads Ms. Smartarse wrote: "Awesome review, and I second the listening to the audio-book. :)"

Glad you like it too!

Miranda Reads KAS wrote: "Glad this was a very well done audio listen, Miranda ;) Fantastic review!! 💚❤️💚"

Thank you! And i really think the audio cinched this one for me!

Miranda Reads Tom wrote: "So glad you liked this!! Great review!"

Thank you!!

Julia Ash Your review is wonderful, Miranda!!!

This book is firmly in my wheelhouse!!! What I loved about it was that Brooks took the fantastical and made zombies seem soooo possible by documenting the Z war like a historian or journalist would. Such a unique read!!!

Miranda Reads Julia wrote: "Your review is wonderful, Miranda!!!

This book is firmly in my wheelhouse!!! What I loved about it was that Brooks took the fantastical and made zombies seem soooo possible by documenting the Z w..."

I LOVE the uniqueness of this book too - so cool :)

message 12: by Kristy (new) - added it

Kristy That is an incredibly star studded cast for the audiobook. After reading it I might have to track it down to hear them. Some of my favourite actors are listed.

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