Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Sleeping Beauties

Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King
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3.5? Not sure yet!

In a world where women have fallen asleep in cocoons, the men are left to figure things out. The premise was super intriguing but I'm not 100% sure I'm happy with the ending.

This book contained a lot of characters. A LOT. I did appreciate most of the feminist views included although it sometimes bordered on the "m'lady hat tipping" side.

This book also featured one of my new most hated character of all time! Congrats Don Peters, you're a POS! :D

I'll probably update this review when I have more time to think about it. I did like it but it's not my favorite from SK.
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Reading Progress

July 19, 2017 – Shelved
October 8, 2017 – Started Reading
October 12, 2017 –
page 324
46.15% "I would like to congratulate Don Peters as the newest addition to my "most hated characters ever" list. Yay, ​you're a POS! :D"
October 16, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Mhairi I've not long started this one. I've never read any of Stephen King's books before and so far it's not too bad. Any other recs for some King books would be great though :)

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) Mhairi wrote: "I've not long started this one. I've never read any of Stephen King's books before and so far it's not too bad. Any other recs for some King books would be great though :)"

Read the Long Walk! So far it's my favorite from him :)

Mhairi Emily wrote: "Mhairi wrote: "I've not long started this one. I've never read any of Stephen King's books before and so far it's not too bad. Any other recs for some King books would be great though :)"

Read the..."

Ooh that sounds pretty good. Might have to try that one next. Thank you :)

message 4: by Alan (new)

Alan Braswell Stephan King recent releases have been sort of mediocre.( Castle Rock, 11/22/63, Revival)
They pale in comparison to his early novels.
One of his early novels which hasn't gotten much attention is The Eyes of The Dragon.

Matthew Don Peters - definitely no good! Bleh!

Great review!

message 6: by Alan (new)

Alan Braswell I recently came across a YouTube channel the person who is an author but also has read everything Stephan King wrote three times.
He stated that the villain in Sleeping Beauties is actually in another story King wrote called The Storm of The Century.
BTW He gave book Sleeping Beauties two stars

Kelsey Fletcher I️ feel the exact same way! I️ was really enjoying the story and then the ending was just meh. It also took me agesss to get through listening to it on audiobook. The narration was great, but I️ didn’t feel like the story gripped me enough to keep me super interested.

message 8: by Valerie (new) - added it

Valerie Alan, I agree: Eyes of the Dragon is a great book!

message 9: by Jo (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jo Just wanted to weigh in and say Don Peters is definitely VILE. He reminded me of Porn Stache from Orange is the New Black. 🤮

message 10: by Jo (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jo PS it’s not my favourite King either by a long chalk. Just got the new one ... let’s see ... 🤞

message 11: by Qreua (new) - added it

Qreua Don Peters is definitely my least favorite character of all times, even more so that Tom Buchanan from The Great Gatsby (and I hate Tom)

Cheryl Ah Don Peters, the man I loved to hate. I figured that the Kings kept him around so long so his eventual demise would be so satisfying.

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