Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Warcross

Warcross by Marie Lu
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DNF at 50% - audiobook

Pretty much from the beginning, I wasn’t too thrilled about this book. The main character is just so bland.

Poor orphan girl who becomes the chosen one for a talent that feels like she got overnight. We're never told how she actually got great at hacking. She basically unfocuses her eyes and things stand out to her... Maybe I'm bitter because I was never able to do that with the Garfield book I had!
But *gaps* she has a record!! For doing a nice thing… Does it mean she's not like other girls?
Let's be real, giving her rainbow hair won’t hide how bland she is.

But the last drop for me was when the romance that started. I get it, he's her idol that makes sense but he has no reason to be into her. When the interactions started being cringy I just decided to DNF the whole thing.

Life's too short for cringy YA romance book with a predictable plot. It had potential but... no. Just no.
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June 16, 2017 – Shelved
March 8, 2018 – Started Reading
March 9, 2018 –
March 12, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

That's how I felt about the book at first too but the plot twists at the end of the book really changed my perspective. If you have no plans to finish the book I'd recommend that you look up some spoilers so you know.

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) Alda wrote: "That's how I felt about the book at first too but the plot twists at the end of the book really changed my perspective. If you have no plans to finish the book I'd recommend that you look up some s..."

Reading some spoiler reviews is how I decided to DNF it :/ I'm just not feeling it sadly!

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Well okay then, just a suggestion in case you didn’t know the outcome :)

Tanya Cruz I don't know if you like anime, but I felt it was a mix of Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale and Psycho Pass.

message 5: by Kay (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kay The plot twist is kinda predictable​ though...

Theresa This was one of those books where I was so confused to how much this book was raved. It was so bland and flat. The amount of times I rolled my eyes or cringed so quite high. Like how many times did I have to be reminded she had rainbow hair....
But I have realised that common readers of sci-fi tend to have given this lower reviews

Hannah Cassie I agree plot twist was Red Queen 2.0 :D

UrsulaGraham I felt the same, was very disappointed in this book!

message 9: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa 😂😂😂

message 10: by Haley (new) - added it

Haley "Life's too short for cringy YA romance book with a predictable plot." This is my new motto.

message 11: by Sam (new) - rated it 2 stars

Sam Thoms I am sitting at 70% wondering when things are actually going to happen. I am not even sure how Warcross works this far in.

Hailey I enjoyed the game aspect of this book and the diversity even though I agree the romance was awful and unexplained. It was really just an excuse to make the character care enough to tell her about the plot twist.

message 13: by Audrey (new) - added it

Audrey It sounds like something I’d hate. Thanks for the review.

Fatima Good call, i read the whole thing and the romance is just so bad and unnecessary. And the ‘plot twists’ were so predictable and boring.

message 15: by Mia (new)

Mia "Life's too short for cringy YA romance book with a predictable plot." I'm going to be telling this to myself every time I start reading something and I eventually find out I don't really like it (and replace YA with whatever genre). Thanks for the spot of wisdom haha

message 16: by Tera (new) - rated it 2 stars

Tera I finished that book last year and I gave it 2 stars as you did. I really don't understand the hype. I had many problems with this book but everybody loved it so I wanted to finish it (I hope the end would make it better). But the end was bad and I just rolled my eyes as I did many times during reading.. Nope, I won't continue with this series.

message 17: by Jao (new)

Jao Wonders exactly my thought!

Kristen I read this BEFORE reading Ready Player One which I enjoyed. And then I realized that Warcross was pretty derivative.

Kayla SAME! I still cringe every time someone adds this to their tbr on YouTube.

Kayla And between this and Invictus, I'm done with YA.

Acacia I completely agree. I still can't understand why so many people raved about this. It was average at best--dull with a predictable plot twist.

message 22: by Audrey (new) - added it

Audrey This is the kind of thing that gives sci fi a bad name.

message 23: by Kay (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kay Kristen wrote: "I read this BEFORE reading Ready Player One which I enjoyed. And then I realized that Warcross was pretty derivative."

I will happily take Warcoss over RP1. RP1 is extremely problematic and I would rather boost the work of a WOC.

message 24: by Cerys (new) - rated it 1 star

Cerys It gets worse when you see that she's used the line 'I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding' not once, but twice. TWICE.

message 25: by Kay (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kay Cerys wrote: "It gets worse when you see that she's used the line 'I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding' not once, but twice. TWICE."

LOL. This is indeed a major pet peeve.

message 26: by Mabel (new)

Mabel "Life's too short for cringy a YA romance book with a predictable plot" GIRRRRL this is my new motto 👌🏻😂

message 27: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara Senteney Very much enjoyed this review, ll I have seen re raving reviews, that scares me,lol. I figured someone hs to not like this book, although I never let a review stop me from reading a book, when they are all good I feel like somethings fishy

Kallie (The Book Binge) I agree, completely predictable plot twist, typical romance situation *roll eyes*, and... I can't remember much else. Not a good sign if the book is already forgettable. But I did like what you had to say about this book. I really need to go back and reread this series. I think I read this too fast. Thanks for the review.

Analisa It felt like 50 Shades of Tween.

Sophie I do agree that it was predictable. I believe that I like this book because of the situation I was in. I bought it at the airport when I was stock there for 12h with nothing to read. I read more the half of the book that day. I know there is nothing spectacular about the story, but I still enjoy that book.

message 31: by Payal (new) - rated it 1 star

Payal Coming off the high that was 'Six of Crows', this book felt flat as a pancake. Basically a bad rip off of 'Ready Player One' and the original wasn't all that great either.

Violet I totally agree! It’s not worth your time reading it as I hated the ending. The characters were pretty flat and it is built up on hype.

message 33: by Holly (new)

Holly Maksudian Ha ha! Bitter because you couldn’t do that thing she does while reading Garfield!!
You made me laugh out loud! I think I’m still going to read it though!

message 34: by Ioana (new) - added it

Ioana I'm so happy after I read your review. A lot of people gave it great reviews, but I was 100 pages in and pretty much bored.

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree totally. This is the first time I am writing on here and it is because of this book. I got hyped seeing all the reviews and stars and I thought I would be getting into a great book. But it was flat. There wasn't enough content. Like how the team won the challenges and how the main characters got together. It was very predictable too. I knew who was zero before it was revealed. It was a waste of time.

message 36: by Boethia (new) - added it

Boethia I thought the book pretty predictable and lacklustre at some points, but still entertaining. I loved your review though... on point. Especially about the hair.

Ediane Voltaire Unpopular opinion here. I loved the romance; it was my favorite part of the book🙃

message 38: by Jamie (new)

Jamie I was absolutely REPULSED by the romance in this book. It came out of nowhere, they have no chemistry, and HES HER BOSS! And also her fucking idol. Maybe it’s because I listened to the audiobook but Nancy Wu made Hideo sound like a middle aged British man hitting on an 18 year old he hired to find a hacker in his game. I realize they’re pretty close in age but Hideo just seems older and more mature to me...and he’s literally a mentor to her. I can’t do it, it’s so goddamn creepy to me. It just reminds me of a teacher-student relationship (yes I realize she’s an adult but that’s just the vibe I’m getting). I’m actually taking a break from reading it right now to kinda calm myself down.

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