Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Swan Song

Swan Song by Robert McCammon
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's review

really liked it
bookshelves: post-apocalyptic

This is one of the darkest post-apocalyptic books I've read in a while... totally satisfied that craving.
I may have had a few bad dreams about it!

What I would have liked knowing beforehand:

- Nuclear war with Russia
- There are fantasy elements in here
- Yes, it's long...
- There's a war going on so if you're not really into military fiction... won't be for you!
- Overall it was almost too realistic...
- Did I say it was really dark?

I would recommend it!
344 likes · flag

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Reading Progress

April 2, 2017 – Shelved
March 5, 2018 – Started Reading
March 15, 2018 –
page 92
9.91% "Things are getting good.."
March 17, 2018 –
page 401
March 19, 2018 –
page 583
March 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Gerchia (new)

Gerchia Omg. You finally finished it. So glad your reading slump has abated. Love the review.

message 2: by Mahjabin (new)

Mahjabin Meem Does it have gory scenes? :/

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) Mahjabin wrote: "Does it have gory scenes? :/"

Yes. A lot. Most post-apocalyptic books do!

Leonie’s Little Library Was this one of your ginormous read picks?

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) Leonie wrote: "Was this one of your ginormous read picks?"

Yes it's the "big book of the month" for March!

Leonie’s Little Library I’m keen to give this one a go as I’m loving post-apocalyptic at the moment too

message 7: by Don (new) - rated it 5 stars

Don Williams Leonie, no apocalyptic reading list is complete without this masterpiece. Better snatch it up, you wont regret it.

Sandra I just finished this as well and loved it

message 9: by Tammy (new)

Tammy Reading this for the third time since 1990. It’s new every time. Love this book!!

Shannon Canaday I'm reading this book for the second time - one of my top 5. If you loved Swan Song, give Library on Mount Char a try. Also ridic dark/twisted but so good!

message 11: by Saša (new) - added it

Saša What is realistic in a book with supernatural elements?

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

In my opinion is right up there with Stephen King's 'The Stand'

Vikki Beardsley-scuro I'm almost done and had nightmares twice already

wesley adair Very good book

message 15: by Misty (new) - added it

Misty Kent glawson The interesting thing about this book at the time it was written was we thought nuclear war was imminent, we watched videos on what would happen, the fallout, the survival rate, and if you survived what the world would be like. I read this in Grade 9, I forgot all about it, until I read The Wanderers, and a review reminded me. I think it's time for a reread☺️

message 16: by Carter (new)

Carter A horror alternative to science fiction's dire warnings. Ronald Reagan's dangerous nuclear saber-rattling, even while the USSR under reformer Mikhail Gorbachev was offering bilateral disarmament, led to real nightmares and daytime fears. I joined the Nuclear Freeze campaign against weapons testing--achieved after Clinton became president.

wesley adair Yes there are gory scenes but its a good book to read

message 18: by Du (new)

Du Si Cist Thanks for your comment, it is very helpful to read these book topics!

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