MischaS_'s Reviews > How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr. Seuss
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it was amazing
bookshelves: english, movie-series-seen-first, surprised-me


This was just so sweet and amazing. Love this Grinch more than the movie one. I wish we had Dr.Seuss when I was younger. I do not remember having or knowing any of his books until high-school.
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Reading Progress

December 6, 2015 – Shelved
December 22, 2016 – Started Reading
December 22, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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TWISTARELLA Every kid in the 60s watched this every year, including myself. I still love it after 50 odd years.

MischaS_ SheAintGotNoShoes wrote: "Every kid in the 60s watched this every year, including myself. I still love it after 50 odd years."

Where I'm from (Czech Republic) Dr. Seuuss is not really big. We knew Grinch or Chocolate factory but mainly because of movies, not books. The first thing I read from Seuss was The Landlady in English class in high school.

TWISTARELLA He is massive here in the States. I learned how to read way back in the mid 1960s with his books. Every country has things that are massively popular that are either unknown or unliked in other places.

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ LOVEEEE THIS BOOK <3

Sonja⁷ I feel the same way! I didn't know about Dr. Seuss until high school, I wish someone would have read his books to me when I was younger :')

MischaS_ Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "LOVEEEE THIS BOOK <3"

I do as well!

MischaS_ Sonja ✧・゚。★* wrote: "I feel the same way! I didn't know about Dr. Seuss until high school, I wish someone would have read his books to me when I was younger :')"

Same here... unfortunately, I do not believe that Dr.Seuss was a thing here. I don't even think that most of his books were translated here.
But I know that so many YA characters mention his work and I was so confused to why.

message 8: by Sonja⁷ (last edited Dec 29, 2019 02:23PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sonja⁷ MischaS_ wrote: "Same here... unfortunately, I do not believe that Dr.Seuss was a thing here. I don't even think that most of his books were translated here.
But I know that so many YA characters mention his work and I was so confused to why."

Yeah, that's why I checked out his books as well. So many people mentioned him all the time so I had to know what the hype was all about 😂

And I think his books are very difficult to translate well because he uses a lot of rhymes and word play, that's probably why children in non-native English speaking countries don't grow up with his books..

MischaS_ Sonja ✧・゚。★* wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Same here... unfortunately, I do not believe that Dr.Seuss was a thing here. I don't even think that most of his books were translated here.
But I know that so many YA characters m..."

Yeah, but poetry is still harder to translate than this and way more poetry was translated. But maybe with time more of his work will be translated to other countries.

But yes, I still remember how my American friends were always so confused thath I did not know Dr Seuss.

Sonja⁷ Ah, that's true! :')

MischaS_ @Sonja, 😍

Charles Reynolds Comment it you have read this in 2020 because I have

Luke riffle I like great it's called Christmas cause it gets me to stuff like that and he's kind of tricking to read if your friends

Luke riffle I would like brie stop I would like your common style you parks and do we do them

Luke riffle I never read it to school before so yeah Well I just got the to do like going bully with coco and stuff

Luke riffle I like it because I Cause it 3rd
I waited so very much like 500 so ha ha ha

Luke riffle Can you please stop yourself Butt Is your green beans for dinner tonight tomorrow night

Luke riffle Are you gonna have green beans and farts tomorrow night to eat

Luke riffle Also you're gonna have a poop
to eat tomorrow night Poo yeah

Luke riffle I have read his

message 21: by Rea (new) - added it

Rea I like the movie than the book *

message 22: by Rea (new) - added it

Rea okay

Elizabeth Balfour ™So funny and intriguing!

ladybug jojsiwa is a good popstar

message 25: by Adelle (new) - added it

Adelle Moore How do you read the books ?

MischaS_ Adelle wrote: "How do you read the books ?"

I got them off BookDepository.

Josephandfamily I watch it on a channel

MischaS_ Maria Moore wrote: "I watch it on a channel"

Which one?

message 29: by willam lema (new) - added it

willam lema this book is cool love it

MischaS_ willam lema wrote: "this book is cool love it"


Madalina Arghir Is a very good book!

martina long i really want tto read the boook for free

message 34: by lloyd sabio (new) - added it

lloyd sabio Is this the 2018 version of the movie?

Pha Lee I have never read this book.

~Indi's book nook~ I love this book

message 37: by Anna (new) - added it

Anna I love this story but, I like the movie more!

message 38: by luna (new)

luna I've watched this in film. Pretty good.

message 39: by Chyna Fisher (new)

Chyna Fisher Time some skirt one chrome

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