Kemper's Reviews > Nemesis Games

Nemesis Games by James S.A. Corey
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bookshelves: 2015, terrorism, sci-fi, space, aliens, expanse, 2020-reread
Read 2 times. Last read May 18, 2020 to June 9, 2020.

“This is as good as it gets. Can’t expect everyone to be on the same page. We’re still humans after all. Some percentage of us are always going to be assholes.”
- Naomi Nagata - Nemesis Games

"Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast."
- Ron Burgundy - Anchorman: The Legend of Run Burgundy

After their latest misadventure the Rocinante is in need of extensive repairs that will keep the ship sidelined as the crew finds itself with a variety of personal matters that need their attention so they split up and head to different spots all over the solar system. Unfortunately, one of them gets caught up in an elaborate trap that will have a devastating and long-range impact.

The Expanse novels have been about big events potentially changing the future of humanity, but these things have been done against a backdrop that fundamentally hasn’t changed. The political and military organizations have remained mostly stable, and a large part of the story is about the reaction by those powers to what's going on. What happens here is particularly sneaky on the part of the authors who make up the James S.A. Corey name because this is the point where they’ve kicked over the table and upset the entire game.

That makes sense because by their 9 book timeline this is where we cross the halfway point so we’re firmly in the second act which is where things traditionally get dark for the heroes of any kind of story. What’s shocking here is the extent of the damage done, and it’s made even more disturbing that even those who have generally been portrayed as being the most powerful and savviest characters get caught flat-footed.

Once again, that makes sense in the greater context of The Expanse because one of its on-going themes is how short-sighted selfish people can always draw attention away from larger threats and find a way to fight over things even as humanity should be on the brink of a new age of limitless exploration and expansion. This is especially been built up as part of an increasingly good job of developing villains.

At the start of the series the third party subjective nature of shifting the point-of-view around a handful of characters sometimes made the threats seem vague or to come out of nowhere. Since the third book the authors have done a much better job of finding ways to put a face on the bad guys, and they’ve got a knack for creating a particular brand of smug self-absorbed jerkfaces who are masters of developing rationalizations for their actions.

Another selling point here is that at this point in the series we’re fully invested in our main characters. (Or at least I assume that anyone who is reading the 5th book of 500+ page novels cares at least a little bit about these guys.) By scattering the crew of the Roci around and making them the narrators who carry the story, it not only brings a lot of the epic scale down to a more relatable level, it also sets up a near guarantee in emotional investment. Even as they’re going through different trails and tribulations they all have one goal, to get back to their ship and each other. That's the hook that carries off this whole thing because it's what all the readers want, too.

I could nitpick a bit about how some of the coincidences seem a bit much or that the novella The Churn probably should have been boiled down to backstory for this one rather than selling it as a extra by itself. But overall I’m just having too much fun with this series to gripe much other than bitching about how now I gotta wait until the summer of 2016 for the next book. I just hope I don’t get Dark Towered on this thing….
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Quotes Kemper Liked

James S.A. Corey
“This is as good as it gets. Can’t expect everyone to be on the same page. We’re still humans after all. Some percentage of us are always going to be assholes.”
James S.A. Corey, Nemesis Games

Reading Progress

August 31, 2015 – Started Reading
August 31, 2015 – Shelved
September 8, 2015 – Finished Reading
May 18, 2020 – Started Reading
June 9, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Bradley Dark Towered. So totally lol. :)

Kemper Brad wrote: "Dark Towered. So totally lol. :)"

Sad but true. That's why I usually won't read an unfinished sci-fi/fantasy series. I'm breaking my own rule with this one.

Bradley I remember when I used to be like that. Only wait for the established series, the tried and true... and then I guess I drank the kool-aid somewhere. Now I've got something like a dozen must-read series sitting in my head, and I have to pick up yet another just to keep my fix at bay while I wait for the next book to come out...

What a twisted, twisted world we live in... ;)

Kemper It was the 6 years after ending on a cliffhanger and then another 6 to get going again after King got his minivan motivation that made me swear that I'd never again let an author get my hooked and make me wait. Seeing what GRRM fans go through, I think I chose wisely.

But I gambled on this one with the TV show coming out and their clockwork churning out of a fresh book every year.

message 5: by Tony (new)

Tony Vacation Don't you still have several novellas (if that's what it means when a book has a ".5" attached to its series' number) to read?

Kemper Anthony wrote: "Don't you still have several novellas (if that's what it means when a book has a ".5" attached to its series' number) to read?"

There's a few I could read, but it won't take me long to burn them through them. Then I'll be just another junkie looking for a fix.

message 7: by Richard (new) - added it

Richard While I liked the first book alright, I didn't love it. I loved the universe and all its detail and I thought parts of the book on their own was very exciting but the overall pacing and tension didn't work for me. But your ongoing reviews of the series makes me more excited to continue! Do you feel that the series gets better after that first nove? If someone thought that the first novel was just alright, would you recommend giving the other books a shock? I feel like I'm missing out!

Kemper Richard Vialet wrote: "While I liked the first book alright, I didn't love it. I loved the universe and all its detail and I thought parts of the book on their own was very exciting but the overall pacing and tension did..."

The basic structure and formula is the same for all the books in that there's space shenanigans going on and they flip around to a third party point of view from like 4 characters in every book. Up until now each has had a self-contained story that also sees some kind of bigger plot thread lurking in the background that pops out at critical moments. So from that standpoint, they are all of a type.

However, each book also has kind of it's theme. The first was a mash up of space opera/mystery/horror story. The second also had a conspiracy mystery thing but also a more political and military bend to it. The third was more of the alien encounter type, and the fourth actually kind of plays like episode of classic Star Trek or Next Gen to me.

So they have different things going on, and I think the way that the underlying story has been built up is really paying off at this point.

message 9: by Richard (new) - added it

Richard Kemper wrote: ""I think the way that the underlying story has been built up is really paying off at this point."

Thanks! I'll give Caliban's War a try soon!

00mongoose "dark towered" haha thats halarious.
As far as the expanse series, I'm on book 2 now, so I got some caching up to do. I really like this series so far, and I too am amped for the series in December.

Karina I remember reading a warning about starting this series before it was al written. May even have been you, Kemper. Glad I started late so I could read five in a row. Here's hoping summer arrives soon now.

message 12: by Deb (new) - added it

Deb Ronca Then there's the Wheel of Time whose author died before he finished the 13/14 book series.Fortunately, Brandon Sanderson did a seamless job of finishing it.
Was disappointed to find out Babylon's Ashes wasn't out yet. I have already reread book 1

message 13: by Jake (new) - added it

Jake "I hope I don't get Dark Towered." You just said what I didn't even know I wanted to say. Yes.

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