Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Cruel Beauty

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
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I don’t know if Cruel Beauty truly deserved five stars on merit but goddamnit I’m awarding it all the points for enjoyability. All of them. I loved the hell out of this story. The passion. The intrigue. Ignifex. Nyx’s rage. Ignifex. All the kissing. Nyx.

This book kind of had it all for me. Plot, mystery, intrigue and a whole lot of making out. It’s almost like Hodge was trying to distract me from the crazy plotholes and loose story structure. It was fantastic! I haven’t been this entertained by a book in ages. I immediately went out and bought a copy (I got mine from the library).

So if you’re into mythology and kissing and just looking for something eminently, page-turningly good, then this is your book.

This is only a mini review as I wrote a guide to Beauty and the Beast retellings here.
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Reading Progress

June 15, 2015 – Started Reading
June 15, 2015 – Shelved
June 17, 2015 –
page 104
30.06% "I'm really, really enjoying this book... *blushes*"
June 17, 2015 –
page 172
49.71% "This book is so goddamn cheeky!"
June 18, 2015 – Finished Reading
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: favorites
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: fun-fantasy
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: leaves-awesomeness-behind
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: romance-romance-romance
July 2, 2015 – Shelved as: to-ya-or-not-to-ya

Comments Showing 1-48 of 48 (48 new)

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message 1: by Maggie (new) - added it

Maggie Which book did you prefer between cruel beauty and ACOTAR, since they are both beauty and the beast retellings?

Kat Kennedy Oooooohhhhh that is an evil question to ask!!!!! I don't know how to answer that!

Daiane Lol. I think that even though they are both B&B retellings, they are sooo different.

message 4: by Blair (new)

Blair They are both so different. I don't think one is better than the other, but I will say that Cruel Beauty seems darker. Anyway, I recommend that you read them both.

WOWZA! I loved that book !!

Vanessa J. Yassssss. I'm glad you liked it. Did you feel it went down? And answering Maggie's question, I liked this one much more than ACOTAR.

Estefani CB was amazing, it's actually funny when people compare this with acotar...

Katerina  Kondrenko I heard this one is sooo much better than ACOTAR so I'm gonna marry this book.

message 9: by Maggie (new) - added it

Maggie Thank you to everyone for their opinions! Since there are conflicting views, I'm just going to have to read both and make up my own mind.. :)

Kat Kennedy I think it's actually hard to compare this one to ACOTAR because they're so different even though they're both BatB retellings set in a high fantasy world.

Anyway. I love them both like they're my children. I can't choose a favourite.

Saray ( I Read And Paint ) yep, it's that good. and then some :)

Katerina  Kondrenko I love ACOTAR too, hope CB will become another one fav BatB-retelling of mine. And if these stories are actually different, I think I can start Cruel Beauty ASAP (I was afraid that similarities would spoil my reading-pleasure).

Kat, will you write review for this one?

Kat Kennedy I sure will!

Katerina  Kondrenko I'll be waiting) And finishing my currently-reads with turbo-speed to start CB, very intrigued.

message 15: by Caren (new)

Caren So wait, you liked this book? I read the summary and I just couldn't picture it as anything other than a generic re-telling with bad plot devices. However, if you liked it then I will reconsider!

Kat Kennedy I REALLY liked it. It does have a complicated plot and it's very romance heavy but it's great!

message 17: by J.M. (new)

J.M. Welker I am surprised you liked it so much. This is going on my read-soon list!

Kat Kennedy J. M. wrote: "I am surprised you liked it so much. This is going on my read-soon list!"

You know, I am too. Steph hated it so I expected to at least find it meh. But no. I really loved it.

message 19: by Caren (new)

Caren Awesome, I look forward to checking it out! Thanks ^^

Maria This is the best Beauty & The Beast retelling I've read so far. :)

Kat Kennedy I know, right? SO GOOD. So delicious. So scrumptious. I'm really battling whether to like this or ACOTAR better.

Maria For me, ACOTAR was inferior to CB, but then, Maas always starts slow with her series IMO.

Vanessa J. This one, this one, this one. I love this a million times more than ACOTAR, but then again, I didn't like ACOTAR...

Cristina Guarino I'm very excited to read this book! This might be a silly question, but do you think I should read GRACELING first since it's compared to it?

Kat Kennedy I don't see how it is like Graceling. But sure, go ahead.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell I found another beauty and the beast retelling for you!

Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan

Kat Kennedy Thank you!

Kat Kennedy Yup! Read it ;)

message 30: by Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ (last edited Jun 26, 2015 02:58AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat Kennedy Nenia wrote: "Beastly by Alex Flinn

Beast by Donna Jo Napoli

Thank you! I'll give them a try.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell I am proud of myself for finding one you haven't read!

You really have read a lot!

Kat Kennedy Yeah, you did good! I'm proud.

message 34: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Roque Oh my gosh this book was so twisted, it kinda bent my mind a bit. Or a lot. I love it!

Katerina  Kondrenko The guide is awesome! You did very good, Kat ;)

Kat Kennedy Thank youuuuuuuu!

Constance I loved it, especially the darn creepiness of it all and how it celebrated the women with true bite and fight about them. I felt the end was a bit muddled (I found myself a bit lost as the curse unfolded) but it didn't take away from how fab it was.

Cristina Guarino Oh, I asked about Graceling because it says "Graceling meets Beauty and the Beast..." in the Goodreads summary. :)

Fayrose I feel like this compared to ACOTAR is better only because of the darker aspect, and the conflicting problems (her mission or her heart), but I loved both books so if you're a fan of beauty and the beast retellings READ BOTH

Kat Kennedy Cristina wrote: "Oh, I asked about Graceling because it says "Graceling meets Beauty and the Beast..." in the Goodreads summary. :)"

I really don't think they're anything alike. Except they can both be kind of sexy... I guess? But I don't see how they managed to compare this to Graceling?!

Cristina Guarino Funny thing is, everyone is comparing this to Beauty & The Beast but the first thing that came to mind was Rumpelstiltskin! The name guessing, the maze-like castle... it all screamed Rumpelstiltskin to me.

Katerina  Kondrenko Cristina wrote: "Funny thing is, everyone is comparing this to Beauty & The Beast but the first thing that came to mind was Rumpelstiltskin! The name guessing, the maze-like castle... it all screamed Rumpelstiltski..."

Wow, you're more than right!

message 43: by moya (new)

moya saoirse finally a book you actually enjoyed.

Simon Says im glad you enjoyed it, i loved this book too

message 45: by Lynndall (new) - added it

Lynndall Kat Kennedy just so you know,when I'm browsing for books to read I always look for your review first before reading any book lol thanks for the honest,sometimes biased reviews I simply love them.

Madelynn Belle First of all, I LOVE Beauty and the Beast so your blog is AMAZING! Second, how do you post a link to your blog in your review? Because I might actually pass out from frustration.

Kaitlyn Neff Is this a standalone?

maša i don't understand the ending :/. can someone explain it to me

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