Lark Benobi's Reviews > Zone One

Zone One by Colson Whitehead
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: male-identified-authors, social-distance-reading

The banality of zombie apocalypse, beautifully rendered. Reading this book was something like reading a book about housecleaning, if housecleaning were to have life-and-death consequences.
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Reading Progress

June 7, 2015 – Shelved
June 7, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
June 7, 2015 – Shelved as: in-queue
Started Reading
July 22, 2015 – Finished Reading
January 1, 2016 – Shelved as: male-identified-authors
March 23, 2020 – Shelved as: social-distance-reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Juniper (new)

Juniper i like colson whitehead a lot, but i have stayed away from this novel because of the zombie thing.

Lark Benobi It was my first Colson Whitehead book. I have The Intuitionist on my shelf and plan to read it soon. On another topic completely while I have you on my home page...I just learned about the "CANADA READS" tournament this morning--how you must love living in a cultured country!

message 3: by Juniper (last edited Jul 22, 2015 01:34PM) (new)

Juniper Poingu wrote: "It was my first Colson Whitehead book. I have The Intuitionist on my shelf and plan to read it soon. On another topic completely while I have you on my home page...I just learned about the "CANADA ..."

Sag Harbor was a read i loved, and great for summer!

heh - canada reads is awesome. you can stream it online, or listen online (or through podcasts post-show, i think) from anywhere in the world, so you can totally see what it's like in 2016 (or go back in the archives for past year's). if it's okay to say, i co-moderate the CBC books' group here on GR (CBC is the broadcaster/creator of canada reads). in the group, we have some great canada reads chatting each year., among members from all over.

message 4: by Greg (new)

Greg I'm too stressed out about trump buying Greenland by selling Alaska to Russia. A global pandemic? Not for me today.

message 5: by Meike (new) - added it

Meike This first sentence is perfection, Lark! :-)

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