David M's Reviews > Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky

Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky
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's review

it was amazing

First read Chomsky as a teenager. At first I couldn't believe what he was saying.

I never wanted to be a radical; it's just that when I started checking the footnotes I couldn't stop.
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June 5, 2015 – Shelved

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Asher Deep I read this a couple of months ago and felt the same way. He's been doing it for six decades, God . . .

David M you're the perfect age for it!

Asher Deep David wrote: "you're the perfect age for it!"

I read this and Manufacturing Consent. What do I read next?

David M the footnotes!

message 5: by David (last edited Dec 08, 2016 03:28AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

David M I'd read a lot of the journalists and other authors he cites; and this is a good volume The Chomsky Reader

his political writing is actually very repetitive, as he talks about the same war crimes over and over again

Asher Deep David wrote: "I'd read a lot of the journalists and other author he cites; and this is a good volume The Chomsky Reader

his political writing is actually very repetitive, as he talks about the same..."

Thanks, David. I'll check it out! :)

message 7: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer What book is a good intro to Chomsky? I admire him but have always been a bit intimidated to read him! Is his writing easy to comprehend for a newbie or is it a lot of theory?

Faisel Yeah it's easy, Jennifer. You can also start by listening to some of his interviews on Youtube.

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