Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Kindling the Moon

Kindling the Moon by Jenn Bennett
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It's not that there was anything particularly wrong with Kindling The Moon. It's well written, well paced and reasonably readable. There was the odd typo or spelling mistake or missing punctuation, but I can live with that.

But it was rather like an unfortunately boring date. You know how it is. You go to a bar together and all they want to do is talk about body fluids and how they power magical spells. They seem like a perfectly nice book. But there's nothing really special there. No spark, no chemistry.

And talking about no chemistry, I just did not feel the sizzle between the two main characters. At one point they were kissing and he stuck his finger down her panties and I felt like I was reading a text book. I felt nothing. Maybe this is because Lon didn't feel like someone I would ever go for. He's quite a bit older than Cady, at 42 for her 25 and he has a moustache. I really struggled to feel the attraction.

Around the 60% mark my interest started to wane and by the 80% mark it was pretty much gone.

This date is over, alas, but I'll bear the fond memories of Cady's parent's sex magic for a long, long time.
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Reading Progress

March 21, 2015 – Started Reading
March 21, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 21, 2015 – Shelved
March 22, 2015 –
63.0% "This book is quite readable but I'm not in love with it. Problem is I'm just so not attracted to Lon."
March 23, 2015 – Shelved as: death-by-paranormal-romance
March 23, 2015 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
March 23, 2015 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy-woot
March 23, 2015 – Shelved as: the-great-shelf-of-meh
March 23, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Deniz (new)

Deniz pitty, if the hottie isn't doing it for you, the entire chemistry is off. Nothing to do, hope it will improve!

Kat Kennedy Yeah. Lon is an older gentleman. Nothing against that but I'm not really into older men. Also, he has a moustache. Not my thing at all.

message 3: by Deniz (new)

Deniz Hmm ok - I feel similarly in both accounts- I like beards on some guys- well groomed ones- but mustaches not my thing
The older thingy doesn't quite do it for me either --Though I am "older" myself -lol
Glad you my test reader girl! Think I'll skip this one
Always appreciate when you find a great UF for me to read ;)

message 4: by Deniz (new)

Deniz Hmm ok - I feel similarly in both accounts- I like beards on some guys- well groomed ones- but mustaches not my thing
The older thingy doesn't quite do it for me either --Though I am "older" myself -lol
Glad you my test reader girl! Think I'll skip this one
Always appreciate when you find a great UF for me to read ;)

Chelsea ✨Arielle’s Nebular Ally and Team Acrux✨ Sorry this didn't work for you, Kat! Better luck on your next read :)

Shannon Yeah, I'm not going to give you the whole "BUT IT GETS BETTERRRR" spiel, but I gave this 3 stars while the last book got 5. Sorry you couldn't finish it though!

Kat Kennedy It's okay. It was fun to read while I did enjoy it.

Baron Adjei Sometimes you have to stop reading a book due the most oddest of reason. I really expected to enjoy reading this book and for starters I was right up until Lon was introduced. You summarized up my thoughts on this book nicely though I gotta admit I'm really not a fun of the whole older male, younger female thing its one of the main things that put me off..it would have been better if the two had any chemistry but in my opinion they just don't.

Elena Great review...this was my feelings, exactly!

Rizzini Exactly how I felt about this book! I was really struggling to finish this one.

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