Matthew's Reviews > East of Eden

East of Eden by John Steinbeck
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2016, book-a-book-club, classic, borrowed, favorites

Very easy for me to rate this book 5 stars. It is amazing. There is so much in it and it is not hard to read. It just tells it like it is and does it so well.

It is like a high priced, high quality buffet with lots of different stations. At each of those stations is a main table with an awesome featured food (thick cut prime rib, chocolate fondue fountain, Mongolian BBQ bowl, etc.). In layman's terms, there is SO MUCH awesome story here with a HUGE payoff every 50 pages or so. I am very satisfied with the story I got - full of literature!

Oh, and this book has one of the most heartless and despicable villains ever put on paper.

I recommend this book to anyone that wants to read a decent story told very well. This has solidified with me that Steinbeck is a literary genius - cannot be denied!
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Quotes Matthew Liked

John Steinbeck
“It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.”
John Steinbeck, شرق بهشت

Reading Progress

March 10, 2015 – Shelved
March 10, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: book-a-book-club
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: classic
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: borrowed
July 1, 2016 – Started Reading
July 1, 2016 –
page 32
5.32% "Brotherly Love?"
July 2, 2016 –
page 70
11.65% "Inheritance of lies?"
July 5, 2016 –
page 95
15.81% "Cathy Ames = Trouble!"
July 8, 2016 –
page 126
20.97% "Well, if you think your brother is bad . . ."
July 10, 2016 –
page 153
25.46% "Hard-pan and strong-willed educators"
July 11, 2016 –
page 188
31.28% "Conforming to Stereotypes"
July 12, 2016 –
page 221
36.77% "Go through the motions"
July 13, 2016 –
page 249
41.43% "Holy cow! The section I just read is some of the craziest stuff ever put on paper!"
July 14, 2016 –
page 285
47.42% "Three guys . . . sitting around . . . picking names - seriously, ends up being more dramatic than it sounds!"
July 16, 2016 –
page 307
51.08% "Debating Genesis"
July 18, 2016 –
page 348
57.9% "Looks like history is repeating itself - or, should I say, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
July 19, 2016 –
page 385
64.06% "Where there's a will, there's a conflict"
July 20, 2016 –
page 420
69.88% ""It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.""
July 21, 2016 –
page 447
74.38% "The dead live just down the street . . . and they are immoral . . . but, hey, they're family!"
July 22, 2016 –
page 485
80.7% "Twin brothers going very different directions"
July 24, 2016 –
page 512
85.19% "Bad arthritis is too good for Kate!"
July 25, 2016 –
page 551
91.68% "Down the rabbit hole . . ."
July 25, 2016 – Shelved as: favorites
July 25, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Hilary (new) - added it

Hilary Matthews We're reading the same book right now!

Matthew Cool! Book club?

Laura If you all like this one, try Ron Rash's Serena. #nastyfemales

Cathrine ☯️ I might have to read it a 3rd time. :)

Chris Blocker Welcome to The Club.

Justin Well said! This is one of the best damn books ever written.

message 7: by Matthew (last edited Jul 25, 2016 09:00PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Justin wrote: "Well said! This is one of the best damn books ever written."

Yup - very well said by you - best damn book! This book might be borderline perfect.

message 8: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen Great review Matthew, I need to get to this one.

message 9: by Ron (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ron The great thing about buffets is you can go back for more! :)

Fabian {Councillor} Awesome review, Matthias. I'm going to read this book as soon as possible, I'm already very excited for it. :)

Carol I agree with Justin's comment! Great review!

message 12: by Saul (new) - rated it 3 stars

Saul Escalona Been trying to get on this book for a while, needed a push to decide. Thanks for the push Matthew.

Matthew No problem, Saul! It's fantastic - I don't think you will be disappointed.

Sarah This is a great review Matthew, thanks for the contribution towards my quest =)

Matthew Sarah wrote: "This is a great review Matthew, thanks for the contribution towards my quest =)"

No problem! I liked this book so much more than I was expecting. I hope the same happens for you!

message 16: by Josh (new) - rated it 5 stars

Josh Caporale I like your food analogy. Anything with a reference to food is bound to catch someone's attention! I believe we are thinking of the same person (Cathy Ames) and I definitely agree that she was as cold and heartless as they came.

Matthew Josh wrote: "I like your food analogy. Anything with a reference to food is bound to catch someone's attention! I believe we are thinking of the same person (Cathy Ames) and I definitely agree that she was as c..."

When I read evil female characters going forward, I know I will always compare them to her!

message 18: by Josh (new) - rated it 5 stars

Josh Caporale We had a discussion about her on our channel and I will agree that she is a scathing, manipulative villain. I made an argument about her having the impression of Lilith, only Cathy's actions were not justified and I did not feel any sense of remorse.

Vanessa Love this review Matthew!

Matthew Vanessa wrote: "Love this review Matthew!"

Thank you!

Matthew Rita wrote: "There are so many of the really great writers, in the judgement of the world, that I have never read, including Steinbeck."

Steinbeck has yet to let me down!

Terris I'm so glad you loved this! Steinbeck is just my favorite!

Sarah Heartless and despicable villain is right Matthew... wow

Matthew Terris wrote: "I'm so glad you loved this! Steinbeck is just my favorite!"

Yes - he seems to always deliver - can't wait to read more!

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Heartless and despicable villain is right Matthew... wow"

Oh yes! A character you love to hate!

message 26: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue K H I agree, this is one of the greatest books ever written. I love Steinbeck's writing. It seeps in deeply and effortlessly

Matthew Sue wrote: "I agree, this is one of the greatest books ever written. I love Steinbeck's writing. It seeps in deeply and effortlessly"

I love that he can be so descriptive and it doesn't get boring. At the beginning of this book he spends a lot of time describing the Salinas Valley and it is great!

message 28: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue K H Agree! I'm going to San Francisco in the summer and am excited about going to Salinas, Monterrey and Carmel all of which play major parts in his novels. Going to try and fit in Cannery Row before I go since I've never read it, and maybe one or 2 more.

Linda Great review, Matthew.. I really loved this book, too. It seemed to have everything a good story should have, tenfold.

Matthew Sue wrote: "Agree! I'm going to San Francisco in the summer and am excited about going to Salinas, Monterrey and Carmel all of which play major parts in his novels. Going to try and fit in Cannery Row before I..."

I love books that make you want to travel!

Matthew Linda wrote: "Great review, Matthew.. I really loved this book, too. It seemed to have everything a good story should have, tenfold."

What I am finding of Steinbeck, he is pretty good at that!

message 32: by ChopinFC (new) - added it

ChopinFC Wonderful review! I loved 'Pillars of the Earth'... if it's anything like it, I'm game!

Matthew ChopinFC wrote: "Wonderful review! I loved 'Pillars of the Earth'... if it's anything like it, I'm game!"

Thanks, Chopin! They are both great books!

message 34: by Dan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dan Great review Matthew! Arguably my favorite book of all time, certainly the first half of the book is. There are few villains I ever root for but Kate was one of them.

Matthew Dan wrote: "Great review Matthew! Arguably my favorite book of all time, certainly the first half of the book is. There are few villains I ever root for but Kate was one of them."

Thank you, Dan! Gotta love characters you love to hate! :)

Matthew leslie hamod wrote: "Wonderful review of a great book! I have all of Steinbeck's work. Excellent!"

Thanks, Leslie! I have enjoyed everything I have ever read by him!

Matthew leslie hamod wrote: "Me too! I think we discussed this on my old account! While you were reading it!💜"

Of course! That is going to be tough re-figuring this all out as you recover. We are here to support you! :)

Eileen I don't know if I've ever read Steinbeck, but you make me want to check him out!

Matthew Eileen wrote: "I don't know if I've ever read Steinbeck, but you make me want to check him out!"

You should! You really, really should!

Eileen Okay, I'll request this book from my library and we'll put it in the queue!

Matthew Eileen wrote: "Okay, I'll request this book from my library and we'll put it in the queue!"

If you don't want a commitment quite this large, try The Pearl or Of Mice and Men.

Eileen Matthew wrote: "Eileen wrote: "Okay, I'll request this book from my library and we'll put it in the queue!"

If you don't want a commitment quite this large, try The Pearl or Of Mice and Men."

Okay, thanks for the recs. I'll read the descriptions and make a decision that way. :)

Matthew Eileen wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Eileen wrote: "Okay, I'll request this book from my library and we'll put it in the queue!"

If you don't want a commitment quite this large, try The Pearl or Of Mice and Men."


Awesome - I don't think you can go wrong!

Kimberly Dawn Wonderful review! I agree it’s a great book!

Eileen I forgot--I did read Grapes of Wrath when I was in high school. I don't remember it much, except that I do remember I liked it. Perhaps it's time to revisit it.

Matthew Kimberly Dawn wrote: "Wonderful review! I agree it’s a great book!"

Thank you, Kimberly! :)

Matthew Eileen wrote: "I forgot--I did read Grapes of Wrath when I was in high school. I don't remember it much, except that I do remember I liked it. Perhaps it's time to revisit it."

That is also one I have thought would be worth a reread. It was a high school reading book I enjoyed - I cannot say that for all the books I read back then!

Julie G This book is a "5 star slam dunk" as far as I'm concerned.

Matthew Julie wrote: "This book is a "5 star slam dunk" as far as I'm concerned."


Brigid Cruickshank It’s all about that last word - Steinbeck is a genius!

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