Paul Bryant's Reviews > Cinema Sewer, Vol. 1

Cinema Sewer, Vol. 1 by Robin Bougie
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bookshelves: verysleazyfun, movies

Ech! Ew ew ew. Oh no.. no.. surely not. Ach - why am I reading this? In the spirit of pure research? Really? Pure? Is that the word you used? I don't guess that might be a word one might possibly use in the context in which we find ourselves. Barf barf. Gross. Oh God those Japanese ones. Ech. Ach. Uch. This surely must be illegal like everywhere. Huh? No - surely not - some of this stuff is on Amazon? What kind of a society are we living in? Blurch blech blech - no, the German ones are the worst. Oh, that's so sick. Sick sick. It's beyond beyond. Sewer is right. Surely this book and the movies it gleefully describes proves once and for all there is no God. Or, okay, if there is He's pretty hands-off. Eww ew, page 47. I did not know you could do that. It's kind of interesting in an abstract anatomical way, I suppose. But really. I think I'll save the rest for another day. It can't be healthy even reading descriptions of these movies, never mind actually seeing them. Although the descriptions do often make me guffaw out loud. It's the insane relish, you see. It's so unseemly. This Robin Bougie guy is one disgusting individual. Okay, with a somewhat wicked sense of humour. But no, he can't get round me like that. This stuff is appalling. Appalling.
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Reading Progress

September 7, 2010 – Started Reading
September 7, 2010 – Shelved
October 2, 2010 – Shelved as: verysleazyfun
October 2, 2010 – Shelved as: movies
October 2, 2010 – Finished Reading

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