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Cinema Sewer #1

Cinema Sewer, Vol. 1

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The best of the first twelve, long-out-of-print issues of the celebrated underground smash magazine Cinema Sewer. A mind-melting compilation of gonzo writing, illustration and comics about the most insane, sexy, awkward, cheesy, hilarious, upsetting and jaw-dropping movies in the history of film, Cinema Sewer joyously celebrates the sleaziest aspects of the moviegoing experience, while delving deep into bizarre cinematic history. Bougie's distinctive writing style has made him famous among a loyal following of cult film fans. Includes: •Graphic illustrations by Bougie and associates • Bizarre film trivia • 100 pages of never-before-seen interviews, rants, comics • Rare genre film ads • DIY 'zine aesthetic

192 pages, Paperback

First published October 30, 2007

About the author

Robin Bougie

39 books31 followers

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Paul Bryant.
2,305 reviews11k followers
October 2, 2010
Ech! Ew ew ew. Oh no.. no.. surely not. Ach - why am I reading this? In the spirit of pure research? Really? Pure? Is that the word you used? I don't guess that might be a word one might possibly use in the context in which we find ourselves. Barf barf. Gross. Oh God those Japanese ones. Ech. Ach. Uch. This surely must be illegal like everywhere. Huh? No - surely not - some of this stuff is on Amazon? What kind of a society are we living in? Blurch blech blech - no, the German ones are the worst. Oh, that's so sick. Sick sick. It's beyond beyond. Sewer is right. Surely this book and the movies it gleefully describes proves once and for all there is no God. Or, okay, if there is He's pretty hands-off. Eww ew, page 47. I did not know you could do that. It's kind of interesting in an abstract anatomical way, I suppose. But really. I think I'll save the rest for another day. It can't be healthy even reading descriptions of these movies, never mind actually seeing them. Although the descriptions do often make me guffaw out loud. It's the insane relish, you see. It's so unseemly. This Robin Bougie guy is one disgusting individual. Okay, with a somewhat wicked sense of humour. But no, he can't get round me like that. This stuff is appalling. Appalling.
Profile Image for SHUiZMZ.
218 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2017
Robin Bougie, an author, comic book artist, and extremely knowledgeable film geek is always a pleasure to read (and enjoy his artwork) and find out about some obscure, and not so obscure films. The book is fact-filled and great for individuals with a low-attention span for the digest-length reviews are well-written and usually tell just enough to entice one to hunt down the film and give it a view. Mr. Bougie, whom I consider a friend as well as a film geek colleague, is always a pleasure to talk with when he is guest on my podcast. I highly recommend reading Bougie's Cinema Sewer books, a collection of various articles from previous issues of the comic-book style zine all collected in one nice soft-cover, trade paperback sized book.
61 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2014
This was a very slow and difficult read, both because it is hand written and because of the subject matter. I am a shameless cinephile and I have a weak spot for underground and grindhouse cinema (even though so much of it is terrible) but this was a rough read. I plan on getting the rest of the series, however, so that must mean something. Mr Bougie does an excellent job of recapping everything from horror to exploitation to porn in a way that makes it fun to read. His language is terrible and his subject about as bad and the art is.... explicit... so this is not for everyone by a long shot. However, if you have a love of the bottom of the barrel then this may be for you.
Profile Image for Andrew Horton.
150 reviews21 followers
January 26, 2009
I think the Thora Birch portion of this might be worth the cover price alone, though this book is significantly different than what I had expected. I thought it would be an average horror film fanzine, but it's more like Galactic Zoo Dossier or Cometbus - lavishly illustrated, manically written - all about scum cinema, from weird grindhouse exploitation flicks through porn. My favorite thing about it is that Bougie's writing style is flat-out laugh-out-loud hilarious, reminding me most often of none other than Jim Goad.
Profile Image for Newt cox.
22 reviews11 followers
April 5, 2011
This is a collection of various articles from the out of print first few issues of the zine Cinema Sewer. Cinema Sewer is a zine about the fringes of the movie/tv world. Mainly written by Robin Bougie,who also does a bunch of the artwork,you can tell he loves the stuff he is talking about. After reading this book,I now have a huge list of films that I must see. Word of warning ,this book is not for kids. It has reviews about old school porn movies and some of the drawings can get a little extreme. But anyway this is worth buying if you have any interst in non-mainstream cinema.
Profile Image for Ryan.
1,237 reviews11 followers
May 17, 2011
When I say this book is recommended, I mean it is recommended to readers interested in adult material. The articles are mostly hand lettered and very well written. Many films on my top 50 all-time favorite films were recommended in this zine by Robin Bougie. I'm not even including skin flicks in that list, but great exploitation, HK, and gonzo films.

Bougie is also religious about regularly posting on LiveJournal. So check him out at: http://www.cinemasewer.com/?page_id=6

7 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2010
Hysterically funny. A must for anyone with even a small interest in sleazy celluloid.
Profile Image for Effie Dee.
5 reviews5 followers
July 12, 2011
What a glorious piece of slime.
I loved every second, and I am positive I will go back for more, over and over again
Profile Image for Aussiescribbler Aussiescribbler.
Author 17 books58 followers
March 15, 2015
It is a well-worn cliche that a particular book is "not for everyone". But what book is for everyone. O.K. Some might suggest the dictionary, The Bible or the phone book. What we really mean when we say that a book isn't for everyone is that it is for a select few.

The work of comic book artist, porn connoisseur/historian, trash film aficionado and ranter of riotous rants Robin Bougie (and his partners in crimes against good taste) is for those of us who self-identify as "jaded sickos". If you are not a member of this merry band don't even look at the cover.

This first volume of the Cinema Sewer series is a revised and expanded re-presentation of the first 12 issues of the magazine of the same name. The text is mostly hand lettered in capitals by Bougie. This doesn't always make it easy to read, but it gives it a pleasant home-made feel. The articles and reviews/plot synopses of films and television shows are illustrated with wild drawings, by Bougie and others, along with photos and ad matts. Fans of the old underground comics of the Sixties and Seventies will enjoy the artwork, which ranges from the pornographically erotic to the hallucinogenic or stomach-churningly grotesque. What it never is is tasteful.

This applies also to the written content. Bougie (along with his fellow contributors) presents himself in a warts and all uncensored form whether engaging in fantasies about actress Thora Birch participating in an incestuous orgy with her alleged porn star parents, spewing a comic rant against all of those who decide to become parents (followed by a roundup of films with child killing scenes in them), or describing a porno parody of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Bougie is like an adventurer to distant and dangerous lands who comes back to relate his adventures to stay-at-homes like me. I'm glad I've never witnessed someone committing suicide, but Bougie's history of people who have committed suicide live on television satisfied my morbid curiosity. The same is true of many of the sick underground porn videos he describes. (There were times I felt an impulse to try to read the page with my hands over my eyes.) The world can be a disturbing place and there are some parts of it I'd rather have someone else look at for me.

It isn't all disturbing though. There is coverage of sexy films, enjoyably cheesy films and general oddities. Some of the descriptions of Japanese television programs are particularly astounding. And then there is The 100 Worst Porn Movie Titles by Brad Yung, which is hysterical. Who knew there were porn movies called : Let's Stain the Couch, Big Trouble in Little Vagina, Moulin Splooge, Airtight Granny or May the Foreskin Be With You?

Perhaps most impressive in terms of the writing are Bougie's articles to do with the porn business. He explains how the myth of the snuff movie originated, dissects the controversy over Linda Lovelace, provides a commentary on the development and decline of the feminist anti-porn movement, and relates the story of Marc Wallace, a porn star who knowingly gave AIDS to at least six of his female co-stars.

And if you like this one, there are three more volumes available.
Profile Image for Joseph Hirsch.
Author 42 books117 followers
November 23, 2017
"Nostalgic" is probably not the first word that might come to mind when looking for adjectives to describe the contents of a book like "Cinema Sewer: Volume 1." The themes under discussion here- grind-house and perverse poverty row films, Times Square peep booths, and scatological Japanese cartoons and game shows- don't sound all that whimsical, but just reading this compilation of entries from a 'zine from a bygone era does give a fella a yen for the pre-DVD days of VHS, Beta-max, and projected reel prints. The book is written in a font that looks like handwriting (or may in fact be in the author's hand), giving the work a roughshod DIY-feel, despite the glossy and handsome presentation.

The tour guide for this seedy foray is jaded-nerd/film buff extraordinaire Robin Bougie, a bald, opinionated pervert who offers summaries and reviews of movies you haven't seen (and may not want to see), as well as his thoughts on such topics as the existence of snuff films and HIV-positive actors in the porn industry. He reminds me of the kind of Gen-X'er who used to work at video stores (back when those existed) who was nigh-on impossible to stump when it came to horror movie trivia. Despite having a dirty mind, Bougie comes across as a man with a conscience, who will draw the line at certain forms of anti-entertainment (he's not a fan of "Bum Fights," which he feels preys on the homeless), and his interests extend beyond the gross and profane, and he demonstrates wit and insight when talking about film in general, censorship, and feminism. The book is heavily illustrated, the marginalia reminiscent of a lot of the underground "Comix" fare from the 60s (there's even an interview with Ralph Bakshi to complete vintage psychedelic vibe). Posters, promotional one-sheets, and drive-in double-, triple- and even quadruple-(!) feature promos depicting buxom women and bad-ass men give one the impression of rooting around in Quentin Tarantino's id. Depending on your personal taste, this is either a neat coffee-table book and reference guide, or something to be avoided at all cost. Recommended, but only for those with taste buds at both ends of the alimentary canal.
Profile Image for Cassidy.
13 reviews6 followers
May 22, 2012
Skipped over a lot of the porn reviews but the rest of the book was pretty good.
Profile Image for Peter.
3,383 reviews602 followers
May 20, 2024
This probably is the nastiest magazine I ever came across. Disgusting drawings, rough descriptions, terrible b-movies, completely deranged articles, weird topics... well, it was different but I couldn't put it down. Recommended for those who think they have seen everything.
Profile Image for Morbus Iff.
758 reviews18 followers
June 28, 2018
Loved it! Even when it made me feel dirty for reading. Or when I hid it quickly from innocent eyes.
Profile Image for John.
105 reviews71 followers
May 6, 2024
Difficult subject matter to read about at points. But, glad I gave it a whirl! I'm not going to pursue the others in the series.... one was enough.
Profile Image for Doug Brunell.
Author 32 books29 followers
February 13, 2016
If you are a fan of sleaze, pornography, exploitation films, and/or horror, then you will want to read this series. Start here and then journey forward.

I have a fairly good knowledge of these types of films, but even so this gave me some new ones to pursue and some tidbits I hadn't known, so it earned the five star rating. My only complaint? The handwritten "font" that it is in. It leaves a bit to be desired, but I understand the appeal.

Great stuff and a wonderful start to an amazing series. Once again, FAB fails to disappoint.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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