Kemper's Reviews > Station Eleven

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
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really liked it
bookshelves: 2015, apocalypse-now, sci-fi, modern-lit

This is one well written apocalypse.

Arthur Leander is a famous actor who suffers a heart attack and dies on stage just before a deadly version of the swine flu kills most of humanity. Station Eleven then uses Arthur as the center of a web of connections that we learn from the people in his life before, during and after the disease wipes out the world as we know it. Kirsten sees Arthur die as a child actor, and years later she’s part of the Traveling Symphony that tours the small towns of the post-apocalyptic landscape. Jeevan is an ex-paparazzo turned paramedic who once stalked Arthur, but he is in the audience when the actor keels over and tries to save his life. Miranda is Arthur’s first wife who could never adjust to the spotlight his fame brought and wrote a comic book about a space station as a hobby. Clark was one of Arthur’s best friends who gets stranded far from home when things really start to fall apart.

The thing that astonishes me most about his is just how deftly Emily St. John Mandel portrays the end of the world. There’s no shortage of post-apocalyptic scenarios out there, but whether the culprits are zombies or nuclear weapons or killer viruses the aftermath is generally as brutal as an ax blow to the face. Mandel writes with such an understated elegance that there’s a dark beauty and grace to her fallen world even as she acknowledges all the hardship and horrors of it.

She also does a masterful job of managing the structure with its shifting third party perspectives at various times. All the links and coincidences could have felt very forced and ultimately pointless, but again it’s her skill at making us interested in all of these people at their various stages of pre and post apocalypse that make it all work so that the connections feel organic and not simply plot points.

While the post-apocalyptic world seems believable for the most part there are some quibbles I could make. Mandel writes this as if a flu with a near 100% mortality rate would essentially wipe out all the accumulated knowledge and technical ability of the survivors and takes everyone back to an almost medieval way of life.

It’s weird that everything has been so ransacked just fifteen years later because the math doesn’t seem right there. If 99% of the US died within days so that there was no prolonged destructive cycle to use up resources, that'd be roughly 3 million people left in a country that had all the crap that 300 million people accumulated. Yet, Kristen is amazed to find a house in the woods that had not been searched where she finds a dress to replace hers that is worn out. Or guns and ammo are portrayed as being increasingly rare even though America has enough guns that each survivor could have about 1000 each. Books also seem to be in short supply as if the libraries were also killed by the flu.

So those would be some serious flaws in the premise if you were judging this solely on criteria like world building (Or world destroying.) and plausibility, but it didn’t lower my opinion much because this just isn’t that kind of book. It’s more interested at exploring human connections as well as providing a reminder that we’re living in an age of unappreciated wonders that is a lot more fragile than we want to admit, and at that Mandel succeeds exceedingly well.
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November 4, 2014 – Shelved
September 13, 2015 – Started Reading
September 26, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Trudi I'll be curious to see what you make of this one. I loved it and should have written a review but I was in a review slump at the time. If you read it right and don't miss the point I look forward to your review!

Jessica T. I loved it...

message 3: by Luke (new)

Luke Taylor I wondered about this book. I'll have to buy it now. Thank you. :)

Zoeytron "Books also seem to be in short supply as if the libraries were also killed by the flu." Like you, I would have thought books would have a decent immunity to the flu. Good review.

Trudi "Mandel writes with such an understated elegance that there’s a dark beauty and grace to her fallen world even as she acknowledges all the hardship and horrors of it."

Yes. Very nice. I love it when you don't miss the point.

Kemper Luke wrote: "I wondered about this book. I'll have to buy it now. Thank you. :)"

Hope you like it if you try it.

Kemper Zoeytron wrote: ""Books also seem to be in short supply as if the libraries were also killed by the flu." Like you, I would have thought books would have a decent immunity to the flu. Good review."

I was really scratching my head over that one. Thanks.

Kemper Trudi wrote: "Yes. Very nice. I love it when you don't miss the point..."

Since I never do you should be happy all the time then.

Trudi Kemper wrote: "Trudi wrote: "Yes. Very nice. I love it when you don't miss the point..."

Since I never do..."

Your self delusion is one of your more pitiable characteristics.

Kemper Trudi wrote: "Your self delusion is one of your more pitiable characteristics."

But at least I don't have tragically Canadian sensibilities.

message 11: by Jessaka (last edited Sep 28, 2015 09:42AM) (new)

Jessaka the books were gone because I had beamed them all over to my house just before the flu killed most other people. I just never get the flu anymore because I always get a shot.

good review, really enjoyed it.

Sharon I just loved this one. You have such good taste. Love the review too.

message 13: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday I'm very happy you liked this one! although for some reason I'm surprised.

Kemper mark wrote: "I'm very happy you liked this one! although for some reason I'm surprised."

Because I'm a bitter old crank that hates everything?

Kemper Sharon wrote: "I just loved this one. You have such good taste. Love the review too."


Kemper josey wrote: "the books were gone because I had beamed them all over to my house just before the flu killed most other people. I just never get the flu anymore because I always get a shot...."

That reminds me that I need to get my flu shot.

message 17: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday Kemper wrote: "mark wrote: "I'm very happy you liked this one! although for some reason I'm surprised."

Because I'm a bitter old crank that hates everything?"

you're not bitter!

I dunno why except there is a softness to the novel that I wouldn't think would be a good fit for the hard-boiled Kemper aesthetic. I'm glad to be wrong, you big softie.

Kemper mark wrote: "you're not bitter!"..."

I'm so bitter that I can eat a handful of Sour Patch Kids candy without even making a face.

Trudi mark wrote: "I'm glad to be wrong, you big softie..."

*LOL* Careful mark, I don't think he's ready to be outed publicly yet :)

message 20: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday if I ever meet Kemper in person, he is going to be the recipient of so many hugs and cuddles. he'll love it!

Kemper mark wrote: "if I ever meet Kemper in person, he is going to be the recipient of so many hugs and cuddles. he'll love it!"

That's a very bad idea. I'm a big believer in personal space. Like a "I'll send you an email. No need to be in the same room." level of personal space.

message 22: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday haha, your definition of personal space will definitely be expanded when we finally meet! get ready for a cuddlefest!

Trudi PLEASE don't let this happen unless I'm there to witness it!!! I will jump on a plane mark!

Kemper mark, you are my friend. Please don't make me punch you in the liver. At least three feet at all times except for a hearty handshake at arm's length as a greeting. It's best that way. I react like Rachel McAdams in True Detective when anyone gets inside the Danger Bubble, as I like to call it.

message 25: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday it'll be worth a few punches! plus my liver is made of cast iron.

Kemper mark wrote: "it'll be worth a few punches! plus my liver is made of cast iron."

I'm warning you, mark. It's for your own good. I don't need any more innocent blood on my hands...

message 27: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday you'll be fine, you big softie. together we shall redefine this so-called "personal space" thing you seem so hung up on.

 photo dont worry_zpskws4gmzf.gif

Trudi HAHAHA! Thank you for the BIG laugh this afternoon gentlemen.

mark, I do think this is a case of doth protesting too much. He's saying no, but he really means yes, the old softie. Just like a fluffy kitten wrapped in wool LOL

message 29: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday me and my bud Kemper, together at last:

 photo tumblr_mevbtr5rr01rio23go1_500_zpsz3bqnzu7.jpg

Kemper And now you're already in the danger zone for putting a gif up on one of my reviews...

Trudi Kemper wrote: "And now you're already in the danger zone for putting a gif up on one of my reviews..."

I don't know Kemper. That looks like a lot of fun! It's definitely speaking more than a thousand words. Awww, there there. It's alright. (((Hug)))

Kemper Trudi wrote: "I don't know Kemper. That looks like a lot of fun! It's definitely speaking more than a thous..."

It'd be more like this:

message 33: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday I see. much like that cat, you clearly have post-cuddle stress disorder. fine, I shall respect your boundaries. *sigh*

but how about a friendly pat on the head?

Trudi Yowzers! so I guess I better make sure I'm decked out in full hockey gear (face mask included) when I swoop in for a hug. You can't refuse a hug from a Canadian. It's against international law.

Kemper mark wrote: "but how about a friendly pat on the head?"

Hey, I agreed to a handshake. That would practically make us family as far as I'm concerned.

Kemper Trudi wrote: "You can't refuse a hug from a Canadian. It's against international law."

I'd like to see those hippies at the UN try to enforce that one.

Robin Kennedy Kemper I follow so few reviewers but gotta say you do not disappoint 🤣🙌🏻

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