Kemper's Reviews > The Magician's Land

The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman
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bookshelves: 2014, magic, favorites, fantasy

For being a genre-fusing deconstruction of the fantasy novel, this sure had me on the edge on my seat.

It all started with teenage Quentin Coldwater attending a magical school, finding out the fantasy land from his favorite novels was real and then journeying there. Following various quests and a whole lotta heartbreak, Quentin is back in the real world and gives himself a very personal mission to complete even while his friends back in Fillory learn that the end of that world is very nigh.

Quentin has been a Rorschach test of a character since the beginning. Is he a spoiled ass who can never be happy or appreciate the amazing opportunity he has? Or maybe he’s a dreamer so sensitive to all the ways that the world and people in it fail us that he can’t help but constantly look for someplace better? Or is he a potential hero tripped up by the expectations that his fantasy nerdom have instilled him with?

There’s some truth in all of those and no shortage of readers who couldn’t stand Quentin or his friends. I had problems with him, too, particularly in the first half of the second book where it seemed that Quentin had regressed, and I would dearly have loved to give him a slap to the back of the head.

However, I always had the feeling that Lev Grossman was taking us somewhere with Quentin, and that I couldn’t really know the guy until I knew how he turned out in the end. Here’s where that belief paid off for me with Quentin, now 30 years old, finally acting like an adult, and there’s some genuine sadness in the idea that Quentin may have finally outgrown his childish things.

While he’s more mature, he’s still a magician and one thing Quentin hasn’t lost is the wonder and possibilities of the fantastic. Now it’s just tempered with the realism of a guy who is a crusty veteran of many battles and seasoned interdimensional traveler. Grossman also shifts perspective to several other supporting characters in a variety of circumstances from an attempt to steal a magically protected object to witnessing a final apocalyptic battle in a world tearing itself apart.

The other characters have gone through similar arcs so that they seem less like hipsters tossing around ironic comments about being in a fantasy story and more like magicians fighting for things they care about who are still capable of throwing out some one-liners about being in a fantasy story.

This final book in the trilogy pays off on a lot of levels and manages to wrap up most of the loose ends without seeming so tidy that it came in box with a bow on it. All of it feels rich and detailed, and best of all, it feels like it mattered.

Also posted at Kemper's Book Blog.
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Quotes Kemper Liked

Lev Grossman
“It didn’t matter where you were, if you were in a room full of books you were at least halfway home.”
Lev Grossman, The Magician's Land

Reading Progress

July 18, 2014 – Shelved
Started Reading
September 16, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Jeffrey Keeten What a ride! I've been a little taken a back at how many people really, really disliked these characters. I'm starting to get a it me? haha I mean I didn't love 'em, but they resembled some people I went to school with, quirky, bored, highly intelligent people.

Kemper It seems to be a real Love It Or Hate It kind of story, and I get why Quentin bugs some people. He irked me a lot at times, too, but I guess the saving grace for me was that I felt like Grossman wrote him that way with the idea of having him grow into the guy he becomes here.

message 3: by Janice (new)

Janice Quentin sounds like Dawn from the Buffy series. At first, annoying as hell, but then turns into a character that makes progress as a person to become understandable.

Kemper Janice wrote: "Quentin sounds like Dawn from the Buffy series. At first, annoying as hell, but then turns into a character that makes progress as a person to become understandable."

He can mope and seem whiney at times, but not at Dawn levels. More like he doesn't appreciate what he has for parts of the whole story. He's pretty much over it in this last book.

Mounir Bashour I could not agree more with this - these characters are lovely because you start of hating them for their weaknesses and then loving them for transcending those same weaknesses.

Kemper Mounir wrote: "I could not agree more with this - these characters are lovely because you start of hating them for their weaknesses and then loving them for transcending those same weaknesses."

That's a great way of putting it.

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