
Horror Story Quotes

Quotes tagged as "horror-story" Showing 1-30 of 44
Holly Black
“Let's start with a love story.

Or maybe it's another horror story. It seems like the difference is mostly in where the ending comes.”
Holly Black, The Lost Sisters

Mariana Enríquez
“Alguna vez había leído que mudarse estaba en tercer lugar entre las situaciones más estresantes, después del duelo y el despido. En los últimos dos años, ella había pasado por las tres: se había muerto su padre, la habían echado del trabajo y se había mudado. Y el tarado de su marido creía que podía soportar todo con voluntad.”
Mariana Enríquez, Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego

P.D. Alleva
“Books and movies are like a blueprint…a survival manual disguised as fiction. As folklore. Because the truth hides in plain sight and those that see have to hide and those that can’t see…well, they’re just a part of the plan.'
~ Excerpt from a NYPD Investigation, November, 1951”
P.D. Alleva, Golem

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Nightmares are a great source of inspiration.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

C. JoyBell C.
“People in this world, on this planet, all of these people are lonely. To varying degrees, human beings are lonely. Many are not; but too many are. And they are too frequently lonely, too. They fill their minds with things called dreams, plans, conclusions, outlooks, new stuff, self-imagery, self-esteem, illusions, fabrications; all of these things are noisy. They fill their minds up with all the things that are noisy enough to drown out the silence of their loneliness. And they think they're going somewhere because they gauge direction and success based upon the measurements of the distance covered over the platforms of the things they fill their minds with. The noise they fill their minds with. In reality, they're not going anywhere. They are sitting right there alone in that empty room of their minds where their hearts ache (or are numb), yet the walls are covered in noisy things, the corners filled with noisy things! It's a horror story, really. The people of this world are living inside a horror story and it is taking place within their minds. And you wonder why this world is unkind? You wonder why this world is violent, is unfulfilled, is half-baked? THIS is the reason why.”
C. JoyBell C.

A.K. Kuykendall
“Horror is not simply a literary genre. It is a reality. Those who read horror are closer to understanding its malevolent nature and the engrossing peril of its hold. Whereas those who don't haven't a clue until it is far too late to save themselves from the horror.”
A.K. Kuykendall, The Possession

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
“I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true, but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling.”
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein: The 1818 Text

Mark Kirkbride
“I reinvented myself. I acquired a taste for evil. I found I have a talent for it. And I murdered the old me.”
Mark Kirkbride, Satan's Fan Club

Mark Kirkbride
“He waited until he heard sounds of sleep, which didn’t take long. Then he prayed, to the Devil.”
Mark Kirkbride, Satan's Fan Club

Allan Walsh
“Mack woke up on a hard bunk, stone walls and iron bars so close they felt like they were closing in on him.”
Allan Walsh, Easy Prey

Jonathan  Dunne
“The Halifaxes weren’t a superstitious couple — they were the kind of couple that caused superstition.”
Jonathan Dunne, Hotel Miramar

“Now listen here Matt, and listen carefully”, the man asserted, “Since I know your dirty little secret, I need you to do something for me”.”
Saleha A., Caras De Malicia: An Anthology of Random Stories and Poems

Ben Oliveira
“Writing is a lonely act. When two writers come together to write a horror story it can be crazy. You can't step on a mine and hope it doesn't explode.”
Ben Oliveira, Escrita Maldita

A.K. Kuykendall
“There is a doll. The wicked she conjures is never small. Her name is Christie. She likes to play. Takes a break only when you wither away.”
A.K. Kuykendall, The Possession

Allan Walsh
“He smelled like a cage fighter's armpit and his feet ached.”
Allan Walsh, Easy Prey

“Moving to a new house, in a new village is supposed to be exciting. But not for Amber. There's something strange about Raven Croft. Her new neighbour has been seeing terrifying things at night. And the school headmistress gives her the creeps. Dark and mysterious forces are at work and it's up to Amber to investigate...”
Steven Raju, Witches of Raven Croft

Lare'va Lemorte
“Peering and scowling at the returning familiar leviathan in the glass, Maddie tries to wish it away. Trembling, she searches around in the medicine cabinet for something that might reverse the effects. At once she finds herself wincing. Tasting the warm sticky liquid, she touches her tongue to her bottom lip. The place she normally chews on when she was nervous is bleeding. Maddie’s face exchanges its shocked expression for horror. Her eyes turn down. Reluctantly she opens her mouth to reveal those monstrously elongated teeth. A hysterical scourging washes over her face.”
Lare'va Lemorte, Blue

Kurt Fawver
“If you’re afraid of dying, “You died,” is really the ultimate horror story. It’s what every horror story you’ve ever read boils down to. Every monster, every killer, every disastrous happenstance in every story is actually death playing masquerade. In this case, the threat in all horror is the threat that you, precious you, will no longer be.”
Kurt Fawver, Introduction to the Horror Story, Day 1

“Nevertheless, making up twisted stories was what she was all about, and really, the only thing she was good at. As well as keeping something from others is also what she was about to. Then one day it all changed, I got a knock on my front door, and by the time I got there, the woman was gone. They're sitting on my doorstep as my granddaughter… there she was alive in my sight. She was seven years old at that time; I recall that she was completely nude crying on my porch, and all she had on was Lily’s other childhood ribbon in her hair. Then when I saw the ribbon, I knew what happened. Then she leaped into my arms, and it was love for me from that point on! I remember that Kristen had smashed fingers, and cut up legs, they used a taser gun on her… as well as her butt and vulva were bleeding from being chewed, fondled, and penetrated repeatedly.

She was sold many times by Ava and was used as a slave for others' thrills. She had to have virginity restoration surgery to regain her innocence so that someday she can be deflowered to whom she wants. She was only seven years old when the doctors put her under to do that, yet it was the right thing to do, for her.

The doctor, Dr. Fennel, said that he never saw anything like what he saw with her in his whole time in practice. I did not care how much it cost, I knew what it was like to have that taken away and I did not want that for her to go through in her life.”
Marcel Ray Duriez, Nevaeh Struggle with Affections

Pedro Lucas Martins
“Muitos são os que servem o Diabo sem acreditar que ele existe. Poucos são os que entendem as consequências dessa contradição.”
Pedro Lucas Martins, As Sombras de Lázaro

Pedro Lucas Martins
“O medo é o oroboro, a serpente que come a própria cauda. Cada acção ou pensamento tocado por este mecanismo autotrófico o alimenta e enraíza dentro de nós. Incapacitante, destrutivo, progenitor de almas consumidas e privadas de desígnio ou direcção, propensas a um dia darem um passeio nocturno até ao fim de um qualquer cais de madeira, onde a água é fria e funda.”
Pedro Lucas Martins, As Sombras de Lázaro

Pedro Lucas Martins
“Na península de Ner-Olom, abaixo dos escarpados penhascos de Alet, ficava a Praia dos Ossos, a enseada vigiada pelo velho farol, coberta em areia tão escura como as rochas que a rodeavam. Talvez a praia nem sempre se tivesse chamado assim, mas qualquer outro nome, se é que existiu, perdera-se no tempo e nas más lembranças.”
Pedro Lucas Martins, A Promessa do Faroleiro

Pedro Lucas Martins
“O cheiro é inconfundível, quase metálico, entranha-se como vapores pelas narinas, pela boca e pelos poros. Já não sei se o cheiro é em tal concentração que qualquer pessoa o poderia notar ou se, imperceptível, sou eu que me habituei a tê-lo presente, capaz de o reconhecer mesmo em proporções insignificantes. De qualquer forma, é real, sente-se, está aqui. Esta casa cheira a sangue. Nada de novo.”
Pedro Lucas Martins, Contos de terror do Homem-Peixe

Alexa Baczak
“She squints at me like I am a child who just answered “What’s 2+2” with “steak.” “There’s no back room, Edie.”
Alexa Baczak, The Landlord

Mark Dossett
“As he drove down the claustrophobic corridor of khaki colored corn stalks the wicked witch was quickly replaced by Michael Myers. Who better to walk out into the middle of the road at that point. Ok, maybe Leatherface or even Jason Voorhees. The more he let his childhood nightmares fill his mind the faster he drove. The house kept growing in size as he got closer.”
Mark Dossett, Exit 999

Jonathan  Dunne
“Bogdan blinked profusely, eyes widening, frowning at the empty desk in confusion. He shook his head…and shook…and shook until his face was nothing but a mind-warping blur. The Romanian whimpered and moaned helplessly as his head quaked and shuddered.”
Jonathan Dunne, Crazy Daisy

C. J. Daley
“The family was murdered during the night. Every. Single. One. The newspapers reported they were on the hunt for a man, but all the descriptions were weak.”
C. J. Daley, BestGhost

Steven Magee
“After the deadly Lahaina wildfire in August 2023, there was talk of a blatant cover-up by the government and media. In September 2023 the chatter by some Maui residents was the disaster was far worse than what the world was being told. People on the Hawaiian islands were getting a very different horror story from Maui residents.”
Steven Magee

“The lantern held aloft; brief flashes of our surroundings were all we were privy to. The masses of bones were brown now, jaws collapsed mid-scream and crammed into boxes three at a time. Wooden coffins crumbled effortlessly to time, exposing ancient, dusty remains, some crushed by metal plate armour. They nested bugs and creatures that need never know the light of day, that probed in the darkest reaches of the world, far away from human sights and sensibilities. The loose stone floor was looser than ever, the path narrower, threatening to roll ankles and cast curious wanderers into a pit of forgotten despair. Everything felt tighter around me as if the walls of skulls were closing in, but also supernaturally colder. ~ Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline, The Ripper Lives, Into the Black (4/10)”
Kevin Morris, The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Series I - Into the Black

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