
Eu Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eu" Showing 1-30 of 47
“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”
Jean Monnet
tags: eu

Isaiah Senones
“The European Union has a lot in common with the Congo Free State. Both share the same flag, both are headquartered in the Leopold district of Brussels and both were sold to the public as great humanitarian projects.”
Isaiah Senones

“The USA was the explicit answer to an implicit threat of war, whereas the EU was the implicit answer to explicit experiences of war.”
Sergio Fabbrini, Compound Democracies: Why the United States and Europe Are Becoming Similar
tags: eu, usa

Isaiah Senones
“Is it conceivable that the large influx of young men (migrants) being allowed into Europe by the EU is part of a strategy to recruit soldiers who could potentially be utilized in the event of a hypothetical World War III?”
Isaiah Senones

Peter Hitchens
“The EU is the continuation of Germany by other means”
Peter Hitchens

Herman Van Rompuy
“People and History will easily forget the procedure, they will only remember the final result.”
Herman Van Rompuy

Radovan Kavický
“Diskusia o problémoch eurozóny sa na Slovensku zneužívala nielen pred voľbami, ale aj po nich. Prezentované postoje sa dosiaľ niesli skôr v rovine emócií a politických hesiel. Slovenskí politici si však zrejme neuvedomujú, že z hľadiska momentálne platnej legislatívy, ale ani z politického či praktického hľadiska nemožno z eurozóny len tak jednoducho vystúpiť a legálne nemožno ani žiadnu z krajín eurozóny vylúčiť. Rozpad eurozóny by znamenal koniec Európskej únie samotnej, čo by neprospelo žiadnej z krajín a poznačilo vývoj v Európe na niekoľko desaťročí dopredu. Ekonomická a monetárna únia (EMÚ) totiž ako taká nemá právnu subjektivitu. Samotná EMÚ je integrálnou súčasťou EÚ, o čom hovorí aj protokol Maastrichtskej zmluvy. Európska únia je teda už od svojho založenia úniou menovou. Všetky krajiny, ktoré vstupujú do EÚ, preberajú na seba záväzok skôr či neskôr prijať na ich území euro ako platidlo. Krajiny, ktoré euro dosiaľ neprijali, majú zatiaľ udelenú derogáciu, teda dočasné odloženie tejto povinnosti. No záväzok prijať euro naďalej trvá. Prakticky môžeme hovoriť o tom, že krajiny, ktoré majú euro, ale aj tie ostatné v eurozóne "uviazli".”
Radovan Kavický, Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011
tags: emu, eu, euro

Sylvia Plath
“Vamos encarar: Estou apavorada e paralisada. Para começar, creio, temo por mim... o primeiro anseio ancestral pela sobrevivência. Chegou a tal ponto que vivo cada momento com terrível intensidade. Na noite passada, voltando de carro de Boston, deitei-me no banco de trás e deixei que as luzes coloridas viessem a mim, a música do rádio, o reflexo do rapaz que dirigia. Tudo isso fluía por mim com uma pontada de dor gritante... lembre-se, lembre-se, isto é o momento, este momento, este momento. Viva-o, sinta-o, agarre-se a ele. Quero tomar consciência profunda de tudo que considerava favas contadas. Quando a gente sente que aquilo pode ser o adeus, a pancada é mais intensa. Preciso ter algo. Quero parar tudo, a monumental farsa grotesca inteira, antes que seja tarde demais. Mas escrever poemas e cartas não parece facilitar muito as coisas. Os grande homens são todos surdos.”
Sylvia Plath, The Journals of Sylvia Plath
tags: eu

Nigel Farage
“We know the costs of Europe. What are the benefits?”
Nigel Farage

Timothy Snyder
“Those who advocated Brexit, the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, imagined a British nation-state, though such a thing never existed. There was a British Empire, and then there was Britain as a member of the European Union. The move to separate from the EU is not a step backward onto firm ground, but a leap into the unknown.”
Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

Ivan Krastev
“В своята книга „Парадоксът на глобализацията” харвардския професор по политическа икономия Дани Родрик изброява три възможности за разрешаване на конфликта между националните демокрации и глобализацията. Обществата могат да ограничат демокрацията, за да постигнат по-голяма конкурентоспособност на международните пазари. Те могат да решат да ограничат глобализацията с надеждата да увеличат възможността на избирателите да опредлят икономическата политика. Или обществата могат да глобализират демокрацията за сметка на националния суверенитет. Ала това, което не могат да постигнат , както става ясно от книгата на Родрик, е едновременно хиперглобализация, демокрация и суверенитет. А точно това се опитват да постигнат повечето правителства. Те искат хората да имат право да гласуват, но не са готови да приемат решението на избирателя, ако той гласува в полза на популистки политики. Правителставата искат да намалят разходите за труд и да пренебрегнат социалните протести, но в същото време отказват да нагазят в мръсотията, като публично подкрепят авторитарната визия за силна ръка. Те подкрепят свободната търговия и взаимната зависимост на държавите, но искат да са сигурни, че ако е необходимо (в ситуация на криза като днешната), могат да си възвърнат националния контрол върху икономиката. Вместо да избират между суверенна демокрация, глобализирана демокрация или приятелски ��астроен към глобализацията авторитаризъм, политическите елити се опитват да предифинират демокрацията и суверенитета, за да направят невъзможното възможно. Този път е без изход: накрая се стига до демокрация без избор, до суверенитет без смисъл и до глобализация без легитимност.”
Ivan Krastev, After Europe
tags: eu

“European integration advances by scaling back political control over economic life.”
Bickerton Christopher J Palgrave Connect
tags: eu, europe

David McDowall
“After becoming a member in 1973, Britain's attitude towards the European Community continued to be unenthusiastic. Although trade with Europe greatly increased, most British continued to feel that they had not had any economic benefit from Europe. This feeling was strengthened by the way in which Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher argued for a better financial deal for Britain in the Community's affairs. The way in which she fought won her some admiration in Britain, but also anger in many parts of Europe. She welcomed closer co-operation in the European Community but only if this did not mean any lessening of sovereignty. Many Europeans saw this as a contradiction.”
David McDowall, An Illustrated History of Britain

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan
“Este "umbra" eului nostru atemporal, care nu trăieşte în acord cu simbolul său primordial, cu arhetipul său cosmic. Este sentimentul amar al neîmplinirii ființei interioare.”
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, Inteligenţa materiei

Fernando Pessoa
“Sou navegador num desconhecimento de mim.”
Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet: The Complete Edition

“Conștientizarea este liantul dintre propriul eu și propriile nevoi.Să fii conștient înseamnă să știi ce-ți dorești. Și când știi ce-ți dorești, claritatea vieții capătă contur.”
Cristi Grosaru, Tu ai iubi un om ca tine?

Ioana Pârvulescu
“Englezul râde, avem umor noi, românii, și comandă spare ribs. Șefa mea încremenește atunci când ne trezim la masă cu un platou pe care tronează un morman de coaste de porc. Traduc "Păi oase!? Am venit la Londra să mâncăm tot oase?" Englezul e năuc. Îl lămuresc că doamna vrea friptură. Ok. Chelnerul vrea să știe cum o vrem. Traduc: la grătar. El insistă, cum să fie: rare, medium, done, well done? Mă trece transpirația. Habar n-am ce zice. Într-un final mă prind: întreabă cât să fie de mare friptura și zic medium, vorba patroanei, "ca să nu creadă ăștia că suntem nemâncate.”
Ioana Pârvulescu, Și eu am trăit în comunism

“Fiecare dintre noi este alcătuit, în primul rând, din imaginea pe care și-o fac ceilalți despre el.”
Jean d'Ormesson, Din voia Domnului

“(...) nici unul din noi nu este nimic altceva decât ceea ce lumea din jurul lui a hotărât că este.”
Jean d'Ormesson, Din voia Domnului

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Domnul Goliadkin și-a dat curaj cu aceste cuvinte, se scutură puțin, aruncă stratul gros de zăpadă care se pusese pe pălărie, pe guler, manta, pe cravată, pe cizme, dar nu se poate descotorosi de sentimentele sale ciudate, de dusmanu-i întunecos.”
F.M. Dostoiesvki, Nebunul

Jean Pierre Van Rossem
“Wie play money heeft (minstens 2500 euro) kan morgen een serieuze slag slaan. Stel dat je ermee naar een casino gaat en het inzet op rood, en dat rood uitkomt, dan verdubbel je je inzet. Momenteel is er 1 kans op 2 dat de Britten uit de EU stappen. Als dat gebeurt zullen het Britse pond en de beursindex gevoelig dalen. Je kan dus à la baisse gokken op één van die twee door te gaan voor put opties. Door de hefboomeffecten op opties kan je, bij een effectief brexit makkelijk maal 10 of meer winnen, veel meer dan je in een casino kunt winnen.. 't Is maar dat je het weet. Ikzelf zal het NIET doen (1) omdat ik geen play money meer heb en (2) omdat ik vermoed dat de rede uiteindelijk zal zegevieren en dat de Britten de EU niet zullen verlaten. Jammer eigenlijk, want met die Britten hebben we niets dan last.”
Jean Pierre Van Rossem

Jean Pierre Van Rossem
“De Europese Unie is een monster met 27 koppen die op één na allen de kop werden ingeslagen. Boorling "euro" is een gedrocht dat de hele financiële wereld aan het ontwrichten is.”
Jean Pierre Van Rossem

Ljupka Cvetanova
“The road to the European Union is paved with good intentions. .”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Ljupka Cvetanova
“If Heraclitus was a Macedonian, his philosophy would be : No Macedonian ever steps in the same native country twice. For it’s not the same country name and he’s not the same citizen.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Maxence Van der Meersch
“- Não é desta opinião, Regnoult? Dá assim tanto valor à consciência?
- É claro que dou…
- Talvez não tenha razão. Chego às vezes a pensar que a consciência, a noção do eu, é apenas um acidente infeliz.
- Infeliz? - repetiu Groix
- Imagine uma formiga, Groix. Ela vive, trabalha, sofre. Suponha que, de repente, por milagre, lhe concedemos a noção de si própria, a consciência. Fica a saber que existe, que é formiga, apercebe-se sem demora do seu terrível destino, que é trabalhar durante uma ou duas estações e desaparecer. Acha que lhe deu uma prenda inestimável? E não sendo o homem senão uma formiga de memória desenvolvida, capaz de se examinar nas diversas circunstâncias da existência, acha singular que eu hesite às vezes, que sinta uma espécie de… de remorso, no momento de restituir ao meu semelhante essa lucidez, essa consciência?”
Maxence Van der Meersch, Corps et ames

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“Tomas thinks he is the Prince of Hungary” - Why would Adam say that to Martina? That wasn't the right question I kept asking myself. Did Adam say that to Martina or someone else? Was it meant as a message to me? How in what kind of conversation could it be said like that and why? What was Adam referring to when he said “The Prince of Hungary”? I was arguing with Rachel and Adam over the summer before. I challenged their belief that the UK was victorious in World War II and they were both puzzled, asking why. I tried to convince them by telling them the story of an Austrian Jewish lady who had migrated to the UK before the Anschluss and sensed that Nazi forces were approaching, but the UK denied her documents to stay and she ended up stuck between the Nazis in France and the UK on the Channel islands. The Nazis took all Jews from the islands, including Therese Steiner, and she ultimately ended up in Auschwitz and in the gas chambers. My point was that if the UK didn't defend its own citizens to avoid conflict, then how could they be seen as 'winners'? Who was the Jew here who was stuck between good and evil? I didn't realise that Adam in 2014 was trying to disprove my point, gaining victory without direct confrontation.
Perhaps he was offended that I cared more about a poor, lonely Jewish girl trying to escape death and horrors than he would have cared himself.”
Tomas Adam Nyapi

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“The Golem, The Monster was in love with herself; the Goy was in love with her too. She was in love with Club Golan. A perfect storm was approaching and I could almost feel it.
I didn't know what was wrong with my beautiful girlfriend as her face gradually began to look like a monster's and she started treating me like garbage. What was controlling her mind? Who was behind her, making her get so sick again so quickly after meeting some new people at the beach bar?
Why did Sabrina say that I would die lonely and sad, and why was Martina's perception of me so wrong and unreal? How was their plan on track, I didn't understand while I was running after Martina and I couldn't understand where our happiness had slipped out of our hands again? I was desperately trying to figure out what had happened to my life, my career, and what had happened to my pretty girlfriend, what had happened to my baby?
It was almost like my girlfriend's perceptions were all wrong somehow. She had seen me as a useless homeless bum and she had seen the only value or service in Europe and Barcelona which could make a living or money as, 'short shorts and loose legs'. I felt hopeless and I didn't understand what the spell was.
How was my 'Stupid Bunny' a Frankenstein? I could feel it on my skin, and I could see it in Martina's eyes, that the criminals' plans were in play and had been working since the moment Adam arrived in Spain, or maybe even before that somehow. Before I even met Martina. Before we even broke all up with Sabrina. Before the Red Moon, the last date and before the provocation the following night.
I felt like 10-20 criminals were trying to bully me and trying to woo Martina and outsmart me with her, but I was so worried for her and was so busy trying to save her every day with her on my mind, as if I too was under spells, under possession and couldn't do anything about it to help her or break the illusions keeping her possessed, even when supposedly she was, we were, rid of the bad people. I felt like I was in a screenplay in the set up stages of a drama. I felt like someone had sat down with a piece of paper and a pen, and was drawing plans against my life. I felt like someone had written a screenplay on how to play this out, how to take the club from me and Martina. Someone must have written a list of characters. Casting.
I never called Sabrina a bitch.
Adam and Martina both called her “bitch.” Martina said “The Bitch” and Adam said “that Crazy Bitch.”

’The Goy’
’The Bitch’
’The Gipsy’
’The Giants’
’The Golem’
’The Lawyer’
’The Big Boss’
’My Girlfriend’
’The False Flag’
’The Big Brother’
’The Stupid Bunny’
’The Big Boss Daddy’
’The Italian Connection’, etc.

I was unable to break any illusion, the secret, the code; I was dumbstruck in love with “my girlfriend” (who I thought was my “stupid bunny”), being the ‘false flag’, and maybe it was actually “the bitch” portrayed by Sabrina who was my true love perhaps, putting me to the tests, with Adam and the rest, using Martina and her brother, playing with strings, with her long pretty fingernails, teaching me a lesson for cheating when I thought she was cheating too and making me unhappy when I thought she was unhappy with me.

As if I knew, Sabrina had been behind my new girlfriend,
Martina playing roles; I had seen all the signs and jokes.
I just couldn't comprehend it having a cover over my eyes.
I was unsure what should I do what would be real wise?
I didn't think Sabrina would be capable of hurting me at all.
Why did Martina keep saying, Tomas you are so nice and tall?”
Tomas Adam Nyapi

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“They used my name and permit to grow the weed and earn money to repay their debts and compensate their investors. To keep my girlfriend. To take her.

I am uncertain if any of them have ever spent a minute in jail for any of these activities.

Adam proudly showcases his new motorcycles on Instagram, posing on a hill above Barcelona. He also displays his brand new electric camper van, which they use to travel and transport drugs across Europe and Iberia, as well as his gigantic marijuana cultivation located in Portugal. People like Ruan and Martina admire his public images.

I came across a picture of Ruan and Martina together in Berlin, where their mother Fernanda visited them.

Martina became member of the Evil Eye Cult, and the custom made mafia group in Spain, which used her as a pawn in their porn and drug-related activities. She now operates as their representative in Berlin.

Martina and I have lost the ability to genuinely smile. Her social media posts only show disinterest or a malicious demeanor. ‘A boot stomping on a human face.’
In a picture with her brother and mother, she puts on a forced fake “good vibe” and “happy” smile, revealing her flawless teeth and the subtle lines of aging. With each passing day, she bears a greater resemblance to her rich and so happy mother, the bad person.

As far as I know, none of these individuals have faced consequences for their actions, such as having their teeth broken. As I had. Innocently. Taking care of business and their lives. With love.

I find this to be incredibly unjust. In the 21st century. In Europe. On planet Earth.
By non-EU criminals. “Matando – ganando” – “killing and gaining” like there were no Laws at all.

Nowadays, you can observe Sabrina flaunting her fake lips and altered face, just like Martina her enhanced breasts.

Guess who was paying for it?

It seems that both girls now sustain themselves through their bodies and drug involvement, to this day, influencing criminals to gain friends in harming Tomas and having a lavish lifestyle filled with fun and mischief. Making a living. Enjoying Spain. Enjoying Life. My money. My tears.

This is the situation as it stands.

I was wondering what Salvador Dali was trying to tell me. I stood in front of the Lincoln portrait for a long time, but I couldn't grasp the point or the moral behind it.

I can listen to Abraham Lincoln and ‘trust people. To see. If I can trust them.’
But he ultimately suffered a tragic fate, with his life being taken. (Got his head popped.)

I believe there may have also been a female or two involved in that situation, too, possibly leading to his guards being let down.
While he was watching: Acting performances, he was facing a: Stage.

It is disheartening, considering he was a good person. Like Jesus, John Lennon and so on.
Shows a pattern Machiavelli was talking about.

Some individuals are too bright for those in darkness; they feel compelled to suppress those brighter minds simply because they think and act differently. Popping their heads.

Reptilian lower brain-based culture, the concept of the Evil Eye, Homo erectus. He couldn't even stand up properly when I was shouting at him, urging him to stand up from the stairs. ‘Homo seditus reptilis.’

But what else was there in the Lincoln image that I didn't see? What was Dali trying to convey or express or tell me?
Besides the fact that the woman is in his mind, on his mind, in the image, exactly, his head got popped open. Perhaps because he was focusing on a woman, trusting her for a split second, or turning his head away for a moment.”

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“It is strange that Switzerland, an independent state in the middle of continental Europe, freely provides Swiss passports to descendants of people from far-off places without background checks or any sort of probationary period. They only need to submit their photos and fingerprints, and a Swiss passport will arrive in the mail a few weeks later, in Barcelona or anywhere, seemingly without much consideration.
Considering the Nazi vibes and the Nazi Gestapo methods used by Israeli, Spanish, British, Hungarian, South American and Italian criminals above it is pretty surreal. Disrespectful.
I wondered what Martina was hiding and why Argentina and her family had sent her away at the age of twenty. Did Switzerland wonder who Martina or her brother really were? In Adam Maraudin’s mafia the exact same time.
Based on this, Switzerland could even grant Swiss passports upon request to the grandchildren of Nazi war criminals. Would it be so surprising, a few decades later, they had resorted to Nazi tactics as they returned to Europe and landed in Spain, their former conquistador's land (by Argentine perspective, to deliver revenge) in the EU?”

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“It is strange that Switzerland, an independent state in the middle of continental Europe, freely provides Swiss passports to descendants of people from far-off places without background checks or any sort of probationary period. They only need to submit their photos and fingerprints, and a Swiss passport will arrive in the mail a few weeks later, in Barcelona or anywhere, seemingly without much consideration.
Considering the Nazi vibes and the Nazi Gestapo methods used by Israeli, Spanish, British, Hungarian, South American and Italian criminals above it is pretty surreal. Disrespectful.
I wondered what Martina was hiding and why Argentina and her family had sent her away at the age of twenty. Did Switzerland wonder who Martina or her brother really were? Organizing lethal crimes, partaking in Adam Maraudin’s Israeli Nazi cocaine mafia the exact same time whilst becoming "Swiss" and "Europeans."
Based on this, Switzerland could even grant Swiss passports upon request to the grandchildren of Nazi war criminals. Would it be so surprising, a few decades after grandpa's escape from Justice, they had resorted to Nazi tactics as they returned to Europe and landed in Spain, (by Argentine perspective, their former conquistador's land) to deliver revenge in the EU?”

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