
End Times Quotes

Quotes tagged as "end-times" Showing 1-30 of 124
J.K. Rowling
“No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”
J.K. Rowling

Thomas M. Disch
“The end of the world. Let me tell you about the end of the world. It happened fifty years ago. Maybe a hundred. And since then it's been lovely. I mean it. Nobody tries to bother you. You can relax. You know what? I like the end of the world.”
Thomas M. Disch, 334

Wolfgang Streeck
“For the decline of capitalism to continue, that is to say, no revolutionary alternative is required, and certainly no masterplan of a better society displacing capitalism. Contemporary capitalism is vanishing on its own, collapsing from internal contradictions, and not least as a result of having vanquished its enemies - who, as noted, have often rescued capitalism from itself by forcing it to assume a new form. What comes after capitalism in its final crisis, now underway, is, I suggest, not socialism or some other defined social order, but a lasting interregnum - no new world system equilibrium a la Wallerstein, but a prolonged period of social entropy or disorder (and precisely for this reason a period of uncertainy and indeterminacy). It is an interesting problem for sociological theory whether and how a society can turn for a significant length of time into less than a society, a post-social society as it were, or a society lite, until it may or may not recover and again to become a society in the full meaning of the term.”
Wolfgang Streeck, How Will Capitalism End? Essays on a Failing System

Abegunde Sunday O.
“In this perilous times, we have more preachers of the Word than doers of thw Word. In other words, Not all preachers are doers.
May God may you and I doers of the Word”
Abegunde Sunday O.

“The Jubilee is a message
of hope in the midst of darkness, of new life out of death, of the
wicked being removed from power and the meek inheriting the Kingdom.”
Enoch Lavender, The Jubilee: Discover The End Time Mystery

Rick Mayhew
“He bolted right through the wooden cross arm at the parking garage exit and power-slid into traffic. A torrent of car horns and skids enveloped his vehicle, but the tears in Danny's eyes created the inability to differentiate one vehicle from another. The colors of the automobiles bled into each other like melting rainbow sherbet.”
Rick Mayhew, Donovan's Law

“Physical and spiritual truths are parallel. We use the physical to understudy and understand the spiritual.”
MERCY OKOM, GOD'S END-TIME ARMY: A Heart Cry for Revival in the Church

“The Bride of Christ must break denominational barriers, come together, and reach out to other members of the Body of Christ with love, and not with criticism.”
MERCY OKOM, GOD'S END-TIME ARMY: A Heart Cry for Revival in the Church

Florian Dreveskracht
“What if I tell you that in our time, with only the help of three devices, an encyclopedia, a sheet of paper and a pencil, as in a game we can solve all the riddles of our History in a total perspective, down to the abyssal clarity? – from the 'Ages of Man' to the last Golden Age of mankind, the great prophecies and the mystery of Evil. So that everything that was doubtful becomes irrefutable: the Apocalypse! – You think this impossible? – I tell you: you don’t know the Aleph. And you cannot discern the times. Yet the Aleph and the New Order of the Times are one and the same.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: An Introduction to the Apocalypse or Geometry of End Times

“Buzzed, I go to bed, and buzzing with expectation
each morning I wake up ready to do the same thing all over again,

as though faith weren't something inherently crazy, given the state of things.
Lately, I've been making End Times jokes, except they're not really jokes anymore.”
Natasha Oladokun

“America, you have left me on "Read" more times than I can count,
and yet I keep writing these texts to you, though you ghost

me on the regular. Buzzed, I go to bed, and buzzing with expectation
each morning I wake up ready to do the same thing all over again,

as though faith weren't something inherently crazy, given the state of things.
Lately, I've been making End Times jokes, except they're not really jokes anymore.”
Natasha Oladokun

“There is so much betrayal in the Church of God. Hatred has become the order of the day.”
MERCY OKOM, GOD'S END-TIME ARMY: A Heart Cry for Revival in the Church

Florian Dreveskracht
“What if I tell you that in our time, with only the help of three devices, an encyclopedia, a sheet of paper and a pencil, as in a game we can solve all the riddles of our History in a total perspective, down to the abyssal clarity? – from the "Ages of Man" to the last Golden Age of mankind, the great prophecies and the mystery of Evil. So that everything that was doubtful becomes irrefutable: the Apocalypse! – You think this impossible? – I tell you: you don’t know the Aleph. And you cannot discern the times. Yet the Aleph and the New Order of the Times are one and the same.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: Eine Einführung in die Apokalypse oder Geometrie der Endzeit

Florian Dreveskracht
“A faulty understanding of science, along with rigorism and spiritual flattening in religion, termed scientism or biblicism, respectively, have taken hold of the Book of Man and lead in every way to a miserable, indeed abject, conception of History. There has been a will to reduce History to a universal law, on the pattern of the natural sciences (Ultimate Law of History, abbreviated to ULH). Or the revelations of scripture are presumptuously held for a gnomon, the shadow-stick of a sundial allowing calculation of the course of salvific History. The outcome, at best, was loss of meaning and relativism. Novus ordo is the reckoning.
History has its own Universal Formula. This “formula” is not a law, nor a scheme, but an order: Novus ordo.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: An Introduction to the Apocalypse or Geometry of End Times

Florian Dreveskracht
“Was, wenn ich euch sage, dass wir in unserer Zeit, ausgestattet allein mit drei Hilfsmitteln, einer Enzyklopädie, einem Blatt Papier und einem Bleistift, wie im Spiel alle Rätsel unserer Geschichte in einer Totalperspektive bis zur abgründigen Klarheit auflösen können? Von den Weltaltern der Antike bis zum letzten Goldenen Zeitalter der Menschheit, die großen Prophezeiungen und das Geheimnis des Bösen. Sodass alles, was fragwürdig war, fraglos wird: die Apokalypse! – Das haltet ihr für ganz unmöglich? – Ich sage euch: Ihr kennt das Aleph nicht. Und von den Zeiten versteht ihr nichts. Das Aleph aber und die Neue Ordnung der Zeiten sind eins.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: Eine Einführung in die Apokalypse oder Geometrie der Endzeit

Ivan Stang
This is a crooked and perverse nation, friend. People are more worried about economy than ecology. JESUS! The lack of money makes life difficult, alright, but the presence of radiation and deathkulture chemicals is the very antithesis of life itself…and people run around arguing about the price of goddamn pantyhose.
One thing we MUST prevent, therefore, is letting the Church become a soporific, a “drug” that lets us accept the death of all life on Earth. Yeah, THAT’S funny, HA HA! This better not become some god-awful End Times PORN for those who can only “get off” on fear-and-laughter. The Church should make it easier to conceive of the humans’ inconceivable threat to themselves, but ONLY IF THAT MAKES US DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
THAT is the whole point.”
Ivan Stang

Lioness DeWinter
“They arrested Matthias and me, and beat me within an inch of my immortal life. I was beyond pain...my poor body was a prison cell. Strips of flesh hung from my scourged back like macabre party favors, and Ville, one of Hana's henchmen, took great delight in rubbing salt into my wounds. What hurt the most were his words... Murderer. Liar. Faggot. Whore. Blasphemer. He took his pleasure from hurting me, and my screams were orgasmic to him. A crown of thorns was placed upon my head, and I bled as the briars pierced my flesh...I was starved, and I couldn't think straight. The morning before my crucifixion, I had no food or water. Ville beat me within an inch of my life, and his ring cut my face. I begged him to stop, and he spit on me...

All because I dared to declare myself the Son of God.

I prayed to Benediction to let Matthias remember his promise...I was so afraid of suffering...but Matty had been steadfast and true. He had given me the wine laced with belladonna, and had pierced my side to release the Godhead. As my legs were taken by the paralysis from the belladonna, he had laid me gently upon the cross and kissed me goodbye...his lips felt warm through the veil that was covering his face and protecting him from the deadly rays of the sun. The stakes were driven through my palms, then my feet...I took a last loving look at My Matty, and drew my last...

...Then Brian and Obadiah were there on either side of me in the darkness, and we were flying upwards, into the clouds...”
Lioness DeWinter, Corinthians

Dayton Hartman
“The kingdom of Christ is already here through his church. Our churches are outposts or embassies of Christ’s rule and reign. And yet we are still waiting for the return of the king with his kingdom in full.”
Dayton Hartman, Jesus Wins: The Good News of the End Times

Stewart Stafford
“One by Stewart Stafford

Death riding a pale horse,
Warned it was time to leave,
No hiding place as dice rolled,
I sank to my knees to grieve.

Six hundred and sixty-six morticians,
Greeted the thing from the sea,
Scuttling sideways down the road,
It headed for Washington D.C.

Navel-gazing, not my thing at all,
But the Day of Judgement came by,
Grabbing my phone lightning-fast,
A dying breath to scream goodbye.

Firestorms, tsunamis, the dead resurrecting,
The sun shattered into nine,
Winds that flayed skin from bone,
Jester bells at dawn's last shine.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

R. Gerald Culleton
“We have deliberately omitted the ravings of the 16th and 17th Century fanatics who wasted much good paper trying to absolve themselves by making the papacy Antichrist. Even all their own followers have long since repudiated their bigotry. And likewise we omit the rantings of certain sect leaders of our own day who try to revive the papal Antichrist legend by choosing some letters alleged to be on the tiara and omitting others. Let us take all or none.”
R. Gerald Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist: A Sourcebook of Catholic Prophecies about "The Man of Sin"

R. Gerald Culleton
“Several have told me that Antichrist is already born. One puts him in Pennsylvania, another in Illinois, a third in Iraq; a fourth has informed me that he already has temples in the four corners of the earth, one corner being Chicago and another Los Angeles. Christ has said, "If they say, lo, here is Christ or there, go ye not out to look." If I err not, this means we should not bother with these rumors. When Antichrist comes, the whole world will know him, the elect for what he is, the rest for what he is not.”
R. Gerald Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist: A Sourcebook of Catholic Prophecies about "The Man of Sin"

R. Gerald Culleton
“Modern Jewish authors readily admit that the rabbis of the early Christian times repudiated or reinterpreted all Jewish literature which could be produced in support of the claims of Jesus Christ, Himself a Jew, the last of the true Jews, and the one who from the beginning of time was destined to turn Judaism into a religion for all men of good will and not for just one particular race irrespective of the will, good or otherwise, of the members of that race. (E.g. Waxman: A History of Jewish Literature, Vol. I.)”
R. Gerald Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist: A Sourcebook of Catholic Prophecies about "The Man of Sin"

Don Clifford
“Dex added, “God blinded a generation specifically so we can develop it. God didn’t want people to have these flying machines until it fits into his plan. So, it’s God’s timing. The world isn’t falling apart; it’s falling together toward God’s plan. He wins in the end! He is planning something fantastic, isn’t he?”
Don Clifford

“In Ancient Israel, the sounding of the Jubilee Trumpet would have
caused boundless joy, as across the nation, slaves were set free, the poor
were released from their debts, and everyone was free to return to their
homes and ancestral possessions. [This] is a prophetic foretaste of the much greater joy to come in the restoration that Jesus will bring
upon His return.”
Enoch Lavender, The Jubilee: Discover The End Time Mystery

“Daniel was told 70 weeks are decreed to Jerusalem and Israel in Daniel 9:24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression.... The 70th week of Daniel is specifically about Israel and her people Yet todays end-times paradigm erroneously includes the world events of the 7 trumpets in Daniel's 70th week. Addressing this misunderstanding leads to profound discoveries about the 6-Seals and 4-Horsemen.”
Gerry S. Sager, AWAKE: A Fresh End-Times Perspective

C. Elmon Meade
“Now the “earth turns over” just as Immanuel Velikovsky predicted. A horrific 90-degrees tilt of the earth in which the weight of ice packs in
Greenland and Antarctica precipitates the 12,000-year cyclical catastrophe
foretold by so many from humanity’s past. T. S. Eliot stands avenged; the world
as we know it goes out with a whimper.”
C. Elmon Meade, Adam & Eve's Ashes: Magnetic Pole Shift, Ancient Prophecy, and Catastrophism

C. Elmon Meade
“...the red skies over Europe, Africa, and the
Atlantic Ocean predict a penultimate doom. Is this the red horse, the second of the Four Horsemen from the Book of Revelation? Wars and rumors of war have preceded this cataclysm going back to Cain killing Abel. However, this episode of global bloodshed has just begun.”
C. Elmon Meade, Adam & Eve's Ashes: Magnetic Pole Shift, Ancient Prophecy, and Catastrophism

Dallas Willard
“Paul at least was not hopeful that things would get better as human history moved along. He was not a believer in progress as it has been humanly understood. In what seems to have been his last letter, perhaps the very last thing he wrote, he warned Timothy that in the last days difficult times will come. “For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power.” One could be forgiven for thinking that this certainly looks like now. Who does not recognize in these words the prevailing tone and texture of contemporary life….In fact this has been the end stage of every successful human society that has arisen on earth.”
Dallas Willard, Rennovation Of The Heart Putting On The Character Of Christ

Randy Kay
“Heaven's Storm is being poured forth even now, and it will rain on every nation. When it does, look up, because the only rescuer will be God.”
Randy Kay, Heaven Stormed: A Heavenly Encounter Reveals Your Assignment in the End Time Outpouring and Tribulation

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