
Favorite Travel Books

Any year, any country, any author--but non-fiction only please :).

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4.02 avg rating — 105 ratings
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1,996 books · 4,587 voters · list created August 14th, 2008 by deleted user.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 90 (90 new)

message 1: by Monissa (new)

Monissa This requires me to have read some travel books, doesn't it?

message 2: by Debbie (new)

Debbie Moorhouse Technically.

message 3: by Fiona (new)

Fiona There aren't enough william Dalrymple books here!

message 4: by Diksha (new)

Diksha Not any by Pico Iyer!

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads You could add them; it's easy to add books to lists. At the top of the list, at the tab next to "all votes."

message 6: by Gia (new)

Gia 2 bad there isn't a wrinkle in time

message 7: by Gia (new)

Gia thanks person above me now I could add that book

message 8: by Gia (new)

Gia Or above my other comments

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads You realize A Wrinkle in Time is fiction, and this list is for non-fiction?

message 10: by Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (last edited Jul 19, 2012 10:02AM) (new)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Why is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close on here? It was a novel the last time I checked.


╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ Susanna wrote: "You realize A Wrinkle in Time is fiction, and this list is for non-fiction?"

This made me smile. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was non-fiction though?

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Indeed it would.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Jessica - you want me to remove the novels?

message 14: by Susan (new)

Susan No novels allowed here! This is a non-fiction category. Extremely Lous & Incredibly Close is a novel as is Journey to the Center of the Earth...and while I really like Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil, it's not a travel book by any means!

message 15: by Katrina (new)

Katrina I deleted Girl with a Pearl Earring - it's not even a travel novel.

message 16: by Susan (new)

Susan Katrina wrote: "I deleted Girl with a Pearl Earring - it's not even a travel novel."
Thanks so much. I need to look at the list options to see how and who can delete. I know how to add but had no idea about delete. There were a # of 'em on this list that did not belong.

message 17: by Susan (new)

Susan Katrina wrote: "I deleted Girl with a Pearl Earring - it's not even a travel novel."Ok, I was right. I cannot delete books off this list unless it's a book I put on the list. I guess it's list owners and maybe librarians who can delete? This list needs a ton of editing...and sad too because there are a lot of readers who love this genera. This list deserves to get editing attention. I would be happy to be a list moderator if the owner would like some help.

message 18: by Susan (new)

Susan Katrina - are you a list owner or admin? I am seeing in this thread here Susanna and you both have been able to edit books off that were put up here and are not travel books. The travel genera does not mean fiction that takes you on a journey like "Journey To the Center of the Earth." I think some folks who posted to this list have not a good grasp of what this genera is.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Librarians can remove books; I'm not sure about list starters.

message 20: by Bettie (new)

Bettie the beach #25 is fiction, as is journey to the centre of the earth #90something

message 21: by Susan (new)

Susan I have trouble getting attention of librarians when I send messages. Does each list have an assigned librarian? So you Susanna are not a librarian or you are? I see you did remove some titles from this list as did Katrina.

message 22: by Bettie (new)

Bettie s wrote: "I have trouble getting attention of librarians when I send messages. Does each list have an assigned librarian? So you Susanna are not a librarian or you are? I see you did remove some titles from ..."

There are many lists and only a few librarians are interested in listopia. The very best of the bunch are Themis~Athena and Susanna who do check the comments, however there are many lists to get through.

This list is overdue a booting-out session and if you list the title and its position in the list then you are being helpful.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Lists don't have assigned librarians, but I am one. (I'm a listopia addict.)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Yes, spotting things that need to go and listing where on the list they are is very helpful.

message 25: by Katrina (last edited Oct 06, 2012 08:24PM) (new)

Katrina Bettie wrote: "the beach #25 is fiction, as is journey to the centre of the earth #90something"

I've deleted these two, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, noted as fiction earlier.

Like Susanna, I'm just a librarian, not a list owner or anything. I just happened upon this list and noticed one that I knew was wrong.

If you note any others that need removing, I'll check back later.

message 26: by Susan (new)

Susan Thanks so much. I will spend time to go through this list and see if I find more and make note here. Appreciate your help a lot as a librarian. This is really the only list for this genera on Goodreads and would be nice to have it clean and neat. I would very much like to look into what, who, how to be promoted to a librarian. I have lots of time and interest in helping. This is a good place for me to put my efforts to. I am a screen play writer/editor and part time English teacher.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads You could go over to the Librarians group ( http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/2... ). The only firm requirement to be a librarian is 50 books on your profile. The link to where you apply is on the Librarian's Manual page (you'll find a link to the manual at the group).

message 28: by Susan (new)

Susan Susanna wrote: "You could go over to the Librarians group ( http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/2... ). The only firm requirement to be a librarian is 50 books on your profile. The link..."
I dashed through the list Favorite Travel Books and came up with a list of ones that need to be removed as not being travel genera. There also is something wrong with the programming for this list with regard to position numbers within the list. There are many position #'s that are re-generated over and over, some are used more than 100 times for different titles. Am not sure if this is a site wide problem occurring or if possibly this is being caused by some unknown books showing up in the list. There are a # of these unknown books that I have included in my list. I think because my list might make this post too long, I will end this post and then start a new reply with my list appearing in that post. Thanks so much for your help. Would be curious why the list position #'s are being re-generated.

message 29: by Susan (last edited Oct 08, 2012 02:24PM) (new)

Susan Susanna wrote: "You could go over to the Librarians group ( http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/2... ). The only firm requirement to be a librarian is 50 books on your profile. The link..."
There are a # of art history titles someone put into this list. Also a # of Ken Follett novels someone put into this and a # of other lists his books don't belong in.

Does not belong on this list for travel genera:
Life On the Mississippi – #33 (fiction)
Innocents Abroad – #51 (fiction)
Two years Before the Mast – #91 (fiction)
Steve Jobs – #157 (biography - non travel)
A Tramp Abroad – #250 (fiction)
Unknown Book 12630385 – #264 (something wrong with the numbering on this list as #264 goes on for a good 200+ titles – this Unknown Book might be causing this numbering problem (list page 3)
The Pillars of The Earth – Ken Follett – #264 (list page 4) (someone went through and added a lot of Ken Follett books to this and a few other lists)(fiction)
Unknown Book 12604164 - by Rieko Nakagawa (list page 5) – #345 – again #345 goes on showing as the list position for hundred + books – thinking these unknown titles are tossing off the list numberings.
Seabiscuit: An American Legend – #345 – again another book appearing at position #345 (non-ficton, non travel genera)
Don Quixote - #345 (fiction)
Unknown Book 11823685 #396 – again a list position who’s # is re-generated for 100+ book title/positions in this list.
Congo – Michael Cricheton -#396 – another book list # that is re-generated 100+ times.(ficton)
Fall of Giants – Ken Follett – #396 (fiction)
Unknown Book 12560166 - #433 – again book # position is regenerated on and on in list.
Eye of the Needle – Ken Follett – #433 – once again # position is regenerated on and on.
Democracy In America – Alexis de Tocqueville – #452 (classic) – another position # that repeats on and on.
The Key to Rebecca – Ken Follett – #452 (fiction)
Goya by Robert Hughes– #452 (biography)
Lie Down With Lions – Ken Follett – #471 another list position # that is re-generated over and over.(fiction)
Sister Wendy’s Story of Painting #471 – another list position # that is re-generated over and over. (art history, non travel)
The 20th Century Art Book – #494 – another # that is re-generated # of times – this one is found on page 6 of the list as of today’s date (art history, non travel)
History of Beauty – Umberto Eco – #514 (# is regenerated in 4 positions) (art history - non travel)
History of Art – Anthony F. Janson – #518 (# is regenerated over and over in this list)art history, non travel
Seven Days in the Art World – #549 – # is regenerated inside list - art history, non travel

message 30: by Susan (new)

Susan s wrote: "Susanna wrote: "You could go over to the Librarians group ( http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/2... ). The only firm requirement to be a librarian is 50 books on your pr..."

Please, if others who are reading have found additional titles that need deletion from this list, add them into this thread so the list for this genera can be improved. I tried to catch as many as I could spot in the above list but sure I have over-looked a few quite probably.

message 31: by Susan (new)

Susan Katrina wrote: "Bettie wrote: "the beach #25 is fiction, as is journey to the centre of the earth #90something"

I've deleted these two, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, noted as fiction earlier.


Katrina - I have posted a list of books that need editing off this list under a reply from Suzanna, another librarian - not sure which of the 2 of you will get to this first. Thanks for your help.

message 32: by Susan (new)

Susan s wrote: "Katrina wrote: "Bettie wrote: "the beach #25 is fiction, as is journey to the centre of the earth #90something"

I've deleted these two, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, noted as ficti..."

Oops - meant Bettie - not Katrina.

message 33: by Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (last edited Oct 08, 2012 02:40PM) (new)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Life on the Mississippi and Innocents Abroad are both non-fiction. (I know because I'm reading them at present.)

I believe that is also the case of A Tramp Abroad.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads The thing with a number of books having the same # placement; that happens when books have the same score.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Two Years before the Mast is also non-fiction.

message 36: by Susan (new)

Susan Susanna wrote: "Life on the Mississippi and Innocents Abroad are both non-fiction. (I know because I'm reading them at present.)

I believe that is also the case of A Tramp Abroad."

Hard to say with Twain what is fiction and non!!! His writing style is known for beyond exaggeration and crossing the line of what is fiction vs. non fiction. :-)

message 37: by Susan (last edited Oct 08, 2012 03:24PM) (new)

Susan Susanna wrote: "Two Years before the Mast is also non-fiction."
Yes, Two Years Before the Mast is generally a library classification in the sub topic of Ships-history, and nautical/maritime fiction. It reads often like non-fiction, but is a cross of his own travels and created fictional characters in place and time. His family hailed from my current neck of the woods - so there is a lot of local interest in his work.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Removed:

Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson (biography)
Friends2Lovers: The Unthinkable, by Jonathan Anthony Burkett (fiction)
The Basement, by Stephen Leather (fiction)
Pirates Revenge, by Douglas Boren (fiction)
Glimmers, by Barbara Brooke (fiction)
The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett (fiction)

message 39: by Susan (new)

Susan Thanks - that's 4 right there I did not spot and include in my list. Hopefully it's not too time consuming for you to deal with this. Travel genera is very popular and this is (I think) the only 'good' list on Goodreads that covers the genera. Any idea what the deal is with the duplication of list position numbering? I am looking over on librarians list to see if there are postings/notices of this being a current known issue with Goodreads Listopia programming.

message 40: by Susan (new)

Susan I also question Hemmingway's A Movable Feast being in travel genera. I never have seen it classified as such - but oddly see it's garnered 35 votes on this list. It's classified at Library of Congress I am checking against here as fiction, crossed with American bio. If Movable Feast is travel genera, it's a surprise to me - I would think also then his The Sun Also Rises would be as well in this genera. I think it probably got so many 'votes' on this list just because it's such a recognized author..and many would place random votes based on that alone if even they never read the book to know what genera it is. I did not include it on my list above but seriously 'hover' over it needs to be 'moved' off this list.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads It's a result of two or more books having the same score. They will have the same position # on the list. (They don't on the delete page, however.)

message 42: by Susan (new)

Susan Susanna wrote: "It's a result of two or more books having the same score. They will have the same position # on the list. (They don't on the delete page, however.)"
Oh - good to know. Thanks. Hard for me to 'tell' you what position # the book is on the list @ for editing with that programming system of ranking blended with list position #. I will try to give all the info I can so you can find a particular book then.

Here are a few more I found that need deletions.
Undying by Bernadette Azizi # 77– (fiction)
Looking Though Blind Eyes (Valentine/Petrilo #1) – #87 (fiction)
Reflections of Secrets (Valentine/Petrilo #2) – #101 (list page 2) (fiction)
Shattered Visions Haunted Memories (Valentine/Petrilo #3) – #101 (list page 2) – another with a duplicated list # position (fiction)
Travel To the G Spot – # 133 - Humorous Fiction (It's a Fictional Memoir)

message 43: by Katrina (last edited Oct 09, 2012 01:31AM) (new)

Katrina s wrote:Here are a few more I found that need deletions

Okay, I've deleted this lot as they are fiction:
Undying by Bernadette Azizi
Looking Though Blind Eyes (Valentine/Petrilo #1)
Reflections of Secrets (Valentine/Petrilo #2)
Shattered Visions Haunted Memories (Valentine/Petrilo #3)
Travel To the G Spot
The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett
Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett
World without End by Ken Follett
Lie Down with Dragons by Ken Follett
Unforgivable by Lisa Wooten
Loving Frank by Nancy Horan
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Don Quixote

I will have a look at the art books tomorrow.

I did not delete the 'unknown' books, as I'm not sure of the policy on this.

I also didn't delete Democracy in America, as the edition on the list apparently includes "Two Weeks in the Wilderness, an account of Tocqueville's travels in Michigan among the Iroquois, and Excursion to Lake Oneida".

message 44: by Susan (new)

Susan Thanks so much for all your time and efforts! Good catch on the Tocqueville edition. Will be curious to know what is the policy on these books that end up unknowns. Not sure how a title ends up unknown unless it's not been correctly combined or fully deleted comes to mind. I was an art history major for my first BA degree, so am very familiar with the titles in the list above as compendium/coffee table/academic reference/text books. The only one I did not have as a text was History of Beauty...and Sister Wendy's book came out after I completed my education, but am very familiar with her art history book(s) and videos.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads The unknowns were probably added before this February, and didn't manage to get rescued in the great "rescue all our books from relying on Amazon info" operation. (Golly were the Librarians busy in January!)

message 46: by Susan (new)

Susan Oh my! That must have been a huge ordeal. The unknown book titles will come back if they are loved by even 1 person using Goodreads. Eventually, someone will do a purge I would think of the GR system to rid the database of all sitting there as unknowns. I admire all the work people do to contribute. I did fill out the librarian form. Have not heard anything. Maybe I won't. Either way, I can find means to help.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads It usually takes a few days, not counting holidays and weekends.

message 48: by Katrina (last edited Oct 09, 2012 10:57PM) (new)

Katrina Removed:

Seabiscuit: An American Legend (biography)
Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix (fiction - time travel)
Domingo's Angel by Jenny Twist (fiction)
Sent (The Missing #2)by Margaret Peterson Haddix (fiction - time travel)
Congo by Michael Crichton (fiction)
Goya by Robert Hughes (Art history)
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting by Wendy Beckett (Art history)
The 20th Century Art Book by Phaidon Press (Art history)
History of Beauty by Umberto Eco(Art history)
History Of Art by Anthony F. Janson (Art history)
Seven Days in the Art World (Art history)
The Journeyer by Gary Jennings (fiction)

I also think that On the Road by Jack Kerouac & Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson should be deleted. Both are novels, although travel-themed. I just wanted to double check as they have been highly voted and not mentioned previously.

message 49: by Susan (new)

Susan Katrina wrote: "Removed:

Seabiscuit: An American Legend (biography)
Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix (fiction - time travel)
Domingo's Angel by Jenny Twist (fiction)
Sent (The Missing #2)by Margaret Peterson Had..."

Thanks so much for your time. This list was so filled with mistaken entries, more so than most lists I have visited.

message 50: by Judy (new)

Judy Beyer Susan wrote: "Katrina - are you a list owner or admin? I am seeing in this thread here Susanna and you both have been able to edit books off that were put up here and are not travel books. The travel genera does..."

'genera' = 'genre'(sorry!)

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