Stay Gold Book Club

A small group based out of Reno, NV that meets monthly to discuss a wide variety of books. Some months we will read something of the literary genre, while other months we delve into genres such as memoir, thriller, or down-right horror. We meet in-person at accommodating local businesses. However, we are interested in opening up a separate digital version for those who are not local to Reno, NV to join in. That is where Goodreads comes in. We hope you can join us, in-person or digitally, as we l ...more
Reno, NV
group type
This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join. This group meets in real life.
Here at Stay Gold we value everyone'…more

SWIFT RIVER Chapters 1 & 2
By Alexandria · 1 post · 1 views
last updated 4 hours, 9 min ago
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