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L'âge d'or #1

L'âge d'or. Volume 1

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Le vieux roi est mort.
Sa fille Tilda s'apprête à lui succéder, bien décidée à mener les réformes nécessaires pour soulager son peuple, accablé par la famine et l'oppression des seigneurs de la cour. Mais un complot mené par son jeune frère la condamne brusquement à l'exil.
Avec le soutien de preux chevaliers, le sage Tankred et le loyal Bertil, la princesse déchue décide de reconquérir son royaume. Commence alors pour eux un périple aventureux au cours duquel leur destin se révélera lié à « L'Âge d'or ».

Plus qu'une légende, plus qu'une fable, L'âge d'or est un livre perdu au pouvoir si grand qu'il pourrait changer la face du monde...
Avec Roxanne Moreil en compagne d'écriture, Cyril Pedrosa réinvente ici l'épopée médiévale. Quand la geste du héros traditionnel fait place à celle d'une héroïne passionnelle, le conte féodal se métamorphose en fable sociale. Ainsi, pour les auteurs, enluminer le passé, c'est illuminer l'avenir. Avec l'espoir qu'après le grand soir, l'humanité puisse encore rêver à des lendemains qui chantent.

228 pages, Hardcover

First published September 7, 2018

About the author

Cyril Pedrosa

51 books227 followers
Cyril Pedrosa began his career in animation, working on the Disney films "Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Hercules." He has since become a rising star in a new kind of graphic storytelling, combining the influences of animation and the literary traditions of Borges, García Márquez, and Tolkien to create a unique visual handwriting.

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14 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 506 reviews
Profile Image for Erica.
1,410 reviews472 followers
February 13, 2020
This one's interesting.
A king dies, his daughter inherits the throne but on the night of her coronation, there's a coup and she must run for her life with only two friends to help.
I got the overall story but there are gaps throughout. I chalk it up to nuance being lost in translation as well as to the vague method in which the tale is told.
The illustrations are both evocative and off-putting, harried scratch lines drawn in black wax. I enjoyed it and was equally frustrated.
Profile Image for Juho Pohjalainen.
Author 5 books345 followers
February 12, 2021
Decent art - weird and haunting that fit the narrative - but the story is very predictable and the characters didn't stick to me.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
May 30, 2022
I read this because I am a fan of Cyril Pedrosa, especially his more personal and realist stories. Here Pedrosa illustrates a medieval historical fantasy story with a feminist touch, where a woman thrust into power actually intends to create a more democratic society. Can you create a world without war??!!

While I like that idea and hope women in every country in the world enact similar views, men having failed miserably in their attempts to make the world, I was not all that engaged with the story. Part of it is me in that historical fantasy is a bit of a challenge for me.

Pedrosa's at is both fitting for a sweeping fantasy and yet also distancing in its abstract-ness. It is a First Second production, oversized and impressive by its very size and heft. I see a lot of my Goodreads friends loved it, though some disliked it, too. I dunno, I might look at the second volume.
Profile Image for disco.
625 reviews238 followers
March 23, 2020
The art and colors are beautiful and distracts from the not too interesting content.
Profile Image for Ignacio.
1,226 reviews270 followers
January 15, 2023
Este tebeo parte de la batalla por la sucesión de un reino medieval entre dos personajes, con un tercero interpuesto. En ese sentido es puro estereotipo. Se empieza a alejar de él cuando en la huida de uno de ellos se cruza la idea de la utopía para los desposeídos, en la línea de Dulcino, a través de tres episodios encadenados. Con eso el relato hace lo suficiente para mantener la atención, pero donde da el do de pecho es en un apartado gráfico deslumbrante. Pedrosa integra las miniaturas medievales de las historias de caballerías o de las batallas entre reinos con los diseños de la Disney de Wolfgang Reitherman para La bella durmiente y Merlín, y lo actualiza con un expresionismo donde explota al máximo su habilidad para el color cuando desea enfatizar la presencia del medio natural o un acontecimiento traumático. Puede parecer una exageración decir que cada página de La edad de oro es un descubrimiento pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Muchas ganas de ver cómo concluye la historia en el siguiente tomo.
Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,765 reviews39 followers
April 13, 2022
The Golden Age doesn't feature the most complex fantasy narrative, but it's highly arresting nonetheless. You'll first notice the art by Cyril Pedrosa. It's quite simply splendid, with both a mystical, painterly quality and a romantic, Disney-medieval look. Aside from a few scenes where the background and foreground meld, the art is perfectly suited to the story.

I appreciated that Roxane Moreil didn't feel compelled to push the pacing in The Golden Age. This is a leisurely tale, taking its time to introduce characters and give them moments of feeling and introspection. For instance, we spend the first twenty pages or so with a handful of no-name peasants. Scenes like these beautifully introduce the landscape, a mysterious pseudo-Roman realm of peasants and lords and not much in between.

With this setting, Moreil stages her most interesting twist on the traditional usurper tale. Yes, the young princess's throne is stolen, and yes, the stalwart knights must help restore her good name. But at the same time, a long forgotten tale of an egalitarian world sparks unrest and uprisings. The peasant revolt is placed alongside the traditional quest narrative, and while they don't often meld nicely, it's an extremely intriguing plotline that I'm eager to follow in the next volume. I'm also eager to see how magic slips into the story, with the princess's deteriorating condition and the end reveal .
Profile Image for Orbi Alter .
233 reviews52 followers
January 7, 2022
Odusevljena sam praskom boja kao i obicno kad je Pedrosa u pitanju. Crtez izaziva trnce. Sto se scenarija tice, onoliko koliko sam se uspjela vratiti na pricu od mentalnog uranjanja u svaki kadar jer doista je tesko maknuti pogled od kolornih ispada na stranicama - ne djeluje bas nesto posebno. Realisticna je to prica s prstohvatom magijskih elemenata u prici o borbi za prijestolje izmedju brata i sestre, tj o snazi potlacenih i sustinskoj borbi za pravednije drustvo. Ideali sjaje u stripicu kao i njegove boje. Svaki prizor se cini kao najljepse nacrtana bajka, pa tek nakon pomnijeg promatranja shvatim da je crtez krvoprolice zapravo. Toliko je dominantan crtez da mi je potreban putokaz na pricu... tesko mi je iz crteza izroniti. Divan sve u svemu ❤
Profile Image for leynes.
1,180 reviews3,233 followers
June 9, 2019
Ugh. Another disappointment. The art was alright (3 stars) but the plot was utter shit (1 star). I'm definitely not going to follow this series.

The empire, once full and prosperous, has been plagued by famine and greedy nobility since the king's death. Tilda, the daughter of the deceased king, wants to finally ease the plight of the people after their coronation by reforms. But a conspiracy led by her younger brother condemns her to exile.

Guided by mysterious signs, Tilda decides to reclaim the kingdom with the help of her allies. On their odyssey, the fate of the Companions is tied to THE GOLDEN AGE, which is more than a long-gone history of free people: it's a forgotten book that has the power to change the world.

This issue offers a first look of this two-part adventure saga and I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. All of the characters felt like stereotypes and their actions were super annoying. I don't know what Tilda's younger brother was smoking but his coup left me cackling. Like, what? Tilda was your typical damsel in distress that needed saving and her night in shining armour (I already forgot his name, sorry) can choke. Again, the art was the only thing that made this at least somewhat worthwhile for me.


May 11, 2019 was Free Comic Book Day in Germany. This was one of the titles.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,457 reviews175 followers
October 16, 2018
I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley

This could probably be an interesting title if the author could just decide what it's supposed to be about, but this first volume just seemed to meander from random thing to random thing and also didn't really feel like a complete idea either. The art style was definitely unique and I love the landscapes but the way the characters' faces are drawn is definitely not my cup of tea. I could see this getting more interesting in the future but this volume doesn't really make me interested enough to read more.
Profile Image for Koen Claeys.
1,312 reviews22 followers
October 22, 2018
Vooral het ongeziene tekenwerk tilt mijn waardering hier enorm de hoogte in. Wat een prachtige pagina's ! Na de vijfsterrenstrip 'Vier Jaargetijden' heeft Pedrosa zijn creativiteit weer enorm laten botvieren. Mijn ogen absorbeerden gretig het resultaat. Het verhaal is deze keer wel wat minder creatief : een middeleeuws verhaal over machtsstrijd en sociale onrechtvaardigheid, besprenkeld met een vleugje fantasy.
Profile Image for Carmen.
175 reviews54 followers
February 18, 2019
Je voudrais améliorer mon niveau de français pourtant j'essaie du faire cette critique en français, parce que je l'ai lu dans sa lange d'origine. Désolé pour les erreures.
C'est l'histoirre de Tilda, fille aînée du roi, Tilda est l’héritière naturelle du royaume. Celle-ci est néanmoins évincée du trône et remplacée par son jeune frère. Elle préfère l’exil a la réclusion et quitte le château accompagnée par quelques fidèles: Tamkred et Bertil. Pour autant, elle n’a pas dit son dernier mot et rêve déjà de reprendre ce qui lui est dû. Dans sa fuite, elle va voir misère et la révolte au sein d’une population séduite par des idées nouvelles. J'adore Tilda et Bertil. Les illustrations sont merveilleuses et l'image de 15éme siècle resemble à cette des contes de fées de l'enfance. un petit trésor.
Profile Image for Candice .
230 reviews112 followers
December 15, 2018
Une histoire merveilleuse aux couleurs enchanteresses. J’attends la suite avec très grande impatience! Merci encore à Marion de m’avoir offert cet ouvrage 💛✨
Profile Image for Sebastien.
252 reviews308 followers
August 14, 2020
Interesting to read thru the reviews on here, some people love this and others absolutely aren't into it.

Cyril Pedrosa is one of my favorite comic artists, and this is one of my all-time fav comic works. He works with a particular stylization which you see quite a bit in contemporary French comics, but he has his own unique visual aesthetic working within that stylistic range. Personally I love this type of stylization, and the art is of the highest quality. The linework is gorgeous, magnificent compositions (love how he draws trees and buildings; the patterning is awesome), and the color-work is amazing. But I can see how it might not be everyone's tastes.

Cool story as well regarding inheriting a throne, getting exiled, medieval power struggles, etc. Fortunately this one has been translated into English, so accessible to the English-speaking audience.
Profile Image for Myriam.
438 reviews287 followers
October 7, 2018
Un premier tome conséquent et magnifiquement illustré, reprenant les codes de l'imagerie médiévale, notamment quant au déroulé de l'action dans une même case, ou en ce qui concerne les décors végétaux stylisés et traités en aplats de motifs répétitifs.
Ce premier tome jette les bases d'une quête menée par une jeune princesse prête à tout pour reconquérir son trône. Il est aussi évoqué les questions de la lutte contre les privilèges, mais aussi la vie harmonieuse de sociétés féministes vivant en autarcie.
Hâte de découvrir la suite de cette duologie visuellement époustouflante !

Ma chronique : http://unjour-unlivre.fr/2018/10/lage...
Profile Image for Thee Princess.
218 reviews157 followers
January 30, 2020
Am I the only one that had a hard time getting past the art style??

It was so hard to even get into the story because the art style was so distracting. I could very well just be picky with my art styles but this was umm difficult.

As far as the story goes it was fine. I wanted this epic adventure with friends but I feel like I didn't get that. I got an adventure but it wasn't enough. If you want something that quick and fun enough I highly suggest this. The characters were fine and the overall story was fine. This is basically me saying the book was a good in the middle type of book.
Profile Image for Pauline.
Author 8 books1,267 followers
January 22, 2021
Effectivement très joli, le foisonnement dans le dessin est assez impressionnant. Parfois, ça m’a déroutée, je ne savais plus où regarder. L’histoire est intrigante, même si je regrette que les personnages féminins n’aient pas répondu aux espoirs que j’avais (naïvement peut-être) placés en elles. Mais il y a une suite, alors ce n’est pas un jugement définitif !
Profile Image for LaPommequirougit.
1,261 reviews50 followers
December 11, 2020

Je remercie les Éditions Dupuis pour l’envoi de cette lecture. Ici, nous allons nous plonger en plein cœur de la période médiévale avec cette BD que nous proposent Cyril Pedrosa et Roxanne Moreil.

Tilda va bientôt être sacrée reine pour succéder à son père qui vient malheureusement de décéder. Ce n’est pas une tâche simple, mais il le faut. Le peuple est en pleine famine, les terres ont perdu de leur fertilité…

Mais le jeune frère de cette dernière va monter un complot contre elle pour prendre le pouvoir qu’il estime lui revenir. De ce fait, cette dernière va être condamnée à l’exil. Heureusement, en chemin, elle sera secourue par Tankred et Bertil, ses plus proches conseillers et amis. Avec ces derniers, elle va tout faire pour récupérer le trône qu’on lui a pris !

On se retrouve ici dans une époque médiévale réinventée. On plonge en plein cœur de la magie, avec des dessins plus beaux les uns des autres. On est directement mis dans l’ambiance et c’est ce qui m’a tout de suite plu. Cette BD est remplie de féérie.

En bref, une belle découverte BD pour ma part. Entre poésies, magie et féérie, on est immergé en plein cœur d’un univers fascinant qui ne demande qu’à être exploré !
Profile Image for Emma.
1,266 reviews161 followers
February 7, 2022

The Golden Age, Book 1 was a very mixed bag. The art was absolutely gorgeous and unlike anything else I've seen in a graphic novel. The use of colors throughout the story did a great job showing the changing tone. I really loved reading this slowly to fully soak up the care and detail in each panel.

Sadly, I found the story of The Golden Age, Book 1 underwhelming. There were gaps in the story that were confusing, which were made worse by the fact that the story is very understated to begin with. I kept hoping for more character development, particularly of Tilda, and was left disappointed. The ending seemed to come out of nowhere and made absolutely no sense given what little character development we'd been given in the earlier portions of the book.

If I'm able to find book 2 at the library, I'd be willing to give it a try but I wouldn't be willing to buy a copy.
Profile Image for Klaudia.
368 reviews16 followers
October 26, 2018
Eine Prinzessin, ins Exil verbannt. Ein Ritter, der ihr den Rücken deckt. Sein junger Knappe, der ihnen folgt. Nur gemeinsam können sie Tilda den Thron zurückgewinnen, den ihr Bruder ihr gestohlen. Doch auf dem Weg zu ihrem Ziel müssen sie sich Revolten und Gefahren stellen, von den sie noch nichts ahnen. Jeder von ihnen muss Prüfungen bestehen, die seine Gesinnung auf die Probe stellen – und eine mystische Schrift über ein Reich der Freiheit könnte das gesamte Land verändern …

Der erste Part von „The Golden Age“ hat mich mit dem bezaubernden Cover angelockt, das mich an die alten Anfänge der Disney-Filme zurückerinnert hat. Der Zeichenstil ist sehr opulent und ausgeschmückt, vielfarbig und altertümlich, sodass man sofort in die mittelalterlich anmutende Welt eingesorgen wird.

Tilda und ihre Gefährten, die ihr helfen wollen, ihren rechtmäßigen Platz auf dem Thron wieder einzunehmen, fand ich sehr sympathisch. Schnell wird klar, dass hier viel mit Schwarz-Weiß-Gesinnungen gearbeitet wird und die Charaktere relativ einfach in gut und böse zu unterteilen sind. Da hätte ich mir an manchen Stellen noch mehr Tiefe gewünscht. Außerdem hatte ich an einigen Stellen ein paar Probleme, der Handlung in den Panels zu folgen, weil ich eine Weile gebraucht habe, um zu erkennen, dass Personen manchmal mehrfach in einem Panel auftreten und reden, um einen zeitlichen Ablauf darzustellen.

Die Handlung von „The Golden Age“ war ziemlich spannend und gut dargestellt und ich habe schon recht früh mitgefiebert. Es sind zwar altbekannte Motive, aber ich bin gespannt, wie sich vor allem Tilda weiterentwickeln wird und was es mit den Visionen auf sich hat, die sie manchmal befallen und sie in einer Ritterrüstung zeigen. Dementsprechend freue ich mich auf Part 2 und warte mal ab, wie es darin weitergehen wird und ob die Geschichte und die Charaktere noch mehr Tiefe erhalten werden.
Profile Image for Matty Dub.
625 reviews9 followers
March 19, 2022
Tilda, heir to the throne is usurped by her younger brother and traitorous barons after her father and king passes away.

With her only two loyal retainers; Tankred, and Bertil, she must escape captivity and seek out an old ally of her father to help take back her throne. Tilda is sickly and prone to visions, she gave me strong Jeanne d’Arc vibes as this is also in a medieval setting. Along their journey the group faces various trials and tribulations and the volume ends on an incredible cliffhanger. The second half of the story is available now and I’ll be reading it soon.

The magic in all of this though isn’t the script, it is the art and how perfectly it meshes with the narrative to present you that story. You feel it as much as you read it. It’s full of two page splashes that give you so much information with so few words, it guides your eyes so well, the flow it has is insane and must be experience to understand just how truly special it is. It’s not surprising that the creative team is a couple; Cyril Pedrosa does the art for Roxanne Moreil’s script, there’s a perfect synergy here very rarely experienced in this medium.

Lastly, the only other Euro book I know of that was licensed by First Second Publishing is Alex Alice’s amazing Castle in the Stars. This is their second one, published as Golden Age, both volumes are out now. FS has some seriously good fucking tastes.
Profile Image for beesp.
386 reviews46 followers
October 29, 2018
Cyril Pedrosa e Roxanne Moreil hanno creato un piccolo gioiello. “L’età dell’oro” è una fiaba nera. Una giovane principessa eredita il governo del regno dal padre morto, ma è subito cacciata dal suo palazzo dagli intrighi della corte. Si mette in viaggio al fianco degli unici uomini che le siano rimasti fedeli, con l’obiettivo di restaurare il suo potere.
Con il formato allargato delle pagine, si è immersi completamente in tavole pregiatissime di paesaggi naturali magici, bellissimi. I boschi e le strade prendono i colori della luce del giorno e tutto si tinge di piacevoli monocromie. Nel frattempo scopriamo il regno raccontato, la povertà e la carestia che spadroneggiano tra le terre e gli uomini e la nuova dottrina che affascina i sudditi. L’età dell’oro non era solo una leggenda, ma è esistita.
Non ho idea di quanto ci sia da aspettare per il secondo volume, ma sento già il desiderio impellente di leggerlo (anche perché dire che questo primo volume si concluda bruscamente è un eufemismo, cliffhanger maledetti!).
October 26, 2018
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free e-copy to review

Let me begin by saying I absolutely adored the artwork, I love graphic novels and the art alone kept me reading this even though I wasn’t that drawn by the story of the book. I found the story to be a bit chaotic, I liked the basic premise of the story, the royal betrayed and having to take refuge in a village of women. However, I just felt the author couldn’t decide where he wanted to go and kept getting sidetracked and distracted in the story, hence feeling it was a bit chaotic. It would have got 2 stars for the story but I loved the art so much it deserved 3 stars for that.
Profile Image for Ivan.
44 reviews24 followers
March 12, 2023
Moram priznati kako me Zlatno Doba više no ugodno iznenadilo.

Kupio sam ga isključivo zbog predivnog Pedrosinog crteža koji se i stilom i ljepotom može usporediti s rijetko čime što sam do sada čitao i za koji sam siguran da će me potaknuti da knjigu bezbroj puta podignem s police te da je prolistam uživajući u svoj toj raskoši.

Ipak, dobio sam i puno više od toga. Sve vremensku priču o borbi za jednakost, ispričanu inteligentno, suptilno i nerijetko duhovito.

Ukratko, svaka preporuka za ovo maleno remek djelo meštara stripovskog zanata Moreila i Pedrose. Od mene su zaslužili čistu peticu.
Profile Image for Andrew.
658 reviews213 followers
July 20, 2020
A beautifully animated fantasy/medieval epic illustrated by one of Disney's lead animators (Beauty and the Beast, Hercules), this is an interesting new graphic novel duology. This book delivers some feudal action, some lovely animation/illustration, and some interesting themes and world-building. Worth a read for fans of graphic novels and those looking for a good book read with strong female protagonists.
Profile Image for Saturn.
474 reviews63 followers
September 23, 2020
Per valutare la storia bisognerà attendere il secondo volume, ma di certo questo racconto di un medioevo in subbuglio è molto intrigante. Seguendo la fuga di una principessa costretta all'esilio, ci si affaccia su un territorio in rivolta contro i soprusi dei signori mentre il cliffhanger apre a futuri risvolti fantasy. L'impianto grafico è stupendo, originale e ricco di tinte forti; molte doppie pagine sono dei piccoli capolavori! Attendo con impazienza il secondo volume.
6,592 reviews74 followers
October 7, 2018
Strange book. Very unique and extremely original on the artwork, but at the same very casual and unoriginal on the story which isn't very interesting, too slow and just not enough of basically everything to catch my attention. I give two because of the art, but the story don't deserve more then one stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 506 reviews

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