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Megan Berry #1

You Are So Undead to Me

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Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a bunch of dead people with a whole lot of issues.

All Megan wants is to be normal and go to homecoming, of course. Unfortunately, it's a little difficult when your dates keep getting interrupted by a bunch of slobbering Undead.

Things are about to get even more complicated for Megan. Someone in school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies, and it's looking like homecoming will turn out to be a very different kind of party the bloody kind.

Megan must stop the Zombie apocalypse descending on Carol, Arkansas. Her life and more importantly, homecoming depends on it.

263 pages, Paperback

First published January 22, 2009

About the author

Stacey Jay

22 books1,760 followers
Stacey Jay is a recovering workaholic (or at least working hard at recovering) with three pen names, two small children, and a passion for playing pretend for a living. She’s been a full time mom-writer since 2005 and can't think of anything she'd rather be doing. Her former careers include theatre performer, professional dancer, poorly paid C-movie actress, bartender, waiter, math tutor (for real) and yoga instructor.

Learn more at http://staceyjay.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 299 reviews
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
October 2, 2011
Don't judge me for giving this three stars.

Yes, the heroine was painfully stupid.

Yes, the romance was corny.

But... ZOMBIES, people! ZOMBIES!

And it was funny and imaginative at times and...

Profile Image for Sesana.
5,647 reviews337 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-or-not-gonna-happen'
March 5, 2015
I got 25% in and just couldn't do it anymore. I really like the idea of zombies who just want somebody to listen, and the summary made it sound sort of Buffy-ish. But the main character is irritating me too much to continue. She's selfish, not very bright, short sighted, and doesn't seem to care about anything but being popular. Maybe she improved as the book goes by, but I just can't take her that long.
March 19, 2015
2 Star Rating

I picked this one up from the library because it sounded good and I love books about zombies.
The idea is fantastic! It's original in the sense that it's about zombies crying out for help and needing assistance with their unfinished business rather than trying to eat your brains...I liked that.
Unfortunately for me the idea just didn't come together. I found the MC to be very annoying and the plot was continuously battered due to her wanting to be popular...it was just one big popularity contest. I found the other characters rather shallow and were immensely over shadowed by the MC. Just by looking at the front cover I should of expected that whole American high school princess drama but I guess I didn't expect it to be that bad.
So much could of been done with such a fantastic idea, it just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,227 reviews327 followers
December 15, 2018

This is a book I've had for a while and being on medical leave; I figured I would try and clear some of the books off my devices. Remember years ago how Zombies were the "in" thing, and several YA books had made them hot like the Generation Dead series by Dan Waters, and I Kissed a Zombie, and I liked it by Adam Selzer. All of a sudden Zombies were back in and acceptable. They even had a new name - the living impaired. Megan Berry comes from a line from her mother's side of Zombie Settlers. It is genetic and goes from one generation to another. As soon as the person receives their powers, the one prior loses there's. Megan has inherited her powers from her mother and was one of the best until she had her accident and she lost her powers. Everyone thought they were gone for good but now just as she was starting to live a normal life, they are back and this time more powerful than ever. Megan is having a hard time controlling them, and random zombies are popping up around her. If she's not careful, then she might expose the whole Zombie Settlers community. Can Megan learn to control her powers before she unleashes a Zombie overload in her town?
Find out in Book #1 You are So Undead to Me - the Megan Berry Chronicles. This series is aimed at YA readers from 13-16 years of age.
Profile Image for Rachael.
611 reviews50 followers
January 12, 2009
All Megan Berry wants is a normal life, but since she’s a Settler by birth, it’s her job to send Undead back to their final resting place, the grave. And even is her powers did lapse for a few years, giving her just a taste of normalcy, they return stronger than ever when fifteen-going-on-sixteen Megan is just about to go on a date with the hottest guy in school. And now that Megan has her Settler powers back, her chances of going to homecoming and making the pom squad are severely diminished, especially because someone at school is using black magic to raise Reanimated Corpses or Zombies. And as the RC attacks become more frequent and dangerous, Megan starts to realize that the plot is more sinister than she could ever imagine, even if her fellow Settlers don’t believe her. And so, it’s all up to Megan alone, it seems, to save the day, and homecoming, before it’s too late.

You Are So Undead to Me is a story with a unique idea but unfortunately subpar execution. My main problem were the characters; they were much too stereotypical. Ethan is the characteristic crush who eventually falls for the heroine, Monica is your typical evil popular girl in the way of said heroine’s plans for rising on the social ladder and getting the guy, and Megan is the girl who fights against what she is. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve had to call a character annoying, but that is what Megan is; her snarky and shallow thoughts soon get old and her boy distractions are too common and only distract from the main storyline. The plot was mostly predictable except for one commendable twist. I felt there some gaps in the story’s background that bothered me; for example, Settlers are born with power, but how do black magic practitioners, who aren’t born with that power, then gain some to perform their evil spells? In all, You Are So Undead to Me is amusing for a light read but not so great once you look beneath the surface.

You Are So Undead to Me may be popular among fans of the supernatural. Readers who enjoyed Revealers by Amanda Marrone will also like this novel.

reposted from http://thebookmuncher.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books510 followers
November 13, 2012
Reviewed by Allison Fraclose for TeensReadToo.com

Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry thought that she'd been rid of the Settler gig forever. Ever since the zombies attacked her at the age of ten, she hasn't been expected to continue interviewing the regular, nonthreatening undead to help them settle their worldly affairs so they could quietly go back to the grave.

But now, dead guys are showing up on her doorstep again, and even though Megan's Settler powers have returned full-force, picking up the job she inherited from her mother is the last thing Megan wants to worry about. Homecoming looms, and Megan not only has to work on snagging a date with the most popular football player in school, but she also has to avoid confrontation with fellow Settler Monica so that she and her best friend, Jess, can make Pom Squad tryouts.

How is Megan supposed to work her way into Carol High's upper crust if dead people keep interrupting at the most inopportune times?

Homecoming grows even more unlikely for Megan when she learns that someone is using black magic to reanimate corpses into the flesh-eating variety. What's worse is that they seem to be targeting her, and Megan is having a rough enough time just trying to appear normal while easing back into the Settler business.

This unexpected attraction Megan has for the Settler Affairs officer who's been assigned to her case isn't helping much, either, especially when he starts creeping into every aspect of her life. Megan is going to have to work her hardest to figure out what's going on and keep her life in order, before being a Settler manages to destroy it.

This hilarious story has something for every girl who likes monsters, magic, mystery, and a little kick-ass action. I also found it to be an interesting take on zombies, and I look forward to seeing more of Megan in the promised second book.
Profile Image for Kristi.
1,205 reviews2,899 followers
January 18, 2009
Stacey Jay made my first exposure to the wonderful world of zombie literature a fun one! I always think of Michael Jackson’s Thriller video when I think of zombies. Not that has any significance for this review, but I just felt like throwing that out there, because that’s how I kept imagining the zombies when I was reading this novel. I thought the whole Settler society was a very interesting and unique! And Jay does a remarkable job depicting it.

I was expecting a darker theme, but it ended up being lighthearted and funny. There’s a steady dose of suspense, action, humor and romance which always makes for a good read. Megan is a typical teenage girl, I mean except for the whole helping the undead thing. But that is what makes You are so Undead to Me such a charming read!

I had no idea who the culprits were! Now that I know, I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out earlier, but I was just at oblivious as Megan! I love when a novel baffles me like that. Stacey Jay has written an impressive debut novel and I’m looking forward to reading more by her!
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
May 12, 2010
I've never really been too big on the whole Zombie-eating-world paranorm, but as far as Zombies books go, this one was really cute, fun and entertaining.

Megan Berry thought dealing with the unsettled was done and over with since she lost her powers 5 years ago, but the very much undead boy on her front porch looking for some closure is very much real and clearly Megan's powers are back from retirement and totally ruining her social life...

You Are So Undead to Me was a really quick, fun and light read.
Stacey Jay writes one hell of a laugh out loud, action-packed book filled with a lot of twists, wit and paranormal fun, I found it refreshing to laugh at the gore instead of cringing. This was a really amusing take on this element and you'll even find some sweet romantic moments as well.
All in all I enjoyed this book, a lot, and look forward to reading the sequel.

Profile Image for Monica Hills.
1,046 reviews35 followers
May 24, 2024
I enjoyed this YA Zombie book. There were some really cute moments and it could definitely turn out to be a great series but I know there is only one more book. Meg was a great main character and even though I did figure out what was going on half way through I did enjoy it. My only complaint is that she should have been older. The love story going on didn't quite fit because the male was too old. Especially being a mom of teenagers, there is no way I would let one of my teenagers go out with a college student. I also enjoyed that one of the characters was named Monica. I don't get to read that very often.
Profile Image for Diane Ehlers.
Author 5 books40 followers
February 23, 2016
Originally posted on Paranormal Sisters: http://paranormalsisters.blogspot.com...

This was originally published as a full-length novel which I have sitting on my bookshelf. I've been craving a reread but when I noticed since then Mrs. Jay got her rights back, heavily edited it (trust me I checked) and republished it in a serial series. Though it's minor changes- just knowing there is a second edition to the full-length novel I just had to get it. I mean, what if she changed something? haha. It would just feel a little weird knowing there's an edited one out there (not that I felt like the original needed it but over time our writing style changes so I understand why she did it).

Anyways, the first in the serial is free and I devoured it! It brought back that amazing feeling I had while reading it the first time and I still love it after all these years! What I loved most about this book was the concept of Zombie Settlers, it's what hooked me then and still does today! It's a unique concept, not done before (at least that I know off) and it's such a refreshing tale in the zombie genre!

Though don't pick this up if you don't like cutesy teen books. I love that aspect and I love how balanced it is with Megan trying to live a normal life but is constantly getting sucked into her destiny as a Zombie Settler. It definitely keeps readers on their toes!

Overall I enjoyed this as much as I did back then, maybe a little more with the new references like The Walking Dead! I loved the action, kept me turning the pages and the humor had me laughing. I knew this story was going to suck me back in and the next day I bought the rest of the series, dying to devour this book again! This is still one of my all time favorite teen zombie books and I cannot wait to reread the rest of this serial!
Profile Image for Ashley - The Bookish Brunette.
152 reviews633 followers
June 19, 2011
This is SUCH a fun and cute read!

Megan Berry is a Zombie 'settler'. Basically she helps the undead settle into the afterlife.

"Welcome to your after-death session. My name is Megan. May I have your name, last name first?" -Megan doing her opening spiel.

Megan has been out of the zombie settling game for 5 years, when suddenly- right before her date with Mr. HOT senior Josh- a zombie shows up at her door ringing the doorbell.

Here's the deal. Once the zombie tells the settler whatever it is that has them bothered enough to CRAWL back from the dead, then they are good to go and head back to the grave.

WICKED interesting twist on the whole 'zombie' thing right?

But zombies CAN be brought back by dark witchcraft and these particular RC's (reanimated corpses) are very very bad and very very dangerous. Someone is raising RC's... and now Megan's childhood best friend Ethan (who is insanely hot now) is back and has decided to be her "pretend" boyfriend in order to protect her from these rogue RC's.

Dude, I know right? I WILL NOT tell you who is behind raising the RC's, but you won't freaking believe it! And the end was full of so many wicked awesome twists that I cannot WAIT to start Undead Much!
Profile Image for Annabelle.
202 reviews10 followers
August 6, 2021
Even the cover of this book reminds me of the movie poster for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I LOVE Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
So, logically, I loved this book. Meguffy (as I will refer to her from now on) is hilarious and witty and brave. Despite things usually not going her way and her tendency to get into big time trouble, she never gives up. Plus, she doesn't let people push her around, which is probably my favorite personality trait. She's a great heroine in her own clumsy yet not-so-clumsy way.
The story was funny and action-packed. It had me laughing while flipping pages like a mad woman. The mystery was very clever and left me shocked when the guilty party was revealed. The entire book was full of fun and bitchy and unbelievably cute characters.
My favorite part was that even though everything was wrapped up pretty nicely, I know there is more in store for our dear Meguffy. And I personally cannot wait.
Profile Image for Brittney.
190 reviews22 followers
September 12, 2014
Ehhh...after an ending like that, I can't give this book one star. I am too much of a hopeless romantic. I'm telling you it gets me every time.

Overall this book was too young for me. I love YA and I can read books set for even younger audiences, but this one was too much. It was fairly predictable and the MC was (what did my status update say) "immature and painfully annoying." I think that pretty much sums it up. I had a hard time looking past that aspect of the book to really think about anything else. I don't mind a younger MC. I just can't stand a dimwitted and self absorbed young MC.

The only things that kept me going were the zombies of course, the continuous action, and only God knows why..the love story. Shoot me, I know, but it was cute.
Profile Image for Stormy.
430 reviews29 followers
November 22, 2010
Okay I upgraded my rating to 2 stars because I was actually able to finish it, but this heroine, Megan Berry...VERY ANNOYING. Worse than Bella Swan and I didn't think that was possible. The whole book was painful at best. The internal chatter (and distractability) HORRIBLE. This is another author who solves a mystery with in an unsolvable way. I HATE that. And the epiphany is ridiculous.

She may be prolific, but I doubt I'll read her again.
Profile Image for Jenne .
699 reviews88 followers
December 15, 2014
This was a cute quick read. The MC Megan is very young and it shows at the start of the book. It does manage to come together though. Definitely wasn't an issue for me by the end. The narrator was good and manages to convey that teenage sass through the book. All in all a good book!
Profile Image for Amber.
121 reviews55 followers
January 26, 2010
I've never been a huge zombie fan. The whole undead-moaning-slobbering things has never been my cup of tea. Like many reads over the past year, I'm reaching outside my comfort zone and giving zombies more of a try. I thought this book would be a little darker and a little more serious, but it turned out to be an actual fun, witty, and light hearted one that I enjoyed.

Megan has a great young teenage voice. She just wants to live a normal life, but it's kind of hard when the undead keep showing up on your doorstep. The beginning of the book had me laughing and completely loving everything about it. You can tell Stacey Jay took some time in creating this whole world of Settlers. The system of their world was explained very well and you learned more as Megan went through more of the training process. I also enjoyed the author's writing style. Everything played out nicely where I could picture it all in my head. I could really see this being a TV show.

The relationship between Megan and Ethan fit perfectly. (And yes, I did develop a character crush on Ethan. I can't help these things. Boys in books always seem to be better.) These two bounced off one another nicely, and I'm hoping that maybe in the next book we get to read more on their past together.

By the time I got to the middle, I wouldn't quite say I became bored, but I wasn't as into it as I had been. It just kind of slowed down for me. I also figured out who the villain was around this time. That's my main reason for rating this 3.5 instead of a 4 because I really wanted to be surprised, but wasn't. The whole time I kept thinking why isn't Megan seeing who the villain is! Now the reasons behind why the villain did what they did was good, but like I said, I really wanted to be more surprised. Overall it was still a good read and I'm looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Johanna.
181 reviews23 followers
March 30, 2012
You Are So Undead To Me
(Megan Berry Book #1)
by Stacey Jay

Genre: Urban Fantasy / Young Adult

Megan Berry's social life is so dead. Literally. Fifteen-year-old Megan is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a bunch of dead people with a whole lot of issues. And things are about to get even worse. Someone at school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies and it's up to Megan to stop the zombie apocalypse...
Studying her Settler textbook is important, except Megan just wants to be a normal sophomore in High School. Her biggest worry right now is getting a date to the Homecoming dance, not the zombie on her doorstep. So, when an old friend shows up to teach Megan some new tricks and zombies begin attacking her all over town, she becomes a bit preoccupied and doesn't realize danger is closer than she thinks.

I've been on a big zombie fix lately since reading Dan Waters Generation Dead series, but I feel this book was written for a much younger crowd - thus I didn't find it really interesting. I found the plot lacking, the characters flat, and the all over story predictable. Megan was immature and she didn't really develop much throughout the story. I didn't find myself enjoying any of the side characters as well and the end was just plain CHEESY!!!! Stacey Jay's writing style was pretty boring to me as well, didn't flow well and I found myself skipping paragraphs to read ahead. If you're looking for a quick bit of fluff to read, this might satisfy your needs - but I think you'd be much happier looking elsewhere.

Likes: The idea of "Settlers" was growing on me, but the story didn't carry it through enough for my interest.

Dislikes: Too many similarities to Buffy; just switch the vamps for zombies and it's pretty much the same story line.
Profile Image for Sam.
81 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2010
Megan Berry is a 16 year old Zombie Settler- this means dead people with issues come back from the grave and find her to vent their frustrations. She had a reprieve after some major issues a few years ago, but it appears that her powers are coming back full force. In fact, Megan may be the strongest Settler around. Naturally, this has some major impacts on her personal life; it's hard to keep a boyfriend or go to the homecoming dance when there are dead people looking for you on a regular basis. To make matters worse, someone has been working some serious black magic and resurrecting all sorts of problematic, flesh-eating zombies to go after her. Megan even thinks that it could be the work of the totally witchy Monica, fellow Settler and popular girl extraordinaire who definitely doesn't want Megan to succeed in the upcoming pom squad tryouts! Can Megan find out who's behind the black magic, manage to woo the totally hot Ethan who has been assigned to help her with her powers, and make the pom squad? Who knows!

Okay, so you might pick up a hint of sarcasm there... it's not my kind of story. But still, this isn't a bad book at all. I can definitely see it having some serious appeal to some of our more reluctant teenage females. It's not too short or too long and it does have a little mystery component to it. Just avoid it for your more serious readers because they will most likely be turned off!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
234 reviews30 followers
October 20, 2012
Megan is a powerful zombie settler who recently comes into her powers once more after suppressing them following a traumatizing encounter with reanimated corpses (RCs) as a child. The reemergence of her powers wreaks havoc on her blossoming social life, in which she's dating the school's cutest boy and pursuing a spot on the pom squad. Afterall, what teenage girl wants to be dealing with zombies instead of going on dates and dancing?

On top of the return of her powers, Megan must find out how to control her abilities, deal with a potential murderer set on either killing her or preventing her from attending Homecoming (she's pretty sure the motive is a bit of both!), deal with mean girls (it is high school after all), and explore her relationship with her childhood friend and now dreamboat Ethan.

Although the main character was shallow and whiny at times and the secondary characters were two-dimensional, I thought the story was cute, fast-paced, and enjoyable. Just a word of warning: don't expect a scary zombie story if you plan on reading this book.
Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
857 reviews193 followers
September 4, 2015
WOW... I was frustrated for a little while there at the juvenile aspects but when it was all said and done, color me content. Yes, it is a high school story (after all the MC is a 15-almost-16 girl) but it's done really well. True to the chracaters ages, but not reminding me of my own teenager so much I want to throttle the book.

I would totally feel comfortable giving this to a pre-teen to read. There are references to alcohol and sex, but it's really nearly as clean as an after-school special... well, minus the zombies and blood and murder attempts. Blood and zombie bites don't give that sqeaky clean feeling, do they? But seriously, it's like taking the TV shows Saved by the Bell or Fifteen and combining it with a younger slightly less violent walking dead and adding maybe a spoonful of zany Scooby Doo antics. I could really see this doing well translated into the big screen or TV... but I digress.

Overall, I would definitely try another book by Stacey Jay. I'd want to make sure I'm in the right mood for YA but other than that... Go, Settlers. Go! Rah-Rah-Rah!
July 28, 2013
Life is never normal when you're job is to help the Undead resolve their unfinished business. Add in Homecoming, boys, fellow rivals, and an evil necromancer and what do you have? Megan Berry's teenage life.

My thoughts:
So I've never really been a zombie fan, but this book was unique and funny enough that I actually enjoyed parts of it. Zombies showing up on your doorstep sound like a pretty funny (and scary) experience. The plot was good. I mean, who could resist magic, mystery, and romance?

But I didn't like Megan much. Probably because she was a shallow teenager who reminded me of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The romance seemed rushed but Ethan was pretty charming so I didn't mind. The ending was predictable but it still held some element of surprise.

Although it wasn't as amazing as I had hoped it would be, it was still a pretty good book. I definitely recommend this book to people who want a light, humorous read --- or anyone who's a zombie fan.
Profile Image for Penny.
215 reviews1,384 followers
September 21, 2011
I listened to this audiobook forever ago. Not sure why I never got around to listing it here. 3.5 stars. This book is a fun YA UF. If you liked Paranormalcy you'll probably enjoy You Are So Undead To Me.

About the narrator, Jessica Almasy's performance: I think they got the right narrator for this book. She's got the right voice for a teenage girl which, for whatever reason, is pretty rare when it comes to audiobooks. Pitch-perfect performance.

P.S. If you've got an audible membership you can purchase You Are So Undead to Me for $6.35 <-----this is the real reason I gave this book a chance. You can't beat that price.
Profile Image for Kirsti.
2,459 reviews90 followers
November 27, 2015
I've wanted to read this book FOREVER! It was an early book on my to-read, but I've never found a copy until now. Strangely enough it was on the shelf at Belconnen Dymocks- and they are not really known for books that have been out a few years. Maybe someone ordered it and never picked it up, but whatever the reason I got to buy it and read it!

Alright, so there is very little depth here. It's exactly what I thought it would be, zombies and a 'typical' popular American teen dealing with them in her life. I thought the romances were a little cheesy, but hey, also expected. I wanted a little light stupidity and that's what I got.

A fun, harmless book. Now, will I be so lucky as to finding the sequel?
Profile Image for Alley Kat.
230 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2013
In Stacey Jay's novel, You Are So Undead to Me, main character, Megan, finds her Settler powers returning after the night five years ago, where they disappeared. This means taking on responsibility once again, possibly ruining her sophomore experience.

So I guess we're back to whiny, pathetic, and stupid female main characters? Megan was horrible. She really was. She was stupid and whiny and really couldn't do anything right. This book was boring, up until the big event at the end when you finally learn the identity of the black magic practitioner(s). The end was completely unexpected, which makes me wonder if the second book will be any better. I don't think I'm in any hurry to find out.
Profile Image for Erin.
112 reviews46 followers
January 12, 2010
Sometimes you need to read a light and fluffy book. This book is so cute that you want to cuddle with it all night long. I literally read it in one sitting, which is something that I don't do very often.

I laughed, I got butterflies in my tummy from Megan and Ethan's relationship, and I speculated about who was the bad guy... girl??? I do have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised that the mystery of this story had me guessing and I didn't predict all of it.

I am very excited for the sequel coming out in a few months and I can't wait to see what else Stacey Jay has up her sleeve because her writing is fantastic.
Profile Image for Becky.
190 reviews15 followers
June 4, 2013
I really liked this book. I wish I could do 3.5 stars here on Goodreads. It was cute. It was silly, it was zombies. I will read the other 2 books that are out in the series so far.

I really liked the take the author took on "unsettled" and the difference between the violent reanimated corpses that did the flesh eating. It was unique.

I would recommend this for a quick fun read, probably not for a serious Zombie book lover.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 299 reviews

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