
The supernatural genre incorporates elements that cannot be understood by science and operate outside the rules of the real world. Supernatural fiction normally concerns itself with matters of god, the soul, archangels, and resurrection.

Subgenres include supernatural horror fiction (i.e. the work of H. P. Lovecraft), Gothic (i.e. Frankenstein), ghost stories, supernatural thrillers, and other macabre stories in the horror genre.

Also see: Paranormal

Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontëFrankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft ShelleyWuthering Heights by Emily BrontëRebecca by Daphne du MaurierDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Best Gothic Books Of All Time
542 books — 3,774 voters
City of Bones by Cassandra ClareHush, Hush by Becca FitzpatrickCity of Glass by Cassandra ClareCity of Ashes by Cassandra ClareFallen by Lauren Kate
Books with Angels, Gods, or Demons
2,271 books — 3,437 voters

Among the Living by Jordan Castillo PriceWithout Reservations by J.L. LangleyCamp Hell by Jordan Castillo PriceChange of Heart by Mary CalmesWith Caution by J.L. Langley
Best Gay Paranormals
1,294 books — 919 voters
Angelfall by Susan EeHush, Hush by Becca FitzpatrickClockwork Angel by Cassandra ClareCity of Bones by Cassandra ClareUnearthly by Cynthia Hand
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