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San Francisco after the zombie apocalypse. The vampire turned shepherd-with-a-shotgun Coburn is back and keen to settle some bad blood.

But just out in the Bay in the abandoned fortress prison of Alcatraz, a ketamine-snorting cult of New age weirdoes who eat the flesh of the zombie as some kind of grotesque communion bring a new threat to Coburn’s continuing existence – super zombies!

After his rip-roaring debut novel, Double Dead, the inimitable Wendig has returned to his world turned upside by the zombie apocalypse, in which a lone vampire finds himself protecting a terrified remnant of mankind. Or ‘lunch’, as he prefers to think of them.

107 pages, ebook

First published May 3, 2012

About the author

Chuck Wendig

180 books6,282 followers
Chuck Wendig is a novelist, a screenwriter, and a freelance penmonkey.
He has contributed over two million words to the roleplaying game industry, and was the developer of the popular Hunter: The Vigil game line (White Wolf Game Studios / CCP).

He, along with writing partner Lance Weiler, is a fellow of the Sundance Film Festival Screenwriter's Lab (2010). Their short film, Pandemic, will show at the Sundance Film Festival 2011, and their feature film HiM is in development with producer Ted Hope.

Chuck's novel Double Dead will be out in November, 2011.

He's written too much. He should probably stop. Give him a wide berth, as he might be drunk and untrustworthy. He currently lives in the wilds of Pennsyltucky with a wonderful wife and two very stupid dogs. He is represented by Stacia Decker of the Donald Maass Literary Agency.

You can find him at his website, terribleminds.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Gianfranco Mancini.
2,245 reviews1,000 followers
March 3, 2017

JW Coburn, badass vampire in post-apocalyptic zombieland is back for good in this ultra-gory novella sequel of Chuck Wendig's Double Dead.
A nice sequel adding more vampires to the storyline and better fleshing/developing Coburn's character.
Sadly it was too short, the other characters just not as interesting as the main one and lacking a sequel you feel like the story ended without a real ending.
Beside that, a good brutal-funny-as-hell-action-packed story.
Highly recommended to all fans of not sparkly vampires, splatter, gore and zombie apocalypses.

Profile Image for Colleen.
753 reviews57 followers
October 25, 2016
I am looking forward to reading more by this author--a sequel I enjoyed as much as the first. The same problem occurs here as in the first one--the mutations zombies undergo if they get their teeth into a vampire--except now he's running loose in a ruined San Francisco with a pack of feral children keeping him company. I generally hate when children appear in zombie novels, because they're such a plot device--and usually precocious as hell--but I liked the chain weilding toddlers of this book.

The book going back to hints of the first one with Coburn's origin I liked too. Not as gonzo as the first, but lays out the series for more direction for when he writes more.
Profile Image for Daniel Swensen.
Author 14 books95 followers
May 16, 2012
The second installment in the Double Dead series. I give it slightly higher marks than the first because Coburn develops as a character, and we see some fun forward progression on the overarching plot. A little easier on the inventive and prolonged profanity, which was a relief (I don't mind profanity, there was just such a volume of it in the previous book that I started getting a bit bored with it).

Also, considerably less dark than the first volume. There's a lot of gross blood & guts, but most characters tend to come through pretty much unscathed, which was a surprise.
Profile Image for Dave Versace.
189 reviews12 followers
December 11, 2012
Novella length sequel to Wendig's vampire-in-zombieland gonzo gorefest Double Dead. Bad Blood revisits Coburn, the badarsed vampire who has reluctantly and unwittingly reclaimed a small portion of his humanity during the zombie apocalypse. Coburn and his companions Gil (the father of a dead girl whose blood could be the key to saving human life) and Creampuff (a dog) are searching San Francisco for a biomedical facility that can help them engineer a cure to the zombie plague.

What they don't figure on is a gang of coked-up cultists following a lunatic with the worst dietary plan in history, a pack of feral lost boys and girls and - worst of all - more monsters with a connection to Coburn's sordid past.

As a novella, Bad Blood has a narrower focus than Double Dead. It eschews the cross-country craziness of Double Dead to concentrate on a smaller cast in a single location. To that end, it loses a lot of the frenetic pace of the original, but don't worry - the madcap ultraviolence that made Double Dead so much fun remains in place. Wendig gives us a deeper look behind Coburn's mask of indifferent self-absorption, and while it's at best arguable as to whether he's a more sympathetic character than he was (he doesn't think so, for one) he is still a compelling monster. And he does love his dog, so there's that.

Profile Image for Sara Marschand.
Author 2 books25 followers
November 11, 2014
I don't generally like Zombie anything. Or vampires. But I LOVED this book. You have to be accepting of crude language to read Chuck Wendig and I am a fan of some crudeness in books. I thought this story was brilliant and unique. I'd love to tell you how he brings his characters to life, but, well --they are dead. I probably enjoyed this text that extra star because I polished it off during October. It was a relief from the common Zombie/Vamp themes.
Profile Image for Jean.
308 reviews58 followers
October 11, 2012
An excellent and brutal follow up to Double Dead. It's short, but it's fun and there's a fair amount of character and plot development packed in the pages. A must for anyone who liked Double Dead, unless you've got some weird thing about zombie children.
Profile Image for Dana Delamar.
Author 15 books468 followers
March 13, 2015
Great continuation of Double Dead, though too short. I need more Coburn!
Profile Image for Mike Finn.
1,355 reviews39 followers
January 20, 2024
I met the vampire Coburn last November when I read the excellent 'Double Dead' (2011), a tale of a cynical vampire who having slept through the zombie apocalypse, wakes to find his food source is now an endangered species and he must turn shepherd if he wants to eat. I loved the book and thought Coburn was a wonderful creation. The novel reads like a standalone but Coburn was so vividly drawn and had gone through such traumatic changes, that I found myself wondering what he did next.

I guess Chuck Wendig must have wondered the same thing because, five years later, he answered the question by publishing 'Bad Blood'.

Sequels can be tricky things and the second book can often disappoint so I was delighted to find that 'Bad Blood' wasn't just a 'further adventures of Coburn the Vampire', reprising the best parts of 'Double Dead'. It was packed with new ideas and fascinating character development that extend the story arc and continue Coburn's transformation from a cynical, jaded, loner predator into someone more purposeful and connected with the world.

The novella also experiments successfully with form while retaining the kick-ass action, gritty humour and almost shamefaced pathos of the 'Double Dead'.

For me, the cherry on the cake was T. Ryder Smith's narration. His performance was extraordinary. Passionate and perfect. At points, it was so well done that I wanted to applaud.

If you enjoyed, 'Double Dead' I recommend visiting Coburn again in 'Bad Blood' but don't start here or you'll miss out on the context. Both books are available as audiobooks narrated by T. Ryder Smith in an omnibus called 'The Complete Double Dead' published by Recorded Books
Profile Image for Mark Ford.
438 reviews25 followers
October 4, 2020
This was way too short of a story.
Coburn is not what he once was, he's still a vampire but upgraded, Coburn 2.1 if you like.
A fanged killing machine with a hint of a soul or conscience perhaps.
This may dilute his ability to protect what's left of his flock from another vampire.
Coburn has to face his past. Literally stare it in the face and pummel it to pâté.
The story has turned our anti-hero vamp into a full blown all american hero that has maybe become too heroic to have another tale told, as the book does leave it wide open for a part 3.
Profile Image for Brit (Circus_of_Damed) .
429 reviews5 followers
July 24, 2017
Really good if not alittle repetative of first novel in series. I liked that Coburn has come to relize and except himself. I like the relationship between Gil, Coburn, and Kayla. But I don't love the ending completelly. And the open ended uncertainty of it.
Profile Image for Dan.
39 reviews10 followers
September 24, 2012
Hm. On the one hand, I like Chuck Wendig's novellas. Get in, action, get out, wham bam thank you ma'am.

On the other, I liked the meatier read of Double Dead. Bad Blood is a good part of a story, and that it's not longer shouldn't necessarily be held against it, but when I'm reading something I like I want a lot of it.

So, essentially, read Double Dead and then read this, because it's a good story.
Profile Image for Nicole Frail.
60 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2013
Great way to spend the drive from northeastern Pennsylvania to New York City. Was able to read it in one sitting and it definitely advanced the plot. Am looking forward to seeing what happens next... Hopefully something is happening next, right? Lots of loose ends need to be tied up, and I'd love to see them somehow put Kayla's spirit in another girl/woman's body to bring her back to life, if possible.

And I want to know what the secret Gil shared with Coborn really means for to the entire series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Toki.
87 reviews
September 27, 2014
I want to hang out with this author.

I wrote him fan mail.

He probably thinks I'm stalker-y.

I am out of money or I'd buy all his books and just gorge myself in one sitting.

Instead, there's a good chance I may read his entire blog in one day.

I wonder how far back it goes...

Profile Image for Josie Boyce.
Author 2 books12 followers
November 26, 2015
I thought the novel ended a bit abruptly, but in Bad Blood, Wendig finishes up the tale of Coburn the grouchy vampire, trying to be slightly less grouchy, despite the zombie apocalypse, and whatnot. I like the first book more, with this add on novella to tidy up the more natural ending and a less cheesy setup for future tales.
Profile Image for Renée.
118 reviews37 followers
February 8, 2017
Too short but sweet nonetheless. Minus one star because every time I saw the cover I felt a burning desire to sing Taylor Swift songs. Otherwise quite a decent yarn... or the continuation of one... Now waiting on Double Dead #1.75 or #2.0... Bandaids don't fix bullet holes but Coburn might just for show; you live like that you live with ghosts...
Profile Image for Carl.
5 reviews2 followers
March 9, 2013
I was anxious to see where Coburn and Gil were headed. Bad Blood was fun book, but felt much shorter than the Double Dead. The ending was a bit too open-ended for me. There could easily be (and should be) a third story in the series.
610 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2016

Hello, another great little story. I hope Mr. Wendig keeps it up. Very entertaining and enjoyable to read. The world needs more Vampire stories that are not girly and romantic. Thanks.
Profile Image for Robert Williamson.
105 reviews6 followers
February 17, 2013
Another great read. Chuck Wendig is a wonderfull writer.

Coburn is a hoot. The Zombie apocalypse has never been so full of excitement. Goes to show what a smart ass vampire can do for ya!
July 31, 2013
Very cool take on the zombie apocalypse and what it would mean for the vampire food supply.
Profile Image for James.
12 reviews
April 15, 2014
This was an alright sequel novella to the first vampire book by chuck wendig. Didn't think the zompires in this series made much sense
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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