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The Morganville Vampires #9

Wampiry z Morganville Księga 5: Miasto widmo

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Morganville ogarnia tajemnicze szaleństwo. Tylko śmiertelna siedemnastolatka może znów uczynić miasto bezpiecznym – dla ludzi i wampirów…

Claire wróciła do Morganville, lecz złamała obowiązujące tu prawo. Musi ponieść karę i na rozkaz nieśmiertelnej królowej miasta przeprowadzić ryzykowny eksperyment. Jego skutek okaże się fatalny: śmiertelni i nieśmiertelni mieszkańcy zaczynają tracić pamięć i zmieniają się w istoty, których lepiej nie spotkać po zmroku. Claire musi działać szybko - zanim zapomni, że musi uratować Morganville i siebie samą…

400 pages, Paperback

First published October 26, 2010

About the author

Rachel Caine

219 books18.6k followers

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Profile Image for Jessica.
744 reviews759 followers
November 1, 2010
Alright, let's see if I can come up with a spoiler-free review.

The Morganville Vampires series is one of those which I've put off reading for quite a while. Somehow I just expected myself not to like it. I had "Glass Houses" sitting on my shelf for months before I finally picked it up but as it turned out, I fell in love immediately. And who would have thought, 9 books later I am still loving it. I guess what makes this series one of my favorites are the characters and their close friendship. I just love the entire gang, how they always stick together and how they make up their own little family. I love their house, how it seems to have a mind of its own and how it's comforting and protecting its residents. And then there's Myrnin of course. Crazy Myrnin, who always makes me laugh. These books are just full of interesting and loveable characters!

Ok, enough of the general rambling. What to say about this 9th installment without giving anything away? Just like all the other books in this series this was a nice and quick read, with some good laughs and a healthy dose of drool-worthy Shane moments. The story itself was gripping and kept me turning pages quickly. There were some small things that bugged me (plotwise) but when it comes to the Morganville Vampires I somehow seem to be able to overlook the occasional flaw.
All in all, I enjoyed Ghost town immensely even though it made me cry and ends on a sad note, which I’m not very fond of.
I know I've wreaked some havoc with my comments (sorry Nic and Tina) but I really can't say anything else about this book before you guys haven't read it, too. But don't worry too much, I'm sure you're going to love it :)
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,096 reviews397 followers
January 2, 2019
Trying to get caught up on this series. I honestly, completely forgot about it which is a shame because Caine is an amazing author in everything she writes in. So glad I was able to pick this right back up without feeling lost, confused or wondering what was going on. It also reminded me how much I loved this fun series. Even though I'm way past my vamp stage, it was still fun and I really do want to finish this series.
Profile Image for is mee... kissa.
322 reviews
November 12, 2010
yay! more of myrnin!!!
what can I say.. i like the guy

Kissa's Review

ah Myrnin... you insane twisted vampire, you have really screwed up this time...

Okay, i don't want to give any spoilers out, so i'll keep it as informationally non-informational as possible.. if that makes sense

So, basically, Morganville is still it's weird, scary, vampire-fied town, but this book in the series really gets into some scary stuff... i'm talking brain in a jar freaky... i mean really?! but that's why i love the place: its insane vampires.

Book 9 of the Morganville Vampire series really starts going when Claire gets into some trouble (of course). She's got to get punished, which i find completely unjustified by the way, but Amelie has got to "do what's best for Morganville." Hence comes the 'working with her half-crazy vampire boss' part. This is all pretty early on, it's the basis of the rest of the plot, so pay attention to it... at which point Claire sleeps in Myrnin's bed... *wolf whistle*

And then we move on from there and the real complication begins, and Claire finds herself alone and feels like she's not really apart of Morganville at all... confusing, i know, but i promised no spoilers!

Oh God, the madness in that place never ends... i'd really rather not spill any more details, cos i wouldn't want to give out any spoilers, but that place is so crazy, and now Claire has to fix something that's messing with memories in the wrong way.. which is just plain terrifying..

Characters: Amelie is still mysterious, Oliver is still the sarcastic (for me: loveable) jerk he's always been, Myrnin is still the good 'ol most insane guy on the block (and we love him for it). Same story for everyone else, not much has changed with the characters, except we sort of catch a tiny, miniscule, punicated glipse of Oliver at a vulnerable moment, and even a bit of past information about Myrnin is revealed.... but i aint tellin you any o that! read it!

Overall: Ghost Town i'm thinking, is one of my favourites in the series... it has heaps of Myrnin in it and his fluffy bunny fang slippers, and the plot doesn't crawl at a snail's pace (thank god!)... it's another typical Morganville adventure that proves that Caine still has some good ideas in that head of hers, and that Claire and the gang just cannot catch a break, with a whole lotta action, a few make-out sessions (ooo), and some humour in between, plus of course scenes with Myrnin... sum it all up = Ghost Town
Profile Image for Literary Ames.
835 reviews401 followers
July 13, 2014
Oh, Myrnin. Myrnin, Myrnin, Myrnin. Excuse my language but you fucked up, dude. I worried for your sanity and for your life. There were times when I loved you and when I hated you. You've caused so much trouble, so much pain and suffering and yet I still care about you. Even on that last page when my jaw dropped after my little fit of worry over what you may have done to yourself.

Ghost Town really begins when Claire stakes and kills a vamp whilst trying to rescue Eve and is sentenced to no sleep or rest of any kind until she's fixed the machine that runs Morganville, previously run by Ada. And while she manages it by the skin of her teeth, Myrnin tweaks it for his own purposes which causes both humans and vampires, one by one, to lose their memories of the last 3 years.

As a result, all hell breaks loose with the hero in the end being someone you wouldn't expect but it was a redeeming act. Only the last page twists things to the point where I'm not sure whether Myrnin's actions were good (as it may provide much needed closure and no one was killed) or just plain bad but I worry about the effect it will have on a couple of the characters.

I know this took me a few days to finish but this is no reflection of the book itself but rather a severe lack of free time. I enjoyed it more than Kiss of Death partly because there was less cringe-worthy kissy-wissy lovey-doveyness between Shane and Claire, instead these kinds of moments were made to be sweet and endearing. In fact, a couple of my favourites are when Shane starts falling for Claire again when he can't remember any of their previous time together and when Claire does the same.

I want to quickly comment on the Myrnin-Claire possibility which I've previously noted in earlier reviews. This possibility is noted by several characters in this book plus Myrnin is unusually kind and caring towards Claire and makes comparisons between her and Ada who he admits was his lover. Also, Claire sleeps in his bed! Not that I want this to happen, I love Shane but I just think he might make a move on her at some point in the future.

Another thing I loved about this book was the politics, specifically the relationship between Amelie and Oliver and the town. It's complicated but one of the lessons I've learned is never be complacent when you're in a position of power, it leads to humiliating circumstances. And, um, never fall in love with your rival?

Also included in my UK edition was a short story called 'Worth Living For' from Shane's perspective set between Fade Out and Kiss of Death involving Michael and Bishop. The story sees Shane approached and asked to secretly follow Michael when it looks like he may be helping Bishop who has escaped and on the run. It's not a great story and isn't important to the overall story in the main books. And if you were wondering, the title 'Worth Living For' refers to Claire, of course. ;)
Profile Image for Helen Power.
Author 10 books613 followers
October 7, 2018
We’re back to Morganville for the ninth instalment of the Morganville Vampires book series!

Vampires and humans coexist (somewhat) peacefully in the sleepy town of Morganville, Texas.  During the day, Claire Danvers attends the local university, but at night she works for the mad, genius vampire Myrnin in his lab, where he mixes alchemy with science.  In this installment of the series, Claire and Myrnin "fix" the town’s security system, which insures that anyone who leaves Morganville immediately forgets about its uniqueness --namely, the fact that vampires roam the streets at night.  But something goes terribly wrong, and everyone starts to forget who they are. The fact that Claire’s boyfriend doesn’t recognize her is bad enough, but when vampires forget what they are and start to lose their inhibitions? Not yet plagued by memory loss, Claire must seek unlikely assistance in saving Morganville from itself.

I enjoyed this installment in the series, but I realized that I’m really starting to dislike the vampires, and it’s making me dislike Claire for wanting to protect them.  Early in the book, Claire kills a vampire in self defence , yet she is severely punished for it, because vampire lives are worth more than human lives in this twisted, messed-up reality.  I wouldn’t mind this fact at all if the vampires weren’t so whiny about it.  They’re very much “we’re the victims, despite the fact that we kill you all the time and don’t respect human lives at all”.  And it’s not in a psychopathic, only my feelings matter sort of way. It’s in a whiny, toddler-mentality sort of way. It’s very frustrating. In other books, like the Sookie Stackhouse series, at least the vampires are extremely narcissistic, egotistical, badass, and evil. Somehow what Caine is trying to do, making the vampires vulnerable, makes them seem spineless and, quite frankly, annoying. This has resulted in me strongly disliking all the  vampires, with the obvious exception of Myrnin, because he’s fabulous and wonderful and beautifully insane, which makes up for the boring monotony of Amelie and Oliver. I wouldn’t mind if Amelie and Oliver were to leave the entire series and we focused on Myrnin and his delightful weirdness for a book or two.

That said, this book featured some interesting character development for Amelie and Oliver. It shows that even vampires can learn life lessons.  They’re revealed as being capable of change, despite not having aged for hundreds of years.

The Morganville vampire series is still a young adult romance at heart, and it features some adorable scenes between Claire and her boyfriend, Shane. It’s heartbreaking when he forgets who she is, but this makes it even more satisfying when he trusts her and protects her while she tries to save the town.  At points it was a little too cheesy, particularly when Eve and Michael (Claire's roommates) who are in love but don’t remember it, profess their crushes to each other. In the middle of a life-or-death situation.  I think it was meant to be cute, but it was really quite ridiculous.  But, to be honest, it was kind of accurate. Gotta love teenage hormones.

Another thing I love about this book series is the recaps at the beginning. Since the books jump into things without much preamble, it makes it easier for those who haven’t read the series in a while, or those who haven’t read the previous books, to understand what’s happening. There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through a book which you haven’t read the previous installment in years, and suddenly having a critical piece of information revealed to you--something that would have changed the way you interpreted the entire first half of the book. The book's forward provides everything you need to know about the town, its idiosyncrasies, without too many major spoilers for what happened in the previous books.

Ghost Town Book review

I recommend this book to those who want to read about vampires, but not about romance with vampires. Claire falls in love with a human boy, but she's still navigating a dangerous world filled with blood-sucking monsters. She's also a relatable main character in the sense that she's very human, very vulnerable, and a bit of a nerd.  Although, sometimes I think she's too good, and I would like to see her go on a vampire killing spree. I guess I'll just have to rewatch Buffy the Vampire Slayer if I want to see that.

This review appeared first on https://powerlibrarian.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Arlene.
1,186 reviews636 followers
November 7, 2010
Rachel Caine has once again delivered a wild adventure in Morganville filled with crazy twists, snark-worthy dialog and a perfect set of characters that kept me glued to every page. I loved Ghost Town and after waiting six long months for this book and devouring it in a few short hours, I’m back to anticipating the release of the next installment. Bite Club can’t get here fast enough!!

There was plenty of action in this book and squee-worthy Claire and Shane moments that had me re-reading paragraphs at a time. Myrnin made me laugh, kept me on edge and broke my heart all in a matter of a few hundred pages. As always, I never know what to expect from him besides a shoe collection that has me searching the internet for his style of slippers. Shane was perfect as always in this book. I love his relationship with Claire and his friendship with Eve and Michael. Michael, oh Michael, there never seems to be enough of him in any of the books. What a great set of characters that blend and contrast in all the right ways.

Ghost Town doesn’t waste any time taking off with a heavy dose of insane and wild. Claire Danvers is developing a new system to maintain Morganville’s defenses, but the result has unexpected consequences. As soon as the system is activated humans and vampires in the town of Morganville suffer from memory lapse, which creates a full on epidemic of hysteria. While the town is turned upside down, the power shift between Amelie and Oliver causes additional chaos where Claire, Shane, Michael and Eve must work together to bring order back to their town all the while trying to cope with their own memory loss.

Reading these books puts me in a setting that feels familiar and full of crazy, which feels about right… every single time. There’s no denying… I’m addicted and I want more. If you’re a fan of vampire lore and love your stories filled with wild adventure, this series is a MUST and Ghost Town does not disappoint!

Favorite Quotes Mostly Shane quotes BTW. :)
"I’m not dropping my pants,” Shane said. “I just thought I’d say that up front.”

'What’s snogging?” Shane asked. “Ridiculous displays of inappropriate affection in front of me. Roughly translated. And what are you doing here?” Myrnin was genuinely offended, Claire realized. Not good.

"You are not a ninja, Shane." Claire said. "I watched all the movies. I just haven't gotten the certificate from the correspondence course yet."

Eve looked at Claire. "Really? Is he running for Worst Boyfriend Ever?" "In the subcategory of Completely Awesome," Shane said, and stole some of her fries.
392 reviews342 followers
November 16, 2010
You bookers ~points to Kim and Jessica~ lied to me. Shane was hardly ever nekkid. Will write my review in the morning off to bed now :)

Edit: This biggest oh no moment for me this book was at the Drive In and it was very very romantic and SHANE was about to get NEKKID and the phone rang and Claire picked answered it. What the! Shane was about to get nekkid. There is no way in hell I would have answered that phone. Let Eve die (I love her but I love nekkid Shane more).

Sorry for that absolutely usless and silly review!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,008 reviews70 followers
November 4, 2020
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

After Claire get the machine that secures Morganville up and running again. She starts to notice strange things happening. Both humans and vampires seem to be experiencing memory loss.

~Loving the series
~Edge of your seat suspense
~Witty banter

~There really isn't anything I dislike about this book

Loved it of course. Another great book in the series. Get to see what some of the characters were like 3 years previous. It's amazing the difference in the characters. I went audio for this one. The second one I did of the series. I just don't like the narrator. She tries, but her voice is just really robotic-sounding to me.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,049 followers
July 25, 2016
This man wearing clothes from the OMG No store.

Ha. Myrnin had a pimp hat. Just when I didn't think he could surpass the vampire bunny slippers. I heart me some Myrnin.

3.5 stars. If I hadn't been so bored with the first half of Ghost Town, this surely would have been a 4 star read for me because the last half had me glued to the virtual pages. So much awesome was crammed into those final chapters. I think the slow start/hectic finish might be a Morganville series thing because I've noticed that most of what I find entertaining about these books often tends to happen in the second half. It's entirely possible that there might be some pacing issues at work here.

Oh well though. I was so surprised, impressed, and repelled by the solution to the "memory loss" issue that I'm excited to tear into book 10 to see how one certain person is going to handle THAT fallout. This is a good thing, especially considering how long it took for me to read book 9 after finishing book 8 (it was awhile).

Yay for finally trying to finish this series after all of this time, haha.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,410 reviews1,634 followers
January 1, 2016
Ghost Town is the ninth book in the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. Picking up right after the last book, Claire and her friends need to save the town yet again after a fix for the computer system running Morganville doesn't go as planned and begins causing the residents to lose their memories.

A part of me enjoys this series then a part tends to think it's getting a bit repetitive at this point. Ghost Town was one of the better books of the series as some have seemed to drag quite a bit but this one wasn't too bad in that regard. However, I do think it gets a bit silly by now that everyone seems to keep rushing off into danger and some of the action seems to be getting repeated over and over.

In the end, decided on 3.5 stars for this installment. Still kind of funny and entertaining but I wonder how there's actually any new ideas to keep reading with so many books to go.
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
November 5, 2010

I swear, Love, will never be a strong enough word to convey my feelings for this series. It's always a blast reading a Morganville book and I always miss them when there gone.

So, what's up this time in Morganville? Why, memory lost of course...;)

While Myrnin and Claire tweaked the machine to get the boundaries back up and running, I think either Claire's sleep deprived-ness or Myrnin's...well Myrnin might have missed a step.
Bringing the town of Morganville back three years before and driving them down a notch to crazier, it's up to Claire to set things right before her memories goes poof like the rest of them.

Ghost Town is another awesome addition to the world of crazy plots and insane characters. I had a lot of fun with this since it was interesting to see how things would pan out with the foursome and see how they'd interact with each other now. Some of it was very sad and I really felt bad for Shane and what he had to relive. Same goes for Myrnin he broke my heart with some of the touching things he did. "I'll be your hands". He may have mucked things up pretty good in this one, but I absolutely love that whack-o!!
Lots of Shane-Swoon worthy moments here, even while his memory was affected he's still...Shane and I simply adore all his nakedness him to bits.

While these books are very much out there it truly doesn't matter to me in the least. They are entertaining, fun and quirky as hell. I love that there is always something up in Morganville, but by the time the book is done, it's solved (more or less). I get my dose of crazy without having to pull my hair out with the cliffies. It's just one of the best things about this series, besides, it's freaken addicting!
I'll never get tired of there wit and banter that Caine flawlessly delivers in ever book she pens.
But that ending? Oh.Crap. I so don't wanna know how that black-hole of a secret is gonna effect my favorite couple. I'm nervous just thinking about it.

As always, this was another fantastic and amazing installment that I can't ever seem to get enough of. Thank God we only have to wait six more months to get Bite Club in our greedy little hands.

Forever love it! Need more!
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,482 reviews473 followers
May 28, 2013
Quick review:

Cover: Better
Rating: PG-13
Thumbs Up: 4.5
Overall: This book surprised me in a good way
Characters: Well Written
Plot: What will you do when everyone around you is forgetting who you are
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Sure
Recommend: Yeah
Book Boyfriend: Shane

SUMMARY (50 words or less)
Okay, yes, finally we are back on track. This book was even better than the last I must say. Claire is in hot water and her heart has been broken. All of this drama makes for one of the better books in the series. Ending - Can you say cliffy?

For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:


Audio Review
Cynthia Holloway continues to do a good job with this series.
Profile Image for Kim.
736 reviews1,870 followers
November 1, 2010
I'll keep it short and very spoilery.

Myrnin and Claire managed to fix the machine to replace Ada. This version doesn't include someone's brain in a jar, of course. One small detail: It's flawed and instead of wiping people's memories after leaving Morganville, it just erases (almost) everybody's memories from the past 3 years.

Result: Myrnin is back to being a cruel lunatic and won't let anybody near his machine (he still thinks it's Ada in there), Amelie and Oliver don't get along, Michael refuses to believe he's a vampire (and nearly gets killed when he walks out into the sunlight), Shane thinks his sister it still alive, Eve thinks she still lives at home, and... nobody remembers who Claire is, except for Oliver. He and Claire seem to be the only ones left with their memories intact. And 3 of The Core Four don't know they are double dating and living together.

I enjoyed this book, but in my opinion, those 4 people got back together way too soon. It seemed forced and way too easy. (soul mates, anyone?) Michael and Eve look into each other's eyes and a chapter later they are back to making the neighbors blush. Same thing goes for Shane and Claire, Claire just needs to bat her eyelashes a few times and next thing you know they are a couple again, more or less.

Claire keeps her memories, until very last second, but then Shane's father sacrifices himself and blows up the machine and: All is well again in Morganville. Except for Myrnin, who feels like hell and gets replaced by Claire. Who makes up for it by putting Shane's father's brain in a jar. Frank asks her not to tell Shane.

*scans the horizon* Poor Claire, it won't be pretty when this thing blows up in her face...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews56 followers
November 5, 2019
Claire and Mernan fix the machine that controls the boundaries and other special controls of Morganville, but something goes wrong and both humans and vampires are affected - they seem to be losing their memories and in some cases, their minds. Claire is one of the only ones not affected and she must battle nearly the whole town to reach the machine to turn it off.

This was another fun installment in the series. The author definitely created an interesting new threat for Morganville, though the story did drag in a few places as the teens ran around town trying to figure out the problem - though I guess that is to be expected to be realistic. If they just fixed the problem immediately, it would make for a very short book.

I think what I found most interesting with regard to the characters this time around, was how we got a glimpse of what is going on between Amelie and Oliver. We've known for a while now that they have some kind of history and they are often at odds. We learn a little more about them and it is like a teaser for future drama. I am hoping future books give us more of that story.
Profile Image for Dr. Andy.
2,529 reviews245 followers
October 26, 2017
This was pretty good, but the memory tampering just made me so frustrated. I would hate for that to happen to me. Don't know how Claire managed to deal with it. And I think Shane is going to be a problem in the next book.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,947 reviews
November 4, 2019
I really liked the plot for this one! Now that Ada isn't around to run the machine that controls Morganville, Mernan is linked to it and of course things go haywire because he isn't the most stable person. Humans and vampires start to lose time, they think they're three years in the past. Michael forgets he's a vampire, Mernan is feral, Amalie hates Oliver. Claire is one of the only people not affected and she has to find a way to shut the machine down.
The plot moved quickly and the story was fun. I enjoyed seeing the younger versions of Michael, Shane, and Eve and how they reacted to Claire. The ending had a twist and I'm looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Danny.
598 reviews164 followers
October 31, 2010
I simply adore this series! Above everything I adore the friendship between Claire, Shane, Michael and Eve. How they watch out for each other and the light and fun way they interact. Always teasing each other but still you feel the love.

We are back in Morganville and in the beginning all seems easy going, which would be a new thing for Morganville. But then Claire and Shane run to rescue Eve from a Party and suddenly Claire finds herself looked in Myrnins Lab to finish the work on the "machine" . The machine that takes the memory from people that leave and tries to keep them leaving in the first place.

Myrnin is the craziest character ever and I love him, in a weird way ;)

But then Claire realizes that something is off with the people and she thinks the machine is causing it. People loose their memory and forget about the last 3 years. This is not only sad but dangerous! Claire has to act fast, but again Vampire politics come in the way. Then her friends loose their memory too and Clair is alone. This was the heartbreaking part of the story, when all begin to loose their memory and Claire is all alone.

I'm totally in love with those books and the next one can't come soon enough. If you haven't pick them up yet, why waiting? Start with
Glass House and get lost in the crazy world of Morganville!

Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, #1) by Rachel Caine
Profile Image for Suzanne.
284 reviews29 followers
November 2, 2010
I won this book in a goodreads firstreads contest.

When I saw this book in the giveaways, I figured I would enter because I have been thinking about reading the Morganville series, but I wasn't sure if I would like it. I figured that if I won, I would read this one, and if the 9th book was good, than I would know the rest of the series would be worth my time. Don't worry, I have read plenty of books out of order before!

Anyhow, that being said, this book was good. The story was original, the characters were interesting, and the author used just the right amount of pop culture references to make it seem plausible, without going overboard. I definitely would recommend this series, and I will definitely be reading the rest of it!

PS I almost forgot one thing! My favorite pasrt of this book was the fact the one main character bedazzled her stakes! Love it!
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,802 reviews1,371 followers
July 25, 2014
This was an okay story, but it really dragged. I think this series should have ended already!
I thought most of the characters were a bit silly and clueless in this to be honest. I didn’t really like any of them, and some of them made some very suspect decisions.

The storyline in this dragged, and I got bored quite early on. I thought that Claire should have caught on to what was happening a lot faster than she did, and some of the things that happened while people didn’t have their memories were ridiculous.
We once again got a cliff-hanger ending, and I was once again pleased to have finished the book.
6 out of 10.
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,209 reviews92 followers
October 19, 2015
This series is one of the best vampire series I've read. I loved every moment of this book. It was a perfect mixture of romance, and suspense. With a bit of humor too. The story is action packed and I am glad I finally got to read this book.

My favourite part of this series is that I am able to connect more with the characters. The journeys through each book is well-written. I feel like Rachel Caine delivered on her characters. Loved every minute of it. Can't wait to read the next book. Overall, an amazing read.
Profile Image for Lorna.
1,522 reviews69 followers
February 6, 2018
4.5/5 stars I continued with this series by listening instead of reading. As usual with any of the books in this series, I got pulled into the story and didn’t want to stop listening. It had just been long enough since I read the first eight books almost back to back, to completely engage me all over again. Morganville, the town that these books take place in, is a town run by vampires. A town where human’s can’t leave, and where the taxes they pay are at the blood bank. Great premise!

Claire is still working with Myrnin, otherwise known as an on again/off again crazy, very old vampire-also considered by many as the best character of these books.They have been working on getting the machine that takes care of the town back up and running. No matter that he thinks that using Claires brain would be just the thing to make the machine work. Of course, that would mean that Claire would no longer have a body. Since they had to do away with Ada, the last person that had her brain attached to the machine, Myrnin, has been grieving for her. Of course, as always, Claire is involved in all the inner workings of the town. Not because she’s a vampire-she isn’t-but because not only is she a teenage genius, but she has become a sort of favorite of the town founder, Amelie-but not always in a good way. When the problem with the machine is solved, you would think things would be smooth sailing for our feisty heroine. That couldn’t be further than the truth. It never is in Morganville.

Once again, this author has come up with another intricate plot to keep Claire, her boyfriend Shane, and her friends Eve and Michael, right smack in the middle of another mystery and more than enough action, and yes, even more deaths of both the human and vampire kind. College students attend the Rave from Hell, and of course Claire, Shane, and Eve are right in the middle of it. Not to mention that everybody seems to be having lapses of memory. Something weird, or rather weirder than usual, is happening in Morganville.

Narrator Cynthia Holloway was very good, as far as the female voices, but her male voices weren’t the best, in my opinion. She just didn’t make her voice go deep enough. However, it wasn’t that big of a problem, and I would listen to one of these by her again. Like I said, I was completely drawn into the story, and that has to be partly due to the narrator.

These books are not only for young adults, but for anyone that enjoys good writing, plotting, wonderful characters,a sweet(sometimes lustful romance), and snark, all surrounded by the horror of living in a town controlled by vampires. Ms. Caine is an excellent storyteller, and these books should be a must read for anyone that enjoys a paranormal story.
Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Just a person .
995 reviews291 followers
December 30, 2014
I wanted to read this one because it has been my personal pleasure in the last of 2014 (read this one end of December). I love the vampires, the relationship between our main character Claire, who is wicked smart and able to roll with the punches, and her hot boyfriend Shane. It has been heating up a lot and I love each book where they become closer through shared experiences. The mad scientist Myrnin is always fun and surprising to read about. The leader of the town Amelie and 2nd in command Oliver always are mysterious and their motives and goals seemingly ever changing. I love the plots and has been so fun to read.

The plot and pacing in Ghost Town did not disappoint. I read half of it in one night and would have read more if my meds didn't knock me out like a blow to the head. Claire finds herself in horrible situations again with impossible choices. It really tipped the power, and made her doubt if the new gained freedoms were all for show. And then the unthinkable happened and I was like oh my gosh. We learned so much from this one encounter and I felt such at a loss because some of the things that I thought wouldn't change in the series did.

Claire shows her raw intelligence and will power to survive and protect her friends once again in this one. And I keep on admiring her ingenuity, and loyalty. We get to see to the heart of some of the characters when their memories are stripped three years. We see their actions as they struggle to deal with the losses that they are feeling all anew, the people they are now surrounded by where the relationship dynamics have changed if they even remember them at all.

Most of all though, the theme of redemption ran through this one. There are some sacrifices I never saw coming as well as alliances formed that aren't really expected. The action and character development was non-stop and it kept me entertained and engaged.

The ending was shocking and even though I probably should have seen parts of it coming, I didn't and when I reached the last page, I immediately wanted the next book in my hands.

Bottom Line: Beloved characters facing all new challenges and range of emotions
May 17, 2012
I stayed up way too late reading this. I couldn't stop. I just had to know what caused this new problem, although I'd known it was Myrnin, somehow and I just had to know how Claire was going to fix it.

Honestly, though, why does Rachel Caine insist on torturing Shane? That guy cannot win.

Morganville was once again in chaos. Everyone was losing three years worth of memories and while this happened, everyone closest to Claire turned on her because they just couldn't remember who the hell she was. I honestly could not figure out wth Claire was going to do to fix this. She thought it was her fault, but turns out, it wasn't at all. I'd even thought that maybe in her fatigue (because of Amelie's punishment) that perhaps she'd messed something up. Turns out, it was Myrnin's grief over Ada that brought this about. Just like Claire, I knew it was a horrible idea on Amelie's part that Myrnin be the vamp he's mind was interfaced with that machine. Boy were we both right.

In the end, Claire's allies came from two of the least likely people. Luckily, even though Shane lost three years and was pretty awful to Claire at first, he came around. You could tell that he just knew something was still there. Poor Michael, though. Forgetting you're a vampire and walking out into the sun. That was just awful.

To fix things, the most unexpected person made a huge sacrifice to set things back to as normal as Morganville could get. Too bad Myrnin and that same person's brain ended up burdening Claire with a sick secret. I love Myrnin, but I can see why Claire resents and even hates him at times. I know why he told her about it. He'd wanted to do things this way the entire time. If he and Claire had just listened to each other, maybe that bit of madness wouldn't have happened. Still, if Shane ever finds out, I expect Armageddon.
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68 reviews83 followers
December 12, 2013
Morganville Vampire is one of the, if not the BEST, series I have ever read.

I have been hook since the first book The Glass House. I love all the character especially Claire and Shane fallow by Eve and Michael, which are room-mates.

If you LOVE book with romance and paranormal stuff, this is definitely your book.
It's about a town full and ruled by vampires where this girl who goes to high-school early because she is really smart. Well, lets just says she steps out of line with Queen Bitch. She is forced (by her own) to move from the dorms if she wants to survive.
Little she new that living out of the school and in the town will free her from Monica but not from the physics, blood thirst vampire.

She lives with her new room mates which one is her hot boyfriend.

In this book they face a lot of challenges, when the machine Myrin creates doesn't with ought a brain and she is definitely not putting her in a jar. She is made to fix it, when she does thing don't go good just worst. Everybody forgetting three years, not her she wan't in Morganville at that time. Even her best friends and dear boyfriend. Apparently he had something with Monica and he doesn't think he is her type..

Thanks God everything ends well or does it?

If you need hell message me I love to help!

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