Goodreads Blog

Goodreads Marketing Blog Posts to Help You Plan Your Book Promotions

Posted by Cynthia on June 4, 2018
Looking for help navigating the busy world of book marketing? You've come to the right place! There's a ton of helpful information about effective book promotion for authors right here on the Goodreads Authors & Advertisers Blog. We pulled together an overview of some of our most popular articles to get you started.

How Authors Can Engage with Readers and Book Reviewers on Goodreads
Here's what you can do if you have some time and are willing to invest it.

Your Goodreads Author Marketing Timeline
An overview of activities on what to do on Goodreads leading up to publication.

Advice from Catherine McKenzie
Bestselling author shares her favorite marketing approaches.
Advice from Intisar Khanani
Marketing advice from a self-published Young Adult author.

Advice from Jenni James
Advice for writing a book and getting it turned into a TV series.
Advice from Josiah Bancroft
Marketing advice from a self-pusblished Science Fiction author.

The Benefits of Running a Kindle Ebook Giveaway
Give away more books, and get them in the hands of readers faster.

How to Optimize Your Goodreads Profile Picture
Strike a pose! And make sure it's a good one with these tips.

Fauzia Burke is the founder and president of FSB Associates, one of the first firms to specialize in online publicity and marketing for publishers and authors. The following isn an excerpt from her book, Online Marketing for Busy Authors: A Step-by-Step Guide: There has never been a better time to be an author, because for the first time authors have direct access to their readers. While there is more competition in the marketplace, there is also more opportunity... Continue reading

Jane Friedman has spent more than 20 years in the publishing industry as a writer, editor, publisher, and professor. The following is an excerpt from her newest book, The Business of Being a Writer: To establish a full-time living from your writing, it’s essential to learn basic marketing principles. There is something of a formula, and it looks like this... Continue reading

Three Things Readers Want to See from Authors on Goodreads
These are the most essential things to do to maintain a presence on Goodreads.

Goodreads Case Study
Get inspired by this end-to-end campaign of a popular bestseller.

Five Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Goodreads Giveaways
We've updated the program with some top-requested benefits.

Next: Case Study from Book Expo

You might also like: More Top Marketing Resources for the Savvy Goodreads Author

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Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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message 1: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Loyland I'm an author and an artist how do I go about getting readers interested in my work

message 2: by Marie (new)

Marie Neder Joanne wrote: "I'm an author and an artist how do I go about getting readers interested in my work"

Hi Joanne. I can tell you one thing. If you are self-published, like I am ( you are author, agent, and chief bottle washer (marketer or marketeer/marketear!) and it is hard. The best way I have found to market my book - offer to do book signings at your local book stores, herb stores, you-name-it and sign up for any events that offer authors a chance to shine. I belong to a local (well national) group and have not found much support, so I can't say much on that count. Use FaceBook promotionals. Do you have a website? Marie

message 3: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Morrical I am trying to raise funds to publish my book. I have a kickstarter project and would like to know how to get people interested in it. I have 15 days left on the project.

message 4: by Young Soo (new)

Young Soo Jeon Joanne wrote: "I'm an author and an artist how do I go about getting readers interested in my work"
Me, too. As an author, I feel it hard to try to let myself known day by day. How and how.....

message 5: by Lori (new)

Lori Krause I am a new author too. It's been very hard trying to promote my books. So far, on Amazon I have had great reviews but it's getting it out there that has been hard to navigate. Any and all suggestions are welcome! I'm also trying to find a literary agent but do not know where to even begin. PLEASE send advice!!


message 6: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Morrical I have been using Query tracker and sending Querys to agents.

message 7: by Lori (new)

Lori Krause Where did you find Query Tracker? I may look into it.

message 8: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Morrical Here is the website.

message 9: by Lori (new)

Lori Krause Sandra wrote: "Here is the website."


message 10: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Ali i wanna do food and travelling blogging any advices?

message 11: by Frederick (new)

Frederick Burg Young Soo wrote: "Joanne wrote: "I'm an author and an artist how do I go about getting readers interested in my work"
Me, too. As an author, I feel it hard to try to let myself known day by day. How and how....."

Soo, Goodreads is a great place to start. Post your book on Twitter daily, and on Facebook. No big results will accrue, but at least you'll start to get noticed. THE LAST TORPEDO, by Todd Freund and Frederick Von Burg.

message 12: by Sallyann (new)

Sallyann Phillips School's Out Forever: I've Done My Time

I am the author of this book with a very particular niche all about my life teaching in a pupil referral unit. Not too sure how to promote but also not sure how to describe it on Amazon currently listed as poetry/drama. all advice appreciated

message 14: by Blissful (new)

Blissful Medspa I am New Here Can anybody read my Article? link is here:
please notify me

message 15: by James (new)

James Booker Hello to all! Everyone seems to have a common issue: book promotion. I too have the same issue with my newly published book, Candlelight Killer. I'm quickly learning the old adage, it takes money to make money. The problem with most indie writers is we are short on funds. I'm finding word a mouth is helping. I look forward to advise from others who have faced these challenges and concurred them.

message 16: by Shihab (new)

Shihab Muttil Where did you find Query Tracker? I may look into it.

Anyway please see our library click here

message 17: by Pamela (new)

Pamela Holloway My latest novel The Portuguese House by Pamela D Holloway, is being well received by those who have read it. I need more readers (of course). Please advise what Goodreads recommends I do.

message 18: by Jaisingh (new)

Jaisingh Baghela I, Jaysingh Baghela, email address is (mobile number is +91-9784993855). I live in Dholpur city, State- Rajasthan, Country- India. I have interest in writing field so I have written matter regarding to new logic based economy an economic book for which I request to you to provide require information and how to promote it and advertise in whole world. This book is already loaded on KDP option). Book's name is "Articles of economy" (With an effort to business analysis and its problem solving)".

Note:- This offer may be very beneficial due to low cost of selling price and various possibilities of consumer's interesting. Therefore I request with humanity views to co-operate me to grow sale. This co-operation may be very beneficial for you and me.

My postal address is as following:-
Jaysingh Baghela Son of Ramesh Kumar Baghela,
nearby water works, Sitaram Coloney,
Dholpur City, State- Rajasthan, Country- India
Pin code -328001
Mobile Number- +91 - 9784993855

Following description is regarding to promote and advertise the my book. There are possibilities of well author co-operation with one another as like I and other authors.

Buy an economic book

“Articles of Economy
(With an effort to business analysis and its problem solving)”
Available at (Within KDP option)
Writer:- Jay Singh Baghela
Publication:- Shri Balaji Publication, Jaipur City, State- Rajasthan, Country - India

Mostly unique logics based, easy to understand by writer’s views
Some basics of economy that are require to common people to understand economy

Some main characteristics of the book:-
(1) Thinking development to maintain natural benefits with reciprocal support.
(2) An effort to solve controversy to measure money and labor – By the point of view
humanity and economic equality.
(3) Requirement of Business discipline.
(4) Economic Problem solving through - Globalization with Liberalization.
(5) For easy understanding:- Widely Business activity.
(6) Recession Analysis
(7) Social Responsibility of Business.
(8) Brief Analysis:- Reasons of Poverty.
(9) Employment tendencies.
(10) Human motive of Business.

I explain that I advertise my book, book’s name is “Articles of Economy (with an effort to business analysis and its problem solving)”. My origin feeling or purpose to write this book is (in brief) to widely analyze some economic problems so that it may be easy to find out their solutions or it may be easy to research those solutions continuing to do so to create new developing ideas for economic progress. Followings are some examples (regarding to this book) to clarify above thought:-

(1) The lesson related to prepare of “Economic Nationalism” related:- Though simple
thinking it is assume that economic activities are done by a person for his selfish support
but these are done with others supports. As like “From the chain of production of a
commodity or a service to consumer” various parties are connected for example seller,
purchaser, consumer etc. Their benefits are connected each other and most of them have
to pay tax.
(2) The lesson related to the purpose of ‘Speculation’ is to regularize transaction of
market. In case it is done only for earning money without complete transactions or
wrongly impress demand and supply of products through illegally actions to earn money
so that speculation money can be earned. Such kind of activities are called yoke not a
(3) The lesson related to Nationalism effects of earning money:- This chapter widely
inspire readers the importance of labor is equal for all people in a nation even if a person
is regarding to upper level, medium level or lower level. In spite of this, this chapter
inspire to obtain good qualities of barter system which was based on humanity or mostly
equal humanity base.

Please reply through email as soon as possible.

message 19: by Asilsohbet (new)

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message 20: by Asilsohbet (new)

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message 24: by Asilsohbet (new)

Asilsohbet chat mobil sohbet

message 26: by Glenn (new)

Glenn Ashton Click on the pic of Smalls Steps to Bigger Book Sales to see if you think some of the many ideas I included from bestselling authors might help you. If you do, the eBook is less than $4 and includes hyperlinks to dozens of posts by such authors! Hope it works for you!

message 27: by Medea (new)

Medea Kalantar Honeycake: A Circle Of Trust

Hi there how do I get my latest book in the Honeycake series added to the coming soon email we get from Goodreads? My book is being launched on May 1 2020.

Thank you,
Medea Kalantar
Author of Honeycake Books

message 28: by Jemil (new)

Jemil Metti Refugee on a Pendulum is Jemil Metti's fourth book he has written; all except one are novels. Diversity has not only defined his upbringing as a person, but has shaped his unique views of the world. Metti's social and educational development in Lebanon, Iraq and the U.S. played a pivotal role in structuring and shaping his diverse and complex characters introduced in his stories; choreographed by the impact of settings in the epic centers of contemporary Middle Eastern conflicts. His work reinforces and encourages the global thread of universality pulling nations together, he asserts, based on humanistic principles instead of the deceptive appeals of cultural isolationism.
Metti received an American Jesuit education at Baghdad College High School. His B.A., M.A, and Ed.D. degrees were completed at Northern Illinois University, S.U.N.Y-Binghamton, and Detroit's Wayne State University respectively.

message 30: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Leah
the above link is my newly published coloring book, it was well formatted and its very beautiful! but the thing is, it's not selling! I don't know why is it!
please can I have some advices to promote my book to readers!...
thank you!

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