Max Brooks's Blog

May 24, 2017

My Op-Ed for the L.A. Times

On the Pentagon’s broken procurement system, co-written with my MWI Colleague, Lionel Beehner.

L.A. Times Opinion Op-Ed – America’s military is built to help defense contractors, not troops

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Published on May 24, 2017 16:31

May 2, 2017

Speaking on Biodefense

Yesterday I was invited to speak at a blue ribbon study panel in D.C. on protecting us from a germ attack.

Keynote: Budget Reform for Biodefense: Coordination and Leadership

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Published on May 02, 2017 15:46

March 30, 2017

March 10, 2017

March 3, 2017

Marine Corps Future Fiction

The U.S. Marine Corps has done a lot of work to try and figure out what the world could look like in the near future. That work is detailed in the 2015 Security Environment Forecast. The report is intelligent, insightful, and phenomenally well researched. One problem though, it’s boring! No one is going to read it on their own time. That’s why the Corps came up with the novel idea to host a sci-fi workshop to try and turn their report into short stories.

Marine Corps Futures Assessment Division

Science Fiction Futures – Marine Corps Security Environment Forecast: 2030-2045

I’m proud to have to taken part in this experiment and I hope you enjoy the result.

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Published on March 03, 2017 13:05

February 23, 2017

Minecraft Book on Entertainment Weekly

This is the first interview I’ve done about the new Minecraft book. It explains what the book is about and why the game is so deeply important to me.

‘World War Z author Max Brooks explains his Minecraft novel, Minecraft: The Island’

You can pre-order the book now on

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Published on February 23, 2017 15:51

February 1, 2017

November 11, 2016

November 1, 2016

October 25, 2016