Cindy Rollins's Blog

December 31, 2017

Books Read 2017

One of the perks of writing books is getting a blog on Goodreads!

2017 was a good reading year for me. Perhaps because I considered it a year of rereading. Out of 108 books, 44 were rereads. About half of these were Shakespeare and though I had the goal of listening to all of his plays in Arkangel Audio editions in 2017, I only made it almost halfway. I will rename that bookshelf 2017-2018 and hope I do not have to extend it to 2019. My goal, after finishing all the Shakespeare audio editions, is to rewatch every play. One of the greatest benefits of reading so much Shakespeare is that it makes for many more "AHA" moments in other literature and British television is also much more fun.

Almost half my reading was via audiobooks. I read 50 audiobooks last year which redeemed much time for me. I drive 45 minutes to work and back 4 days a week and I spend hours on the road visiting and caring for my parents. I am so thankful for Hoopla and Audible.

My top five audiobooks were:

The Gentleman in Moscow
The Once and Future King
Peace Like a River with Chad Lowe
Brideshead Revisited with Jeremy Irons
Farmer Giles of Ham with Derek Jacobi

Honorable mentions goes to the delightful Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

On the education front, I reread both Norms and Nobility and Beauty in the Word and I can hardly hope to read anything ever again in that category that matches those two books.

I try to read CS Lewis every year and this year I covered The Weight of Glory twice, The Abolition of Man and Til We Have Faces, all 5-star books.

I also had the joy of reading to my students. What happy memories I got to relive as I read aloud Farmer Boy, The Wheel on the School, The Thirty-Nine Steps, and A Child's History of the World among many others.

Without apology, I spent many hours whiling away the time reading light literature and murder mysteries, of these my favorite were:
The Thrice-Brindled Cat by Alan Bradley
Garden of Lamentations by Deborah Crombie
And the surprise hit An Accidental Death by Peter Grainger. I plan to catch up on the rest of Peter Grainger's books in 2018.

All in all, it was a very good reading year. I plan to continue my policy of rereading many old friends in 2018.

And to everyone who read my books and took time to review them, thank-you very, very much!
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Published on December 31, 2017 15:07