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“I quote much scripture in this book. I do so intentionally, without references, because that is how I believe scripture should fit into the fabric of our lives. It is not tacked on; it is woven in.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“Once upon a time, I was learning about books, and now I have read so many of them. Once they were new worlds to be conquered, now they are old friends to be remembered.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“It seemed that I had worked passionately for nineteen years on a beautiful product and, in the end, he had become something entirely different than I intended. I did not recognize him at all. How could I go on creating beautiful pottery pieces if they weren't going to turn out as I had intended or hoped? Until one day I had an epiphany. I was not the potter. A potter was shaping my children, but it was not me. . .My son was not my product. He was the work of a great artist: the Creator of all”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“Mama, you are the first pillar of education. You are a vital part of the infrastructure of culture, family, and even the body of Christ.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“Homeschooling moms are what remains of the leisured classes in these hurried, frantic days.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“We are living in an increasingly feminized society. Some people view that as an increasingly civilized society, but it has left our boys with deep desires for honor but few outlets for displaying it appropriately.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“The great secret older women keep is that adult children can cause more anxiety than toddlers; the good news is you get more sleep. The role of the older mother is prayer.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“The truth is that all humans are always seeing something, paying attention to something, learning something. Perhaps, we are learning every sort of sexual innuendo known to man by watching endless reruns of Friends. Perhaps, we are learning how to fit in socially and politically by spending hours and hours on social media. Perhaps we are paying attention, day and night, to what we don't have, wasting our time on Earth in envy, frustration, and discontent. We are paying attention to something. Maybe it isn't verb tenses, or the periodic table of elements, or the Great Books, but we are all being educated by our loves. Recognizing that maybe what we love is unworthy is the first step in being truly educated. What is worthy of this love I have? What is worthy of my time and attention? Let me tell you a secret. Education is free. It is simply a matter of opening your eyes and acknowledging the 'I don't know.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“I didn’t start homeschooling out of fear, and I am happy about that now, because fear does damage wherever it appears.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“Motherhood is a place of dreamy hopes and crushed fantasies and the hard, hard work of sinners in relationship with each other day by day.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“The question is not how much does the youth know when he has finished his education but how much does he care?” Charlotte Mason”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“It is deeply satisfying to a boy's heart to hack at logs.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“One thing I know now is that all education is ultimately self-education”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“I noticed, at first accidentally and later by paying attention, that even people with elite college degrees are missing much of what previous generations believed made up the educated human. I recently was talking to a seminarian with a doctorate who had never heard of Hamlet. This is not an isolated incidence. We have become so focused on that sheepskin that we failed to notice that it was not what we thought it was. In our culture, people cling to their degrees to justify their very existence, yet all the while they have been cheated out of knowledge. Most of them never even know what they have lost. Clinging to their “diploma” has left them as dull and ignorant as the pilgrim named Ignorance in Pilgrim’s Progress who wanted to get into the Kingdom without his certificate. These people think their certificate is a free pass.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“My goal was always 180 Morning Times a year, but I would guess that hitting 90 was what mostly happened. A good year meant that I got in two-thirds of those 180 days, a bad year, half. That’s the reality. But look at the numbers. Morning Time is a densely rich time. Ninety days of Morning Time a year was 90 days well spent. In my large family it could have been much worse and sometimes was. Sometimes we had bad days, and sometimes we even had bad years. According to my calculations, one good homeschooling year makes up for two bad ones.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“There is no way to warn the mommy next door or your daughter-in-law. It is a walk of joy that often includes the tearing off of the old dragon skin one painful layer at a time, made all the worse because you didn’t even know you were wearing dragon skin. No one ever does.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“A couple of years ago another friend, Amy Edwards, republished The Mother Tongue with an answer key. It is an excellent solution to a frustrating problem.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“We all wake up one day, no matter what school we attended, and realize that there is a lot out there that we do not know. If we don’t have that awakening, then we are ignorant indeed.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“I am a mother at heart. I build a home, which seems like a place to stay, but really, it is a place to leave. That is the way of it. Children are meant to grow up. I understand that now. Maybe you have yet to come face-to-face with what that means. I hope you will take courage and allow your children to walk away with grace.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“I am spending my hours buying foolishness, but worse than what I am doing is what I am not doing.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“Morning Time...is a liturgy. It is a habit that ties the past to the future—a liturgy of love.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“we are better equipped to obey the Lord’s most oft-repeated commandment to the children of Israel: remember. Remember the Lord in good times and bad. Remember the Lord in every season of life.”
Cindy Rollins, Hallelujah: A Journey through Advent with Handel's Messiah
“The pursuit of knowledge (the creation) is ultimately the pursuit of the knowledge of God (the Creator).”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“That is how love works. You work hard at it and one day the work becomes joyful. Ordo Amoris. Education is the ordering of our affections.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification
“One thing I appreciate about the liturgical year is that when it becomes a part of your family culture, it can have a stabilizing affect. As life swirls around us, we have the familiarity of the same activities, traditions, smells, sounds, and words to keep us anchored. And what better to be anchored to than the Church (the Bride of Christ) and (as the Bride of Christ) to Christ himself?”
Cindy Rollins, Hallelujah: A Journey through Advent with Handel's Messiah
“learning takes place in times of leisure.”
Cindy Rollins, Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too
“Motherhood is a high calling. Civilization depends upon motherhood. I do not believe you should lose yourself so thoroughly in your motherhood that that is all you are. That is not healthy for you or your family. But I do think women need to know that motherhood is a high-value commodity in the market of civilization.”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification
“I need rituals that encourage me to embrace what is repetitive, ancient, and quiet. But what I crave is novelty and stimulation.” We could all use some help patterning our lives after what we need rather than what we crave, after what is “repetitive, ancient, and quiet” rather than what keeps us insulated from greater “Christian tradition, belief and practice.” Learning to order our lives according to the church calendar provides a significant help for correcting these tendencies”
Cindy Rollins, Hallelujah: A Journey through Advent with Handel's Messiah
“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”
C.S. Lewis”
Cindy Rollins, Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification

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Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey toward Sanctification Mere Motherhood
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Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love Morning Time
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Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions With Handel's Messiah Hallelujah
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