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TL/DR: X4 V6.0 and KE DLC was pushed out much too early, other things seem to hinder bug fixing releases now, so either you live with bugs, or AVOID to buy the new DLC and AVOID to update to 6.0, if you want to play. Postpone the update and buying of the new DLC at least 2 or 3 months, watch the Forums at Egosoft, and consider again around June if the game is ready enough.

For some reason Egosoft decided this time to push out 6.0 and Kingdom End DLC, long before it was ready. - and it shows.

The 6.0 with KE is a buggy mess, ships sticking together, docks suddenly blocked (and storing your ship, which you won't get out), missions suddenly not working, and a lot of other problems. Path finding and Autopliot are actually much WORSE than before.If in doubt, just look at the Egosoft Forums, there you will find pages full of serious bugs, reported, proved and accepted, but not fixed.

What happened?

They had a long running open Beta for 6.0, but obviously needed to push out the Kingdom End DLC early, and since the DLC needs 6.0, they pushed out both, despite the fact that the Beta Test Error Reporting Forum was still very busy with a lot of new reports every day. Regardless they pushed it out, and soon it showed a lot of problems, most of them already reported and accepted in the Beta, but not addressed in the release.

It also showed that the Kingdom End DLC (not part of the open Beta) was not play tested enough and had serious bugs and problems. They introduced a new hazardous sector, where your ships will die, because while you can fly by yourself if careful, Autopilot and AI-Pilots cannot. The gruesome path finding leads them into the hazardous areas and there they die, loosing you a ship - and all the fun too.

Normally things like that can happen, and Egosoft until now has a good record of bug fixes ASAP after a release. For the 5.0 release last year they had 4 Hotixes in the first 10 days! No more..

While bug reports and confusion can be seen of the Forums they just decided to start a NEW open Beta, for something else. And do not even fix the known bugs and problems for players who participate in the NEW Beta.

And everybody else who trusted Egosoft now waits with a annoying mess of a game, where you have to be an absolute insider (often with a fairly developed save) to find the countless 'work arounds' for bugs and problems. If there are any - many things you just have to accept.

And still not even a try to fix anything - they are all busy with the new Beta, which surely WILL introduce new bugs, in addition to all the bugs from 6.0.

Many of the current troubles come from a new Physics Engine (Jolt), which should work better, but clearly does not. Ships sticking together for minutes, you cannot even drop a probe or laser tower without it sticking to you ship and hindering your movement for several seconds, auto pilot completely broken in many cases, path finding broken, and so on. It clearly is not ready!

So the 6.0 Beta was cut short, and instead of fixing the problems now they develop something else, which should have been included in the 6.0 Beta. But this would have prolonged the 6.0 Beta significantly and pushed the release date for the DLC at least a month.

If you think that by participation in the new Beta you will see bugs fixed - think again. They work on something different and the 6.0 bugs are still in and not fixed. There is NO FIXED version of 6.0. They call the new Beta 6.1, but actually it tries to add something new which WILL introduce new bugs.

In the current state X4 Foundations is not unplayable, but it is just no fun to play with this mess. There probably will be no Hotfixes, they seem to wait for 6.1 to be Beta tested, which could easily take another month, in part because the interest in the new Beta is lower and fewer people want to test, especially after buying the DLC with all its problems...

I have the game since 4.0 and all the DLC including (to my regret) Kingdom End. I downgraded to 5.1, because I do not want to use this mess. It is playable, but no fun at all. They dumped a payed Beta on us, and everybody who does not want to Beta test should avoid the release 6.0.

So either you are willing to participate in the new Beta test (called 6.1, will introduce Ventures again) which fixes nothing of the 6.0 bugs and the countless serious problems with the new Physics, or you have to play the 6.0 mess, because developers are busy elsewhere and ignore the bugs for now. That's because they want to press the new Ventures on us, and there still are lots of new Venture connected problems and bugs, so they are busy with this in the new Beta. Fixing the 6.0 botched release clearly comes second to this. So much for Ventures having no influence on single player game...

When at least some fixes for the problems in 6.0 will come out is everybody's guess. Egosoft does not communicate, has not yet apologized for this mess but it hell bound to implemented Ventures again (with a very mixed reception, btw.) and ignores the player base, and the bugs.

This is new - Egosoft had a good record in this regard. Well no more.

Egosoft has joined the list of Studios I do not trust enough to buy near release. From now on I may or may not buy anything from them, but surely not at release!

Well done Egosoft....

Post edited April 25, 2023 by Marilith01
New engine (6.0) fixed the long loading time. No more STALKER. :D

Oh, and hazardous zone is kinda stress and the A. I. Pathfinding should improve a little (beside the fact, that content breacking bug with boron story for some should be fixed with Hotfix 2).

I feel like the hazardous zone fits in immersion quite rightly even with A. I. Pathfinding sucks sometimes.

Whatever maybe a problem, through out the advanced (costum) start system, not many issues remains steady.

And in X4 Factions, especially with the DLC Factions feels really like an universe of races because they are quite unique. I remember X Reunion with the most unique part was to fly a khaark interceptor.

Since Cradle of Humanity X Foundations gained a lot of lore, immersion and different details.

And the fu, the best part is indeed the cut loading time. :D
Well I'm still on v5 so far, and don't have KE. But I'm super eager for it. All the issues with v5 (!!) are very off-putting though, mainly the super messy and convoluted, unintuitive UI. Previous games had so much easier UI, and I never thought I'd ever say these words. But the ship command consoles were so much easier in 3, and 2 as well if I remember. Just select ship, ONE keypress, open console. Select category. Select command. Give 1 or 2 parameters. Done. All commands had SOME kind of description. Everything was usable with single-press hotkeys at every stage! It was super easy to command ships, especially when you got the community script packs that added a few things. I could set up multiple ships one after the other, with different type of commands, within mere seconds, keyboard only. And never figured I'd miss that but here we are.
Protip: Type in "/thereshallbewings" in the chat window ("chat"? Why is it even called chat) and you'll unlock a 2nd tab, "advanced behavior", which has - drumroll - the ADD NEW COMMAND button on it, right by the list!! It also give you access to more commands, but I don't even care about that part. Why is that NEW COMMAND button not there for every ship by default...???

Anyway. Load times.
Aka, let's go get some chores done around my home times. They're quicker in v6? Damn that alone almost seems worth taking the bugs in exchange. Then again, because of the bugs I'll probably have to re-load and save a whole bunch more so it'll even out again. How did they do it? Are the saves still the same, compressed 700MB XAML files with the entire universe inside of them and they just improved the handling of them? Or did the save files themselves change?
Just came back to the game for the new version/dlc
No bugs, working well, did a bunch of missions and still developping my corp, only have some cargos constructing my HQ actually.

If you're whinning because you have lost a bunch of cargos in a hazardous area, you must have missed the point of the game itself.

And bugs ? it must be the less buggy game in the X serie. You missed version 1 of X4, when the economy was so shitty that after some gametime all spaceports were blocked due to lack of ressources.
You missed X3 when you had to micromanage most of your corporation.
HF2 fixed several severe game stoppers.

Remember that "/thereshallbewings" modifies your game so no achievements and no whatever it was called multiverse.

I see GOG still has not added HF2 Linux version.
Post edited May 03, 2023 by Themken
Now If we could only rollback to 5.10 and gog didn't delete patches.
The dock eating you alive is REALLY annoying... had it happen to me for the first time yesterday. The very low quality pathfinding sucks too. BUT the game actually runs at an acceptable level now, so I can live with it.

I just hope they'll fix it soon. 6.10 is out as of this writing but doesn't seem to meaningfully change anything according to the log on Steam.
Post edited June 28, 2023 by t-elos
t-elos: I just hope they'll fix it soon. 6.10 is out as of this writing but doesn't seem to meaningfully change anything
The current 6.20 beta has a lovely long list of fixes and lists all the problems I had with the game which I dare hope will be fixed. Some problems are design choices and if we cannot make the developers change their minds about them, there are mod(ification)s to the rescue. Improved fleet controls half promised for a later patch too but I never played enough to have large fleets.

V 6.10 only exists to allow those who played the multiverse 6.10 beta to come back to the main game.

Multiverse will be reworked again before returning, if it ever returns. Personally I care nought for it.
I have seriously bad frame hitching with my version. Just bought this game yesterday.
I wouldn't say to avoid at all cost, but in V6.10 there are some serious bugs yet. The most annoying thing for me is probably more of a design choice by the dev's, but when I drop out of auto-pilot the steering locks automatically. This causes me to crash into things, that extra second it takes to hit SHIFT-SPACE, but it is intermittent as well, so it it takes a half second to figure out if the steering is locked or not. I can't find anything in settings to over ride this behavior.The worst bug is ships sitting at the build storage dock for hours, blocking it. I had one of my L freighters sitting there and the pilot is "busy" so you can't get her to move. I destroyed the ship, then I shoved the debris away with another one, still the game thinks the dock is occupied. This bug don't affect M size freighters, so I'm transferring the wares to those and then to build storage. Now I have a freighter blocking a build storage from a different faction, same drill, transfer to M sized ships to get the wares to the builder. I had six L freighters lined up with a whole station worth of build materials sitting in a holding pattern for hours. Just a moment ago I was doing a mission (for a 2-star pilot seminar) where I was supposed to pick up some silicon, done the mission 100 times in the past, but the silicon chunks just bounce off my mining ship, can't pick up any. Wasted a half hour before aborting the mission, a shame. The issue with ships sticking inside each other seems to be mostly fixed, that was a biggie in V6.0. As for the dangerous sector between the Boron and the rest of the galaxy (something or other of darkness), that is not a bug. When you complete the mission to build a super highway system in that sector your ships pass through with no problem. The mission is not too hard and it goes pretty quick. I was a bit put off by the new location of the HQ in Heretics End at first, and I missed getting the free frigate when you free Boso Ta. My whole early game routine got messed up, but I was able to build a strong economy in Heretic's End, so this is not a big deal. There are probably some other bugs as well, but I'm still having fun playing my FAV game of all time, yes, I'm a fanboy. The Kingdom's End DLC is a must have on a count of the new Boron ships, like the Hydra (that one is a sniper), I used it to take out the engines on a couple Branch 9 Destroyers. Then I finished them off with a Oddeysious E (can't spell it) without taking a hit. That was fun. I'm sure all the bugs will be fixed soon, it's up to the individual to jump in now or wait. People should be aware of any issues before parting with the money though.
From the beta testing changelog. Version: 6.20 Beta 2 (508359) - Last updated: 2023-07-04

"Added indicator line for steering direction in mouse steering mode.
Added option to re-enable mouse steering automatically."
"Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck in loop of storing and retrieving."

If you run into a bug that noone has reported yet, it would be nice if you could report it to the Egosoft developers, thank you.
Marilith01: TL/DR: X4 V6.0 and KE DLC was pushed out much too early, other things seem to hinder bug fixing releases now, so either you live with bugs, or AVOID to buy the new DLC and AVOID to update to 6.0, if you want to play. Postpone the update and buying of the new DLC at least 2 or 3 months, watch the Forums at Egosoft, and consider again around June if the game is ready enough.

For some reason Egosoft decided this time to push out 6.0 and Kingdom End DLC, long before it was ready. - and it shows.

The 6.0 with KE is a buggy mess, ships sticking together, docks suddenly blocked (and storing your ship, which you won't get out), missions suddenly not working, and a lot of other problems. Path finding and Autopliot are actually much WORSE than before.If in doubt, just look at the Egosoft Forums, there you will find pages full of serious bugs, reported, proved and accepted, but not fixed.

What happened?

They had a long running open Beta for 6.0, but obviously needed to push out the Kingdom End DLC early, and since the DLC needs 6.0, they pushed out both, despite the fact that the Beta Test Error Reporting Forum was still very busy with a lot of new reports every day. Regardless they pushed it out, and soon it showed a lot of problems, most of them already reported and accepted in the Beta, but not addressed in the release.

It also showed that the Kingdom End DLC (not part of the open Beta) was not play tested enough and had serious bugs and problems. They introduced a new hazardous sector, where your ships will die, because while you can fly by yourself if careful, Autopilot and AI-Pilots cannot. The gruesome path finding leads them into the hazardous areas and there they die, loosing you a ship - and all the fun too.

Normally things like that can happen, and Egosoft until now has a good record of bug fixes ASAP after a release. For the 5.0 release last year they had 4 Hotixes in the first 10 days! No more..

While bug reports and confusion can be seen of the Forums they just decided to start a NEW open Beta, for something else. And do not even fix the known bugs and problems for players who participate in the NEW Beta.

And everybody else who trusted Egosoft now waits with a annoying mess of a game, where you have to be an absolute insider (often with a fairly developed save) to find the countless 'work arounds' for bugs and problems. If there are any - many things you just have to accept.

And still not even a try to fix anything - they are all busy with the new Beta, which surely WILL introduce new bugs, in addition to all the bugs from 6.0.

Many of the current troubles come from a new Physics Engine (Jolt), which should work better, but clearly does not. Ships sticking together for minutes, you cannot even drop a probe or laser tower without it sticking to you ship and hindering your movement for several seconds, auto pilot completely broken in many cases, path finding broken, and so on. It clearly is not ready!

So the 6.0 Beta was cut short, and instead of fixing the problems now they develop something else, which should have been included in the 6.0 Beta. But this would have prolonged the 6.0 Beta significantly and pushed the release date for the DLC at least a month.

If you think that by participation in the new Beta you will see bugs fixed - think again. They work on something different and the 6.0 bugs are still in and not fixed. There is NO FIXED version of 6.0. They call the new Beta 6.1, but actually it tries to add something new which WILL introduce new bugs.

In the current state X4 Foundations is not unplayable, but it is just no fun to play with this mess. There probably will be no Hotfixes, they seem to wait for 6.1 to be Beta tested, which could easily take another month, in part because the interest in the new Beta is lower and fewer people want to test, especially after buying the DLC with all its problems...

I have the game since 4.0 and all the DLC including (to my regret) Kingdom End. I downgraded to 5.1, because I do not want to use this mess. It is playable, but no fun at all. They dumped a payed Beta on us, and everybody who does not want to Beta test should avoid the release 6.0.

So either you are willing to participate in the new Beta test (called 6.1, will introduce Ventures again) which fixes nothing of the 6.0 bugs and the countless serious problems with the new Physics, or you have to play the 6.0 mess, because developers are busy elsewhere and ignore the bugs for now. That's because they want to press the new Ventures on us, and there still are lots of new Venture connected problems and bugs, so they are busy with this in the new Beta. Fixing the 6.0 botched release clearly comes second to this. So much for Ventures having no influence on single player game...

When at least some fixes for the problems in 6.0 will come out is everybody's guess. Egosoft does not communicate, has not yet apologized for this mess but it hell bound to implemented Ventures again (with a very mixed reception, btw.) and ignores the player base, and the bugs.

This is new - Egosoft had a good record in this regard. Well no more.

Egosoft has joined the list of Studios I do not trust enough to buy near release. From now on I may or may not buy anything from them, but surely not at release!

Well done Egosoft....

Yeah well, i was never a fan of this Race, but they do have some cool ships. They are the most placid of all races, X3 i like to gain faction with the Paranid and control netural sectors to run drugs, weapons & slaves from, i had a hub right in the middle of trade between certain factions that run through this netural zone i had control over, i would get help from other factions protecting my stations as they passed through, i loved the old x2 & 3 games been waiting for this game to be more complete before i played.
With 6.2 the game has become pretty sleek.