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I take my time to register, go to their technical forum, READ THE RULES to let the know about a trading bug.

This is how the guy talks

"As it says in every news article and announcement about how to access the public beta, feedback about the public beta belongs in the Public Beta Feedback forum. The rules at the top of that forum explain how to post a report, and what information you need to provide with your report in order for us to be able to do anything about it."

Condescending AF, It's funny he claims it's in the rules because that's the first place I looked. It's not in there. Double checked after, nope not there.

It's nice they treat their paying customers, that go out of the way to help them.
Post edited June 13, 2024 by SlyNine
Firstly, I am not part of Egosoft.

1. The beta forum is BELOW all other languages in its own cathegory.
2. They probably meant the specific beta forum rules posted in a sticky at the top about how and what information you must supply.

Almost always they will want information about your pc in the form of a complete dxdiag for Windows users then Vulkan info and a save and a video or pictures where needed.

Only ONE issue per post in the beta forum.

Any questions? If you have problems specific to your system you can ask for help here but game bugs only Egosoft can solve and they need information to do so.
Post edited June 14, 2024 by Themken
SlyNine: I take my time to register, go to their technical forum, READ THE RULES to let the know about a trading bug.

This is how the guy talks

"As it says in every news article and announcement about how to access the public beta, feedback about the public beta belongs in the Public Beta Feedback forum. The rules at the top of that forum explain how to post a report, and what information you need to provide with your report in order for us to be able to do anything about it."

Condescending AF, It's funny he claims it's in the rules because that's the first place I looked. It's not in there. Double checked after, nope not there.

It's nice they treat their paying customers, that go out of the way to help them.
Umm... You DID post it in the Beta forum did you?

If not - You are indeed posting that bug at the wrong place. Not only you posted it in the wrong place, but you probably have not supplied the information (as explained in the beta forum) needed to trace down that bug. It also helps if you scan that Beta forum if people have that similar bug, and if there is a patch underway, or a simple solution.

In short - Egosoft is helpful, but if you did post bugs in the wrong forum part, you will get the response you got.
And they are not unfriendly, but as a matter fact help you, and guide you to the correct place were you can find help.
SlyNine: I take my time to register, go to their technical forum, READ THE RULES to let the know about a trading bug.

This is how the guy talks

"As it says in every news article and announcement about how to access the public beta, feedback about the public beta belongs in the Public Beta Feedback forum. The rules at the top of that forum explain how to post a report, and what information you need to provide with your report in order for us to be able to do anything about it."

Condescending AF, It's funny he claims it's in the rules because that's the first place I looked. It's not in there. Double checked after, nope not there.

It's nice they treat their paying customers, that go out of the way to help them.
English is not their first language which I believe could be why they sound so abrupt at times. (they're German). It's rubbed me up the wrong way too at times.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by Socratatus