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I feel very stupid. But I just cannot get to SOFPLUS work. I download sofplus-client-patch-20140531-gog-kb4571756. Using latest GOG galaxy version. So what is the correct way to install this patch? I moved zip file into game install directory, extract and looking at instructions it says to use sofplus-client-patch.cmd. And still no wide screen options :/
cookeris: I feel very stupid. But I just cannot get to SOFPLUS work. I download sofplus-client-patch-20140531-gog-kb4571756. Using latest GOG galaxy version. So what is the correct way to install this patch? I moved zip file into game install directory, extract and looking at instructions it says to use sofplus-client-patch.cmd. And still no wide screen options :/
Yeah so you download the patch, unzip, and place the files in the SOF folder, then run the .cmd...

This will then create another zip you need to extract, and then copy those files into the SOF folder as well

I don't know if this might help anyone but I have to launch the .exe from a copy for it to work, although it often doesn't work the first time, and I find I have to launch SoF.exe and then SoF - Copy.exe a few times one after the other to finally get the game to load xD
cookeris: I feel very stupid. But I just cannot get to SOFPLUS work. I download sofplus-client-patch-20140531-gog-kb4571756. Using latest GOG galaxy version. So what is the correct way to install this patch? I moved zip file into game install directory, extract and looking at instructions it says to use sofplus-client-patch.cmd. And still no wide screen options :/
OMGitsKilo: Yeah so you download the patch, unzip, and place the files in the SOF folder, then run the .cmd...

This will then create another zip you need to extract, and then copy those files into the SOF folder as well

I don't know if this might help anyone but I have to launch the .exe from a copy for it to work, although it often doesn't work the first time, and I find I have to launch SoF.exe and then SoF - Copy.exe a few times one after the other to finally get the game to load xD
I finally got working thanks to you :D I did not need to do your last tip :) Anyway, thanks again.
DOSBoot83: Thanks for the update!

Out of curiosity - has anyone had an issue with the second .zip file? Every time I try to unpack it I get an error that says it's corrupted. I've tried unzipping it with the Win10 extractor, 7-Zip, and WinRAR - no dice.

V9qBs2nj: Did you use for generating

I have tested the patch on these installed versions and they all produce correct results:
- setup_soldier_of_fortune_1.07f_(23628).exe
- setup_soldier_of_fortune_1.07f_(23628).exe + patch_soldier_of_fortune_1.07F_(23627)_to_1.07F_hotfix_(54919).exe
- setup_soldier_of_fortune_1.07f_hotfix_(54919).exe
- GOG Galaxy (installed a few days ago)

If you can email me ( the corrupt zip file, I will investigate.
No matter what I use, even directly from your link, the zip file generated by the .cmd file is corrupt or has an 'unexpected end of archive' error. Very frustrating. Why is this system so obtuse? I've patched dozens of games on here that never required so bizarre a system.,,
I think it is a checksum mismatch because of the way the zip file is filled/created. It is done manually, on top of a pre-existing zip with different checksums. If it works, you should try to ignore the errors.
I'm using the GoG version and no matter what SoFplus file I use the .cmd file doesn't work and just crashes whenever i run it.
JackSta117: I'm using the GoG version and no matter what SoFplus file I use the .cmd file doesn't work and just crashes whenever i run it.
Same, this is VERY annoying. And there's no telling if anyone will fix it. Apathy is a pain in the rear.
Post edited April 16, 2024 by MiG21bisFishbedL