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I am a huge fan of the Myst series and have played all the games multiple times. I was so excited when FIRMAMENT was introduced. Then I discovered they designed it so it required an upgraded graphic card. I would have to replace the Intl 4600 graphic card on one of my 4 laptops in order to play the game.... not going to happen. I also prefer mouse rather than keyboard controls. Sorry Cyan World but I think you lost a lot of old time Myst lovers . . . including me. Comments?
You might as well have stated that they should have released it for the Commodore 64. I'm not sure why you feel like any games must release according to your terms and no other, execept for they aged too much, and you don't want them to have.

Don't upgrade, don't play it. Those are your terms in reality. Sorry to tell you. Cyan has a full understanding of what that means as does everyone else who makes games. Most who play games also knows what it means.
Post edited December 01, 2023 by spivant