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djdarko: djdarko


IMPORTANT 1 -> If you install ASUS ARMOURY CRATE to control FANs or RGB LEDs, there's a blocking processus conflicting DX2.EXE and IT'S PERSISTENT SERVICE.... SO u will never can "kill" it with this method... AND i'm Sorry but you can't run DXIW & ASUS ARMOURY CRATE together atm, i never found solution even with ASUS support, as DXIW is old and not supported anymore.

djdarko method should work for all other softwares & is best method so far !!

... voilà.

So you will probably have to uninstall ARMOURY CRATE... (use ASUS ARMOURY CRATE Uninstaller for your motherboard / Support...)

You can replace ARMOURY CRATE for FANS with : Libre Hardware Monitor. (setup CPU max fan speed to 45%)

For LED, there're LED apps for this, search on internet... (SignalRGB, etc...)


IMPORTANT 2 -> when i uninstalled ARMOURY CRATE last time, last month... IT NEVER WORKED ANYMORE on Windows 11 when reinstalling it... interface loading forever & bugued... after digging, contacting ASUS etc.., i RE-INIT'ed (like format..) my PC & ARMOURY CRATE worked again. (Not DXIW...)

It's a choice... it's JUST A WARNING !!


i'm backupping my system with AOMEI atm.. & gonna try a last trick, surely in vain...

"asus framework.exe" is the stupid ASUS' exe blocking dx2main.exe .... (gonna rename it in .bak lol & see if ARMOURY CRATE is annoying more..)


i will edit eventually, but gonna run DXIW without ASUS' soft sh*ty...

tried al this... one or what...

-> What worked for me is uninstalling ARMOURY CRATE....



launched DXIW without Armoury Crate then reinstalled ARMOURY CRATE and now it works, both together.
Post edited February 26, 2023 by 4n7_MK2
I own DXIW since a ferw weeks ago, when I bought all DX games from GOG because of a good offer with a lot of discount.

As an ASUS ROG owner (running everything in my rig with a ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090), I encountered the black screen issue, and thanks to this thread, I discovered it was Armoury Crate's fault. To be honest, I tried to uninstall it, and re-install the whole software. For one time it worked! I was so happy, but at next re-start of my PC, everything went back to 'normal' (that is, black screen issue... again).

Anyway, I was ready to give up and play the game elsewhere (like my 2017 Retina 27" iMac with an AMD Radeon Pro 580, running Windows 10 Pro x64 under Bootcamp) but then discovered a workaround: I installed DXIW in a Virtual Machine (which I use to run 'old' Windows XP software in some cases) running my exact copy of Windows 10 Pro x64, and, guess what? DXIW is working just superfine!
Since there is no software whatsoever like Armoury Crate running in the background, nor everything else for that matter AFAIK, the game is running perfectly.

Just wanted to point this out.
As long as the virtual machine environment (like Oracle Virtual Box, I guess) supports hardware acceleration, sseems to me that this result can be achieved with different VM software around.

Happy Deus-Ex... ing!
Post edited March 17, 2024 by MacCekko
I had been using Visual Upgrade Patch but still had some graphics problems.
What helped for me was DXVK

Just download archive dxvk-2.3.tar.gz . Open with 7zip or winrar and go to x32 and copy d3d9.dll to where deus ex invisible war exe is located
HG1995: I had been using Visual Upgrade Patch but still had some graphics problems.
What helped for me was DXVK

Just download archive dxvk-2.3.tar.gz . Open with 7zip or winrar and go to x32 and copy d3d9.dll to where deus ex invisible war exe is located
Yes! You helped me! Thank you so much (and for the instructions on how to 'install' the files, as well)!
Now the game is working fine, for what I can see (just tried to load a couple of saved games, full screen at 4K)!
I used the files from the link you provided and they did the job! Thanks, man!!