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So, I'm trying the problematic Lucko pursuit, and I'm running into some odd things.

Here's what happens:

1) I follow Lucko out of the first area. I follow him to the second area as he's in the transition zone. This works about 50% of the time.
2) In the second zone, I follow him up the elevator and into the third. 100% success.
3) In the third, I follow him through the Casinox until he gets on the grav path.

Here's where things break. No matter what I do, he's never in the next area - I've lost him, I guess. When I try to continue on into the Anachronox Tours area (where I recall he's going), on the assumption you just don't see him in this small area, I get an instant Party Died message.

Any clues on how to do this?
Is this the Gog version you are using? As far as I know Gog fixed this.

If not try using '\' or '/' (one of the two) to speed up your game to get over that transition.
Yup. GoG version. So not as fixed as thought, I guess.

Using the Backslask trick worked, though.
Post edited March 20, 2012 by jpublic
jpublic: Yup. GoG version. So not as fixed as thought, I guess.

Using the Backslask trick worked, though.
Drop them an email just to let them know then, I think they'd want to know. Glad you got passed it though.
Tormentfan: Is this the Gog version you are using? As far as I know Gog fixed this.

If not try using '\' or '/' (one of the two) to speed up your game to get over that transition.
That is... surprising. We will look into it. In the meantime, the "\" speed up during transitions should make it work.
I have this problem too (party killed in battled following Lucko). My english it's a little poor and i don't understand exactly the solution, can someone explain me in detail what i have to do?

Thank you very much, this problem is making me a lot of headache, because i really liking the game...
Could you maybe explain a bit more in depth how to get the \ trick to work? I'm having the exact same issue and when I get to the bit where he disappears I went ahead and held the backslash, Lucko still never showed up, so I went to the Anachronox Tours area (continuing to hold \) and still get the party died message.
Same response.
Churchy: Could you maybe explain a bit more in depth how to get the \ trick to work? I'm having the exact same issue and when I get to the bit where he disappears I went ahead and held the backslash, Lucko still never showed up, so I went to the Anachronox Tours area (continuing to hold \) and still get the party died message.
The \ key speeds up the game. Hold it down and then make the transition from one area to the other.
I also noticed this, but not in a game-breaking way:
The level transitions take too long and the guy you follow gets too much of a head start.

Did not know that you can speed that up with "\"-key, great find!
Same problem here. Any solutions to this?
sikakraa: Same problem here. Any solutions to this?
Try the speed-up key (\), this seems to fix it for most people
Tried the speed-up key (about 5 different ways), but it didn't work. It seems the problem occured when going to the first grav path. After that Lucko always dissappeared.

This may have happened, because I went to junkyard (unnecessarily), just to search the area. I tried loading my autosaves and the nearest to Lucko always made the game crash to desktop.

The much older autosave worked and didn't crash (before getting the job from Grumpo), so I did the whole thing again and this time it worked.
I'm at my wit's end with this quest. Lucko always vanishes during the transition to the platform area. Tried the backslash trick over and over again with no luck. Also used cpukiller to slow down my cpu 90%. The game ran so slow it was almost unplayable, but Lucko still got away!

***Took me 3 days, but I finally got past it. Assuming it was the backslash that did it. Guess you gotta time it exactly right. After all of that...this game better rock!
Post edited September 21, 2013 by TallVenusian
Oh man, started playing this game not so long ago, and have now come up to the well known Lucko bug. Have tried slowing my CPU by 80-99%, holding down the \ key while I change the grav walkway, and even waiting for the "you are too far away" message before changing levels at the grav walkway, but nothing. Really getting on my nerves ;-;

Hopefully more tries will solve this problem.

EDIT: Holy jesus, finally managed to do it. Read somewhere that you can get around this bug by failing the quest right after you loose him at the grav walkway, following which you go back to the start of the quest and redo it. Also while I was doing the quest for the 2nd time I had the \ key always pushed, so that might have helped somehow as well.
Post edited August 10, 2014 by ANTALIFE