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Victoria 3 Guide

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Victoria 3: Finances - money, gold reserves Victoria 3 guide

Proper management of finances guarantees continuous development in the game Victoria 3. On this page of the guide we describe how the financial system works, what is the weekly balance, national debt, gold reserves and how to declare bankruptcy.

Last update: 28 October 2022

This page of our guide covers finances and your treasury. We explain how to avoid falling into debt and increase your state's income.

Weekly Balance

Your expenses and incomes are all calculated weekly and represented as Balance - Victoria 3: Finances - money, gold reserves - Basics - Victoria 3 Guide

Your expenses and incomes are all calculated weekly and represented as Balance. Depending on the result, the total amount will be added to Gold Reserves or to Default.

This means your financial activities also work weekly. You can make several investments at once, which will affect the weekly balance. If it ends up negative, the missing funds will be taken from your gold reserves. When your treasury runs dry, your country will start falling into debt.

Simply put, if your weekly income is higher than your expenses, you'll save up money for later. If it's lower, your Default will increase.

Gold Reserves

There's a cap to your gold reserves - Victoria 3: Finances - money, gold reserves - Basics - Victoria 3 Guide

There's a cap to your gold reserves. Once you exceed it, only part of your funds will end up in your treasury, with the rest being irretrievably lost. For example: if you go past the cap and your balance is £5,000, only £1,000 will be sent to the reserves - the remaining £4,000 is lost.

This means hoarding money is not worth it. Spend it on buildings which can improve the standard of living, develop the economy or the army.


If your weekly balance is negative and your gold reserves are empty, each expense increases your Default - Victoria 3: Finances - money, gold reserves - Basics - Victoria 3 Guide

If your weekly balance is negative and your gold reserves are empty, each expense increases your Default. This means you're spending the savings of the buildings in your state. The number and type of constructed buildings influences how indebted can you get. You can check the available amount in the Budget section of the Assets tab.

Sometimes you might be better off taking a loan in order to enhance the economy or solve a crisis. Treat it as a potentially profitable investment, since the base interest rate isn't too high.

Going over your Remaining Credit will get you in trouble, though. Another country may end up taking over the debt and making claims against you.

More information on saving and earning can be found on the page How to get more money?.


If you completely run out of options, you can cancel your debt by declaring bankruptcy - Victoria 3: Finances - money, gold reserves - Basics - Victoria 3 Guide

If you completely run out of options, you can cancel your debt by declaring bankruptcy. This is a last resort with severe consequences:

  1. You lose all building gold reserves.
  2. Pops with shares in buildings become unhappy, lowering the living standard and increasing the number of radicals.
  3. For 10 years your troops receive a 50% decrease to their offensive and defensive power.
  4. For 10 years you receive a 50% decrease to construction efficiency in the administrative area.
  5. For 10 years you'll earn only half the Prestige points.
  6. For 10 years the loan's interest rate receives a 50% increase.

To declare bankruptcy, enter the Budget tab, choose the Assets panel and lick Declare Bankruptcy.

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