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News video games 03 August 2020, 21:32

author: Paul Wozniak

Larry Laffer Will be Charming Women in New Game

Crazy Bunch has just announced another game in a series of popular adventure game series - Leisure Suit Larry. The new installment, Wet Dreams Dry Twice, will launch later this year. This title can already be pre-ordered.

Larry the womanizer is back.

In 2018, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry, a sequel of the popular adventure game series in which the players once again had the opportunity to play as Larry, a not very successful skirt-chaser, was released on PC. Today, the game's devs at Crazy Bunch announced a sequel. Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice will hit PC on October 15, this year; the title can already be added to the wish list on Steam and pre-ordered on for $24.58 (with a 20% discount).