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News video games 09 June 2024, 11:50

author: Jacob Blazewicz

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred With Exact Release Date. Darkness and Hatred on Opening Cinematic of First DLC

A brutal trailer for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred revealed when Blizzard's hack'n'slash will receive the announced feature expansion.

Source: Blizzard Entertainment / Microsoft.

The dark cinematic trailer for the Vessel of Hatred expansion for Diablo 4 enhanced the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 stream and the game's first anniversary. The video, which clearly appealed to fans, was presented during an event organized by Microsoft. You can view it below, but be cautioned: this isn't gentle material.

The devs revealed the exact release date of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred : October 8. The expansion is already available for pre-order.

Blizzard is preparing additional new features for the 5th season following a successful debut of the 4th season (or rather the new loot system). The expansion is also intended to encourage people to play, introducing many new features. These were discussed in the entry published on the official Blizzard blog.

The main attractions of Vessel of Hatred will include a new hero class (spiritualist) and another chapter in the story of Diablo 4. This will focus on the fate of Neirely after the events of the base game campaign and the next hellish ruler: Mephisto. The plot will focus on a new vast region, covered with jungles of Nahanta.

Players of Diablo 4 will receive a variety of complimentary bonuses, including special cosmetic items and the anniversary edition of the Blessing of the Mother event, to celebrate the game's birthday. So, in short, a bonus to the gold acquired and experience. Until June 19, players will gain experience 25% faster, and gold 50% faster.

Jacob Blazewicz

Jacob Blazewicz

Graduated with a master's degree in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw with a thesis dedicated to this very subject. Started his adventure with in 2015, writing in the Newsroom and later also in the film and technology sections (also contributed to the Encyclopedia). Interested in video games (and not only video games) for years. He began with platform games and, to this day, remains a big fan of them (including Metroidvania). Also shows interest in card games (including paper), fighting games, soulslikes, and basically everything about games as such. Marvels at pixelated characters from games dating back to the time of the Game Boy (if not older).
