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News video games 17 December 2021, 13:18

author: Miriam Moszczynska

Battlefield 2042 Free Weekend - EA Does Everything It Can to Attract Players

Battlefield 2042 isn't doing too well. The game will be available on Steam for free this weekend. This move is supposed to convince new players to give EA's game a shot.

  1. Battlefield 2042 will be available for free on Steam from December 16-20;
  2. Players are not hiding their disappointment, but they are also not surprised by the publisher's decision.

Battlefield 2042 was definitely not one of the best launches of the year, and gamers don't necessarily want to play it. As you can see, this situation is getting worse for Electronic Arts, which is why publisher decided to make the game available for free for a few days.

As one player noted on Reddit, Battlefield 2042's tab on Steam displays a banner informing about a free weekend, which will last from December 16 to 20. If you don't see anything strange in this, remember that this year's BF came out just a month ago.

As you might expect, the comments under the Reddit post quickly reached the boiling point. Players unanimously stated that this is a desperate attempt to attract players to a mostly negatively reviewed game.

"That’s what you get for destroying a good series," wrote MezZo_Mix under the post

They wanted to pander to the Fortnite audience because they saw how much money Epic was raking in. Which in turn created a substandard product that neither the Battlefield players nor the Fortnite players want, because it's not doing a great job at being either game, "wrote OSRS_Satriani under the post

"The free weekend will drive new players away once they try it. Game is just another built-from-the-battlepass-up piece of garbage. This is how AAA games work now. They launch a barely viable amount of content game that is more of a beta," wrote Squirting_Nachos under the post

In the end, however, it's important to note that it's not exactly like EA left the underdeveloped and bug-riddled game for dead. Battlefield 2042 has already received several major updates - the latest of which appeared on December 9.